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Course Goals: The mission of Spring Hill College states, “…we strive to awaken mind and spirit to the pursuit of truth and an ever-deepening appreciation.

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Presentation on theme: "Course Goals: The mission of Spring Hill College states, “…we strive to awaken mind and spirit to the pursuit of truth and an ever-deepening appreciation."— Presentation transcript:


2 Course Goals: The mission of Spring Hill College states, “…we strive to awaken mind and spirit to the pursuit of truth and an ever-deepening appreciation of the beauty of creation.” One means of appreciating such beauty is by carefully studying the physical universe. As the first paragraph of our text states, “The beauty of physics lies in the simplicity of its fundamental theories and in the manner in which just a small number of basic concepts, equations, and assumptions can alter and expand our view of the world around us.” Physics is an experimental science based on controlled observations and the synthesis of these observations into well-defined, self-consistent mathematical constructions (theories) consistent with all observations. Physics involves the quantitative analysis of physical interactions of matter on widely varying length and time scales, from small to huge numbers of interacting constituents (electrons, atoms, molecules, galaxies, etc.). A fundamental goal of physics is to provide a quantitative understanding of the elementary rules at work in our universe. The primary goal of the physics sequence is to give the student a unified view of physics. This is accomplished by studying the basic principles of classical physics, their mathematical representations, experimental methods of verification, and their limitations. Emphasis of the lecture component is placed on understanding and applying the basic principles of physics in the form of problem solving.

3 PHY 221 and PHY 213 are the first of a two-semester sequence in Physics. The course covers Newtonian mechanics and includes kinematics in one and two dimensions, Newton’s laws of motion, work, energy, momentum, rotation of rigid bodies, gravitation, and oscillatory motion. Course Objectives: After completion of PHY 221 and the accompanying laboratory PHY 213 students will be able to - demonstrate a clear understanding of classical mechanics, - demonstrate problem-solving skills, - demonstrate the proper use of scientific words, both in writing and orally, - demonstrate skills in measuring physical quantities, - demonstrate the ability to record, interpret, and express the results of laboratory experiments in a clear and concise laboratory report, - demonstrate the ability to use the following computer programs: Fit Kit, Math Cad, Precision Timer, Data Monitor and Power Amplifier. Course Description: PHY 221 and PHY 213 are organized around a basic principle – Education for the common good of the global community.







10 Laboratory component



13 What is Physics? The study of the physical universe in terms of its composition (constituents) and their interactions. - Of what is our “world” made (static properties)? - How do they interact? Are there many ways of interacting or just a few? What are the rules? (Are there rules?) - What exactly is Motion (dynamics)? What makes things move? Goal - A Predictive understanding of our world. (Fundamentally not why but how?). Tools - Measurement/Experiments !!! - Mathematics and Thinking

14 Branches of Physics (Theoretical and Experimental) Where do physicists work and what do they do? What is the typical professional training for a physicist? What is Physics (cont’d)? Physics as the basic science Historical development of Physics- from “slow”, “large” moving objects to “tiny” And “fast” moving objects. Measurement, hypotheses, interpretation, theory - High Energy - Condensed Matter (semiconductors, nanoscale devices, etc) - Astrophysics and Cosmology - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics - Nuclear - Biophysics -Range of validity of theory

15 Chapter 1: Introduction and Vectors How many air molecules are there in the room? How many cells are in our body? What is the difference between mass and weight? How many stars are in our galaxy (if you know its mass)? What is the speed limit in m/s on Old Shell Road? What are vectors used to describe? Some questions we will try to answer!

16 Chapter 1: Introduction and Vectors Fundamental Physical Quantities: All physical measurements are expressed in terms of Length, Mass and Time! SI units (m, kg, s) Typical length and mass values for a person, cell or atom? Mass versus Weight? Derived quantities: Areas, volumes, density, speed, energy, force, … Dimensional Analysis: a consistency check!

17 - Order of Magnitude Calculations Total # of cells in a human ? # neurons in our brain ? Gasoline usage and total US taxes? - Coordinate Systems Cartesian, Polar, Spherical - Significant Figures A number should be stated to the precision with which it is measured: 3 +/- 1, 2.5352 +/- 0.0006 - Dimensional Analysis/Conversion of Units

18 Vectors and Scalars Geometric Description Component Description (choose a coordinate system) Definitions: distance, displacement, unit vectors, dot product (scalar product), vector product Vector Addition, Subtraction Vector Multiplication Vector Fields, Vector Calculus

19 Some applications of vectors (magnitude and direction)… (MIT) Gravity Electromagnetism Wind, Waves

20 Quick Chapter 1 Questions (1) Suppose 2 quantities A and B have different physical units (“dimensions”). Determine which of the following operations could be physically meaningful ? (a) A + B (b) A/B (c) B – A (d) AB (2) Can the magnitude of a particle’s displacement be greater than the distance traveled? (3) Which of the following are vectors and which are not: force, temperature, volume of water in a can, ratings on a tv show, height of a building, age of the universe? (4) A vector A lies in the xy plane. For what orientations of A will both components be negative? Opposite signs? (5) A book is moved around the perimeter of a 1m by 2m table. If it ends up where it started what is its displacement? The distance it traveled?

21 Quick Chapter Questions (cont’d) (6) If the component of a vector A along the direction of a vector B is zero, what can you conclude about the two vectors? (7) Can the magnitude of a vector have a negative value? (8) Under what circumstances would a nonzero vector lying in the xy plane have components that are equal in magnitude? Some computer- generated vector fields

22 Chapter 1: Introduction and Vectors Homework Problems 3, 8, 37,38,41,45,52, 64,65

23 Chapter 2: Motion in 1D What is the difference between speed, average velocity, instantaneous velocity, instantaneous speed? What is the “speed” of light versus the speed of sound? How do we use this to estimate how far away a storm is? What is constant acceleration? Non-constant acceleration? How do we predict the motion of an object undergoing constant acceleration? Is the universe accelerating? How would you measure this?? Some questions we will try to answer!

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