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Quiz Video Warm up Video 1 Video 2.

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1 Quiz

2 Video Warm up Video 1 Video 2

3 Physics Honors AB –Day 04/11/16-04/12/16 Intro to Oscillations and Waves

4 Agenda Periodic Motion Simple Harmonic Motion The pendulum Resonance Wave properties

5 Does anybody know what happened to this bridge? Tacoma Narrows Bridge

6 Periodic Motion is any motion that repeats itself

7 Simple Harmonic Motion is an oscillation from a restoring Force

8 Simple Harmonic Motion – S.H.M.

9 Example Problem A 0.22 kg mass is hanging from a spring with a spring constant of 12 N/m and set into motion. What is the period of oscillation?

10 Amplitude does not affect period The restoring force will be greater with larger displacement; therefore will pull back mass faster

11 Pendulum moves with simple harmonic motion

12 Example problem A yo-yo has a string length of 0.75 m. What is the period of the yo-yo if it is allowed to swing back and forth?

13 Simple Harmonic Motion

14 Waves Waves are traveling disturbances or propagating disturbances Transverse waves – particles move perpendicular the direction of propagation Longitudinal waves – particles move parallel to the direction of propagation

15 Wave properties

16 Mechanical Waves require a medium Mechanical waves travel through matter Different materials, or medium, propagate waves differently Soft medium propagate waves slower than a hard or stiff medium Temperature also determines wave speed Warmer medium means faster propagation

17 The principle of Superposition Two waves interacting with each other will either be constructive or destructive - interference Combine to form a resultant wave

18 Constructive & Destructive Interference


20 Homework Chapter 14 - Read Ch. 14 - #39, 42, 44, 45, 48, 49, 63, 64, 65 Wave Lab Chapter 15 – Read Ch. 15 - #30, 33, 35, 36, 45, 81

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