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Continuity of Care for the Medical Student Interested in Family Medicine Kathryn Chappelle, M.A. William Toffler, M.D. Shawn Blanchard, M.D. Ana Hilde,

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Presentation on theme: "Continuity of Care for the Medical Student Interested in Family Medicine Kathryn Chappelle, M.A. William Toffler, M.D. Shawn Blanchard, M.D. Ana Hilde,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Continuity of Care for the Medical Student Interested in Family Medicine Kathryn Chappelle, M.A. William Toffler, M.D. Shawn Blanchard, M.D. Ana Hilde, MS4 STFM Predoc 2007 Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine

2 OVERVIEW OF OHSU STUDENT EXPOSURE TO FAMILY MEDICINE  Summer ObservershipYear 1  Rural Family Medicine ExperienceYear 2  Principles of Clinical MedicineYears 1 & 2  Careers in Medicine / Specialty TalksYear 2  Rural Community Health ClerkshipYear 3  Family Medicine ClerkshipYear 3  Count-Down to ResidencyYears 3 & 4  Family Medicine SubinternshipYear 4  Fourth-Year FM ElectivesYear 4  Family Medicine Interest GroupYears 1 - 4

3 SUMMER OBSERVERSHIP  Before medical school begins  Rural family physicians  1 full-day orientation  7 days on-site experience  Exposes participants to family medicine  Identifies students interested in family and/or rural medicine YEAR 1

4 RURAL FM EXPERIENCE  Summer after 1 st year of medical school  Rural family physicians  Individual matches according to preferences  7 + days on-site experience  1 elective credit towards graduation  Exposes participants to family medicine  Identifies students interested in family and/or rural practice YEAR 2

5 PRINCIPLES OF CLINICAL MEDICINE  Required full-year course  Patient-centered curriculum  1/2 day per week small-group teaching  1/2 day per week continuity preceptorship  1 year with FP or Gen. Internist  1 year with 3 specialists  66% of students with family physicians over course of 2 years YEARS 1 & 2

6 CAREERS IN MEDICINE PROGRAM AND SPECIALTY TALKS  Opportunities for FM visibility and influence  Careers in Medicine: Faculty advisors  Specialty talks: Elective with 40% of class  Opportunity to present FM favorability  Opportunity to oversee presentations of other specialties  Opportunity to get to know students, their priorities, and correct misperceptions YEAR 2

7 RURAL COMMUNITY HEALTH CARE CLERKSHIP  Required 5-week rotation  Rural Primary Care sites  Family Practice (82%)  Internal Medicine (9%)  Pediatrics (9%) YEAR 3

8 FAMILY MEDICINE CLERKSHIP  Required 5-week rotation  28 hrs per week with community preceptor  1 week on inpatient service with FM residents  Required Thursday learning activities  Common Clinical Problem Seminars  Patient Management Rounds  Family Medicine Chairman Sessions  OSCE  Videotaped Interactions  Final Exam based on required text YEAR 3

9 FAMILY MEDICINE SUBINTERNSHIP  Elective 4-week rotation  50% inpatient, 50% outpatient experience  Students given opportunity to perform at level of incoming Family Medicine Intern  Four locations: OHSU + 3 community residencies YEAR 4

10 4 th YEAR FAMILY MEDICINE ELECTIVES  Away rotations  Rural Family Medicine elective  Palliative care/Hospice elective  Oral health elective  Public health elective YEAR 4


12 FAMILY MEDICINE INTEREST GROUP Opportunities for involvement in all 4 years  Current membership: 30% of OHSU student body.  Steering Committee meetings  Noontime presentations on family medicine topics  FMIG newsletters, e-mails, website, and bulletin boards  Meet the Docs Dinner  Post-Interview Dinner  Third-Year Potluck Dinners at beginning of rotations YEAR 1 - 4

13 FAMILY MEDICINE INTEREST GROUP Opportunities for involvement in all 4 years (cont)  Ward Walks  Baby Beeper program  Tar Wars  College Outreach Program  State Academy Meeting  National Conference of Family Practice Residents and Medical Students YEAR 1 - 4

14 COUNTDOWN TO RESIDENCY  For students applying to Family Medicine  Four “How-to” Workshops (April - October)  Curriculum Vitae  Personal Statements  Letters of Recommendation  Interviewing Skills  Post-Interview Dinner  Graduation Mentor Dinner YEARS 3 & 4


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