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The Napoleonic era (1799- 1815) Chapter 21. Napoleon's rule of France appealed to many, like Emmanuel Sieyès, who helped with the “Coup d’etat” to end.

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Presentation on theme: "The Napoleonic era (1799- 1815) Chapter 21. Napoleon's rule of France appealed to many, like Emmanuel Sieyès, who helped with the “Coup d’etat” to end."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Napoleonic era (1799- 1815) Chapter 21

2 Napoleon's rule of France appealed to many, like Emmanuel Sieyès, who helped with the “Coup d’etat” to end the country's upheaval elected first consul of the republic in 1799

3 Maintaining order and working out important compromises. Civil Code of 1804 confirmed the gains of the peasants centralized the government, strengthened the bureaucracy, and granted amnesty to noble emigres. Bank of France Concordat of 1801

4 Betraying the ideals of the Revolution! violated the rights of free speech and press and free elections Women could Not make contracts or have bank accounts Napoleonic Code reestablished the power of the male in the family harsh penalties for political offenses i.e. secret police!

5 Napoleon's wars and foreign policy He defeated Austria (1801) and made peace with Britain (1802), the Second Coalition War against the Third Coalition—(Austria, Russia, Sweden, and Britain) Planned invasion caused British naval dominance at the Battle of Trafalgar (1805)

6 Foreign Policy and War Continued! He proclaimed himself emperor in 1804 Third Coalition collapsed at Austerlitz in 1805 Napoleon reorganized the German states into the Confederation of the Rhine In 1806, Napoleon defeated the Prussians at Jena and Auerstädt (Treaty of Tilsit in 1807 ) a. Russia joined with France in a blockade against British goods

7 Napoleon’s Grand Empire and Continental System

8 Napoleon's Grand Empire Napoleon introduced many French laws, abolishing feudal dues and serfdom in the process He also levied heavy taxes and conscripted many Sparked patriotic upheavals and nationalism in other countries

9 The beginning of the end for Napoleon! Spanish revolt (1808) and the British blockade The French invasion of Russia in 1812 was a disaster Napoleon was defeated by the Fourth Coalition and abdicated his throne in 1814 Escaping from Elba, he retakes France only to be defeated at the battle of Waterloo Louis XVIII restored in France (a second time) Next up the Congress of Vienna!

10 On religion – “There is only one way to encourage morality and that is to reestablish religion. Society cannot exits without some being richer than others, and this inequality cannot exist without religion. When one man is dying of hunger next door to another who is stuffing himself with food, the poor man simply cannot accept the disparity unless some authority tells him, ‘God wishes it so.. In heaven things will be different.’” On women – “In France women are considered too highly. They should not be regarded as equal to men. In reality they are nothing more than machines for producing children.” On law – “My glory is not to have won forty battles…but what nothing will destroy, what will live eternally, is my Civil Code.” On social class – “My motto has always been: a career open to all talents.”


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