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Published byMae Garrison Modified over 8 years ago
Science and faith David Wallace
Science and faith: mini series In the beginning – Genesis 1 and the age of the universe It’s life Jim – Evolution and intelligent design Would you Adam and Eve it? – Genesis 2-3
Aims of the series Read the Bible properly: – interpret positively passages of scripture that have been abused to force conflict between science and faith. Think about God and science together Enjoy studying science Spot the bias Avoid the creationist caricature – Relate to Christians who think differently Worship God: inspired by science
What’s your question? Why are dinosaurs not mentioned in the Bible? How do dinosaurs fit in? How come science says it took millions of years for the earth to form, and Genesis talks of 6 days? How could the world be made in 7 days – is it something to do with different perspectives on time? Could God have used the Big Bang? What about people who say God can’t be real because everything has been explained by science? Where do you draw the line in believing the “descended from monkeys” story? Why did God make Adam first? If we are evolved from monkeys, how come we are still not evolving? Does it matter if man came from monkeys? Why did God want to make us anyway? Why do women get such a hard time – periods, pain in childbirth. Creation Human origins
Why does Creation matter? Has life any meaning/purpose? Who’s in charge of my life? Me or God? If we are nothing but a higher animal, morality is irrelevant If the creation story is disproven can we rely on any of the Bible?
Agreement of the sciences Earth 4.5 billion yrs old Universe 14 billion yrs old Based on Tree rings Antarctic ice cores Wiggly earth orbit Magnetic field reversal Radioactive decay x 40 Coolest dwarf stars Big bang radiation 6 days of creation 4004 BC Based on A literal reading of Genesis 1 Genealogy (Bishop Ussher) Apparent conflict with the Bible
What does it communicate? Five ways to interpret the creation account in Genesis How do you interpret the story?
Creation Tell us about your work
How do you interpret the story? What does it communicate? Five ways to interpret the creation account in Genesis
How do you interpret the story? Container Reasons why What does it communicate? Communicates reasons why, character and enthusiasm
How do you interpret the story? Container Parable Reasons why Principles What does it communicate? A metaphor or fable containing important principles – don’t take it literally
A few of the principles in Genesis 1-3 The physical world is good Humans are special It is good to be creative and make things It is good to have a pattern of rest in your life
The longer list Created from nothing God is distinct from his creation God is the inspiration for our creativity God sustains all things – the fire in the equations (Heb 1:3 Col 1:17) Inspiration for science Great are the works of the Lord, they are studied by all who delight in him (Ps 111) Some things about God can be learned by observing creation (Rom 1:20, Acts 14:17) Power and majesty Reliability and predictability: consistency and faithfulness of the Creator A spiritual realm is also created Angels and evil powers exist but not equal to God The creation was good Don’t deny the reality and value of the physical realm (as some religions do) Work is good – we can be pleased with our work too Father Son and Holy Spirit were all involved Humans are special God chose to create humans, so we are valuable in his eyes We are more important than the animals We can communicate with God The image of God Reason, creativity, speech, self- determination? Ability to love, be patient, forgive, be kind, be faithful Male and female, not just one gender Solid basis for self-worth (not possessions, achievement, physical attractiveness or popularity) Don’t be sexist Stewardship of creation Delegated authority Sabbath rest Principle of refreshment in preparation for service Free will The apple/apricot Temptation Marriage
Video of clock story
How do you interpret the story? Container Parable Literary framework Reasons why Principles What happened What does it communicate? Retell a story in a familiar form to challenge the accepted wisdom
Separation of light & darkness Creation of lights to rule the day and night Separation of sky and sea Creation of birds & fish to fill sky & sea Separation of sea and dry land; creation of plants Creation of animals & humans to fill the land and eat the plants The earth was shapeless and empty The heavens and the earth were finished and God rested Genesis 1 a literary framework
Babylonian creation story: enuma elish
Creation is the outcome of – anger and fear – war & destruction – hatred and violence – betrayal and murder – chaos Subjugation of females by males among the gods Humanity an afterthought, of little value to the gods There are gods of – Light & darkness – Sky and sea – Sun moon & stars – Earth and vegetation – Animals Kings and heroes are gods The Genesis account of creation challenges all of these points
What happened God created everything out of nothing, then gathered and used the basic (chemical) components to make other things The creation is separate from God It was created in stages: it was formless and empty and he formed it and filled it The universe is orderly
How do you interpret the story? Container Parable Literary framework Reasons why Principles What happened What does it communicate? Retell a story in a familiar form to challenge the accepted wisdom
How do you interpret the story? Container Parable Literary framework Day-age theory Reasons why Principles What happened Sequence of events What does it communicate?
Day-age theory Rough parallel between Genesis and evolution: – Plants then animals then humans Day (yom) = Age – “the day of the mobile phone” A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by. Ps 90:4 With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day 2 Pet 3:8
Day-age theory Heavens and earth Brooding over the water Removal of dense cloud cover Water cycle and continents Plant life Removal of light cloud cover Birds Mammals Humans 16,000,000,000 years ago 4,400,000,000 years ago 2,700,000,000 years ago 1,000,000,000 years ago 70,000,000 years ago 50,000,000 years ago 50,000 years ago
How do you interpret the story? Container Parable Literary framework Day-age theory Young earth creation Reasons why Principles What happened Sequence of events How long it took What does it communicate?
Young earth creationism Creation in six 24-hour days Biblical genealogy determines the age of the universe (hence Young Earth) – Calculated at 6-10,000 years – Bishop John Ussher 1656 Believe true science will eventually agree with literal reading of Gen 1 – “Flood geology” explains fossils Price (1923) Henry Morris (1961) – Apparent age: God made it look old
The tendency to polarise and caricature In the media – the church is frequently portrayed as “outraged” because conflict makes a good story. Each new discovery is presented as science triumphing over primitive notions such as faith Non-fiction and academic writing sells best as a polemic – against something In fiction – Dan Brown “Angels and Demons” assumes science and faith are pitted against each other Richard Dawkins, professor for the advancement of public understanding of science is a passionate atheist and uses his platform of scientific credibility to promote his atheistic beliefs
A spectrum of interpretations Geocentrism Flat earth Young Earth Creationism Old Earth Creationism Progressive creationism Day Age creationism Gap creationism Evolutionary Creationism aka Theistic Evolution All planned from the start Intervention for initial spark of life With literal Adam and Eve Atheistic Evolution Agnostic Evolution Deistic Evolution Increasingly literal interpretation of Bible More “special creation” interventions by God Intelligent design
A spectrum of interpretations Geocentrism Flat earth Young Earth Creationism Old Earth Creationism Progressive creationism Day Age creationism Gap creationism Evolutionary Creationism aka Theistic Evolution All planned from the start Intervention for initial spark of life With literal Adam and Eve Atheistic Evolution Agnostic Evolution Deistic Evolution Increasingly literal interpretation of Bible More “special creation” interventions by God Intelligent design The earth is flat and does not move – it is the centre of the universe
A spectrum of interpretations Geocentrism Flat earth Young Earth Creationism Old Earth Creationism Progressive creationism Day Age creationism Gap creationism Evolutionary Creationism aka Theistic Evolution All planned from the start Intervention for initial spark of life With literal Adam and Eve Atheistic Evolution Agnostic Evolution Deistic Evolution Increasingly literal interpretation of Bible More “special creation” interventions by God Intelligent design Creation was a series of events over 6 days. Evidence of process we might find is in fact remnants of the flood.
A spectrum of interpretations Geocentrism Flat earth Young Earth Creationism Old Earth Creationism Progressive creationism Day Age creationism Gap creationism Evolutionary Creationism aka Theistic Evolution All planned from the start Intervention for initial spark of life With literal Adam and Eve Atheistic Evolution Agnostic Evolution Deistic Evolution Increasingly literal interpretation of Bible More “special creation” interventions by God Intelligent design Each “day” of creation involved processes that took millions of years, guided by God.
A spectrum of interpretations Geocentrism Flat earth Young Earth Creationism Old Earth Creationism Progressive creationism Day Age creationism Gap creationism Evolutionary Creationism aka Theistic Evolution All planned from the start Intervention for initial spark of life With literal Adam and Eve Atheistic Evolution Agnostic Evolution Deistic Evolution Increasingly literal interpretation of Bible More “special creation” interventions by God Intelligent design The emergence of life and evolution was God’s idea, design and plan from the beginning
A spectrum of interpretations Geocentrism Flat earth Young Earth Creationism Old Earth Creationism Progressive creationism Day Age creationism Gap creationism Evolutionary Creationism aka Theistic Evolution All planned from the start Intervention for initial spark of life With literal Adam and Eve Atheistic Evolution Agnostic Evolution Deistic Evolution Increasingly literal interpretation of Bible More “special creation” interventions by God Intelligent design God designed it all and set things in motion but has been uninvolved ever since
A spectrum of interpretations Geocentrism Flat earth Young Earth Creationism Old Earth Creationism Progressive creationism Day Age creationism Gap creationism Evolutionary Creationism aka Theistic Evolution All planned from the start Intervention for initial spark of life With literal Adam and Eve Atheistic Evolution Agnostic Evolution Deistic Evolution Increasingly literal interpretation of Bible More “special creation” interventions by God Intelligent design We cannot say. There is no connection between scientific and religious realms.
A spectrum of interpretations Geocentrism Flat earth Young Earth Creationism Old Earth Creationism Progressive creationism Day Age creationism Gap creationism Evolutionary Creationism aka Theistic Evolution All planned from the start Intervention for initial spark of life With literal Adam and Eve Atheistic Evolution Agnostic Evolution Deistic Evolution Increasingly literal interpretation of Bible More “special creation” interventions by God Intelligent design Science and evolution will eventually explain everything. God is an unnecessary notion to fill the gaps we can’t explain yet
A spectrum of interpretations Geocentrism Flat earth Young Earth Creationism Old Earth Creationism Progressive creationism Day Age creationism Gap creationism Evolutionary Creationism aka Theistic Evolution All planned from the start Intervention for initial spark of life With literal Adam and Eve Atheistic Evolution Agnostic Evolution Deistic Evolution Increasingly literal interpretation of Bible More “special creation” interventions by God Intelligent design There is evidence of complexity in the way things work which proves there must be a God
A spectrum of interpretations Geocentrism Flat earth Young Earth Creationism Old Earth Creationism Progressive creationism Day Age creationism Gap creationism Evolutionary Creationism aka Theistic Evolution All planned from the start Intervention for initial spark of life With literal Adam and Eve Atheistic Evolution Agnostic Evolution Deistic Evolution Increasingly literal interpretation of Bible More “special creation” interventions by God Intelligent design
Aims Read the Bible properly: – interpret positively passages of scripture that have been abused to force conflict between science and faith. Think about God and science together Spot the bias Enjoy studying science Avoid the creationist caricature Worship God: inspired by science
Read the Bible properly Understand the original context Recognise different kinds of literature in the Bible – Not every passage is to be understood as literal Ask what the author was trying to communicate interpret positively passages of scripture that have been abused to force conflict between science and faith.
Avoid the creationist caricature Remember the spectrum – Young earth creationism – Old earth creationism – Evolutionary creationism Resist the pressure to “choose between” science and faith – From militant atheists (like Richard Dawkins) – From vociferous young earth creationists Look into the science – Discard the story that “science has triumphed over faith” – Marvel at the wonderful way God has done things Stand up for your basic beliefs Rename “creationism” more accurately depending on what is being said
Christians who think differently Acknowledge your common faith Explain that the different views exist Have a humble attitude, openness to change – “At the moment I find x the most useful way to understand things” – Explore each other’s influences Don’t make personal criticisms; remain calm – Even if the other person doesn’t
Coming up The theory of evolution Randomness and intelligent design Genesis 3 – Adam and Eve What makes us special as humans
It is by faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command Hebrews 11:3
When Christians disagree John 17 – Jesus prays for truth AND unity – Sanctify them by the truth – May they be brought to complete unity Needs patience, love, grace, mercy, humility, courage Jesus and apostles debated all the time Some truths are more important than others Avoid foolish controversies Don’t be judgemental, but do be convinced in your own mind Know yourself – assumptions from upbringing or influential characters Self-controlled – don’t act when angry Seek to understand
What’s your question? Why are dinosaurs not mentioned in the Bible? How do dinosaurs fit in? How come science says it took millions of years for the earth to form, and Genesis talks of 6 days? How could the world be made in 7 days – is it something to do with different perspectives on time? Could God have used the Big Bang? What about people who say God can’t be real because everything has been explained by science? If we are evolved from monkeys, how come we are still not evolving? Where do you draw the line in believing the “descended from monkeys” story? Does it matter if man came from monkeys? Why did God want to make us anyway? Why did God make Adam first? Why do women get such a hard time – periods, pain in childbirth. Creation Human origins
A spectrum of interpretations Flat earth Geocentrism Young Earth Creationism Old Earth Creationism Gap creationism Day Age creationism Progressive creationism Intelligent Design Evolutionary Creationism aka Theistic Evolution With literal Adam and Eve Intervention for initial spark of life All planned from the start Deistic Evolution Agnostic Evolution Atheistic Evolution Increasingly literal interpretation of Bible More “special creation” interventions by God Intelligent design
Think about God and science together “Religion needs science to keep it away from superstition and close to reality” Guy Consolmagno Vatican observatory, Arizona Author of God’s mechanics: How Scientists and Engineers Make Sense of Religion
Spot the bias Bias in science media – The repeated “Science triumphed over faith” story – New Scientist editorials opposing faith – Nature documentaries’ emphasis on “randomness” – Richard Dawkins’ passionate atheism colouring otherwise excellent explanations – Fiction (e.g. Dan Brown) pitting science against faith Bias in Young Earth Creationist media – Books and websites – Educational materials – Creation theme parks – Many Christian books for children e.g. Boring Bible series Bias in yourself
Do science at school Enjoy the challenge – God loves an enquiring mind Read a variety of points of view Adults and children research together – Beyond inserting “Some scientists believe...” phrases
A spectrum of interpretations Geocentrism Flat earth Young Earth Creationism Old Earth Creationism Progressive creationism Day Age creationism Gap creationism Evolutionary Creationism aka Theistic Evolution All planned from the start Intervention for initial spark of life With literal Adam and Eve Atheistic Evolution Agnostic Evolution Deistic Evolution Increasingly literal interpretation of Bible More “special creation” interventions by God Intelligent design Creation was a series of events but there was a gap of millions of years near the beginning
A spectrum of interpretations Geocentrism Flat earth Young Earth Creationism Old Earth Creationism Progressive creationism Day Age creationism Gap creationism Evolutionary Creationism aka Theistic Evolution All planned from the start Intervention for initial spark of life With literal Adam and Eve Atheistic Evolution Agnostic Evolution Deistic Evolution Increasingly literal interpretation of Bible More “special creation” interventions by God Intelligent design God intervened at key critical moments in the process to bring about various “leaps in complexity”.
What people think UK: MORI 2006 USA: Gallup 2006
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