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7 th grade HAG/AG Language Arts.  Language Arts/Social Studies overlap  Complex reading material (nonfiction, primary source documents, data analysis)

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Presentation on theme: "7 th grade HAG/AG Language Arts.  Language Arts/Social Studies overlap  Complex reading material (nonfiction, primary source documents, data analysis)"— Presentation transcript:

1 7 th grade HAG/AG Language Arts

2  Language Arts/Social Studies overlap  Complex reading material (nonfiction, primary source documents, data analysis)  Novels related to social studies concepts  In-class novel (assigned read) PLUS independent read (student choice on same theme).  Presentation support  Writing content support  Classes combined at times (Media Center or Mrs. Haas’s room)

3  Mrs. Flanagan’s Website  Edmodo  Google/Gmail/GoogleDrive  Technology Tools Link/Programming

4  We will begin the year with a Grammar Pretest (September 2 nd )  Grammar Independent Study Packet – One section per week  Grammar minilessons on Friday  Quiz assessment

5  Please take assignment if you need one!  Due September 5th.  New to Hanes? See me!  Questions?

6  Combined Language Arts/Social Studies notebook.  One composition book is needed for Language Arts. This is where you will record structured notes AND respond to journal prompts. (See Interactive Student Notebook guide!)  Interactive Student Notebook checked periodically.


8  Warning  Student Conference  Parent Conference  Referral

9  Who we are  Where we are in place in time  How we express ourselves  How the world works  How we organize ourselves  Sharing the planet

10  An exploration of the nature of the self; of our beliefs and values; of personal, physical, mental, social, and spiritual health; of our families, friends, communities, and cultures; of our rights and responsibilities; of what it means to be human.  Close reading strategies  Text analysis  Presentation analysis (TED talks)

11  An exploration of our orientation in place and time; of our personal histories; of history and geography from local and global perspectives; of our homes and journeys; of the discoveries, explorations, and migrations of humankind; of the contributions of individuals and civilizations.  Primary source analysis  Author’s craft  Story elements (how do they interact?)

12  An exploration of the ways in which we discover and express our nature, ideas, feelings, beliefs, and values through language and the arts.  A study of PERSPECTIVE  Close reading (TED talk transcript)  Literary/Poetry Devices  Narrative writing

13  An exploration of the physical and material worlds; of natural and human-made phenomena; of the world of science and technology.  Developing strong, researchable questions  RESEARCH (EasyBib)

14  An exploration of human systems and communities; of the world of work, its nature, and its value; of employment and unemployment and their impact on us and the world around us.  Textual analysis/textual support  Argumentative Writing  Debate

15  An exploration of our rights and responsibilities as we strive to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; of communities and of the relationships within and between them.  Inquiry project  Presentation skills  Problem/solution writing

16  Today, we will complete the FIRST ASSIGNMENT in your Independent Student Notebook!  Step 1: Skip the front of the first page. That’s right, leave it blank. I’ll explain later.  Step 2: Turn the page. You should now have two blank pages, side by side.  Step 3: On the RIGHT side, you’ll take notes (you’ll see on the next slide).  Step 4: On the LEFT side, you’ll APPLY those notes to an assignment.

17  After viewing these two videos, write a few sentences about what you saw (I’ll give you two minutes!):  Video 1: LSU HARLEM SHAKELSU HARLEM SHAKE  Video 2: PLANKINGPLANKING

18 Now, I’m going to show you two more videos. After the videos, I’d like you to think about what ALL these videos say about WHO WE ARE as a society.


20 I’d like you to think about what these videos say about WHO WE ARE as a society. What do we value? What defines us? Think DEEP – try and generate a list of at LEAST 20 responses.

21 You drive up to the window at Starbucks to find that the person in front of you has paid for your drink (yes, you can drive…move on). What are you feelings about this act?

22 You’ve just witnessed a line of cars in front of you, all of whom had drinks paid for by the car in front of them. The line gets to you, and you’re informed that the guy in front of you “broke the chain.” How do you feel about this guy? What are your thoughts about this action?

23 What might have influenced the decision of the guy who “broke the chain”?

24  Pay it Forward? Pay it Forward?

25  What is PERSPECTIVE?  How does it differ from POINT OF VIEW?  In this situation, when you consider the PERSPECTIVE of the “chain-breaker,” how does it impact your perception of the situation?  Is there a lesson we can take from this? What is it?

26  For today’s activity, you will work in groups of 5 or 6.  You will investigate one of the six themes of the school year and create a poster that reflects your understanding.  Your group will earn a participation grade of 30 points for the activity.  Each time I have to redirect you, you lose two points, so STAY FOCUSED!

27  How do SOCIAL STUDIES and LANGUAGE ARTS contribute to WHO WE ARE? How do both have the power to influence, support, and/or change WHO WE ARE? (Finish for Homework.)


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