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Incorporating Library readings in Moodle. What the Library Digitised Readings Service can do for you How to embed the links that we send you How to create.

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Presentation on theme: "Incorporating Library readings in Moodle. What the Library Digitised Readings Service can do for you How to embed the links that we send you How to create."— Presentation transcript:

1 Incorporating Library readings in Moodle

2 What the Library Digitised Readings Service can do for you How to embed the links that we send you How to create robust links to e-resources that will work both within and outside College N.B. Existing Library Digitised Readings links (currently held in Blackboard) will continue to work in MOODLE, you need to migrate them across. This training session will cover…

3 In order to cope with demand, this service is restricted to essential/key readings ONLY. The service is provided by the Library under CLA Licence to digitise resources that are NOT available in electronic format: Scanning has to be done by the Library One chapter of a book or no more than 5% of the book, whichever is the greater One article from a journal issue Where we have the resource in electronic format you will be sent a link to that resource - be it a chapter in an e-book/ article in an e-journal. Digitised Readings Service

4 Can we obtain electronic copies of book chapters and journals not owned by the College Library? Yes, provided we can obtain them from the BL under the terms of the licence. Can we scan an urgent chapter for next week’s lecture? No – we do not offer a scanning-on-demand service. Why have I been sent a scan from a later edition of the book than the one specified on my reading list? Under the terms of the licence we are supposed to scan from the latest edition of any given title. Digitised Readings Service

5 Deadlines for 2012/13 Deadline to submit requests for use in the Autumn term is 29th June 2012 Deadline to submit requests for use in the Spring term is 2nd November 2012 Deadline to submit requests for use in the Summer term is 1st March 2013. Requests for digitised readings can be made at any time, though to guarantee readings are available when needed during busy periods such as the beginning of term, requests should be submitted 2-3 months prior to the date required. Deadlines for this service

6 If you would like to order new readings for Moodle, please contact your Subject Librarian and ensure you supply the following information:Subject Librarian Module title and module code The start and end date Full citation details The email address to which you would like the links sent, especially if it is not a standard one Submitting a request

7 If you are planning to re-use digitised readings from a previous year in same course or a different course, please inform the Digitisation Team: giving the name and module code of the source of the original readings and details of the module the readings will be re-used This information has to be reported to the CLA. Re-using Blackboard scans in Moodle

8 If you have submitted a reading list which includes electronic journal articles as essential readings we will create stable links for you to embed into Moodle. The reading list will be returned to you with the hyperlinks embedded in a Word document highlighted in pink. If you have submitted a reading list which includes book chapters as essential readings, we will send you an Excel spreadsheet containing details of the scans and hyperlinks/urls to embed into Moodle. What happens next?

9 How you choose to display the links sent to you is your decision but we recommend: If we are returning a reading list with links to e-journals embedded in it upload the Word document in its entirety as a file. If you are embedding any of the links as individual items, make sure you change the setting so that the reading opens up in a new window. There is a quick video that show you how to embed digitised readings links at: ROZpAXGr ROZpAXGr Embedding links

10 Embedding links sent

11 NB: we only create stable links to essential e- journal articles. You can create more, if you like, but from our experience, it is better from an information literacy point of view to get students to find the articles directly by accessing the eLibrary than to put links into Moodle. When creating links to the Library’s e-resources they need to work properly both on and off campus and we will now show you how this is done. How to create links to Library’s e-resources

12 Embedding links sent

13 We have documentation on how to best deal with some of the different suppliers’ platforms that give access to our e- journals. (Available from the Moodle homepage?) Quick video on how to create a link to an article in an e- journal: 417965_5-tid_oianzAev 417965_5-tid_oianzAev Quick video on how to create link to our e-books: ROZpAXGr ROZpAXGr How to create links to Library’s e-resources

14 Any questions?

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