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Rights Responsibilities and Advocacy Module: 6cf005 Session One Can we rely on adults to make the decisions?

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Presentation on theme: "Rights Responsibilities and Advocacy Module: 6cf005 Session One Can we rely on adults to make the decisions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rights Responsibilities and Advocacy Module: 6cf005 Session One Can we rely on adults to make the decisions?

2 Learning outcomes Become familiar with the ways of working to achieve highly in this module Begin to analyse the children’s rights- based agenda Use ‘assertiveness rights’ to reflect on implications for human exchange Use reading of the Committee on the Rights of the Child: Concluding Observations (2008) to select your topic of interest for further investigation (guided activity)

3 Even outside the supermarket!

4 Recent events! “social responsibility” and “failure of responsibility of our leaders” country?&CMP=EMCSOCEML657

5 Introductory details Module leader: Lynn Richards Overview of module: content and processes; group work; 3 +1 hours + OOCA Student input: guided tasks and reading; dialogic methods – YOUR views valued and actively sought! Assessments: formative and summative

6 Summative assessment You are to attend a conference on children’s and young people’s rights in the global context. As an advocate for children/ young people within your chosen area of interest, you will offer a written paper to critically examine the complexities surrounding the implementation of a rights-based agenda to improve issues of equity and inclusion for these children/ young people; you will offer a particular focus on Article 12 of the UNCRC.

7 Wednesday 9 th October 6-8pm uk/what-we-do/helping- children/advocacy- services/black-country- advocacy-service-0 Guest speakers from Black Country Children’s Advocacy Services coming in to talk about their work in the local area You are ALL invited!

8 Working in a group Benefits: Provides shared learning and collective strength/ voice Can deepen knowledge and understanding Can empower and generate positive social action, belonging, growth and giving (adapted from Buchroth and Parkin, 2010)

9 Skills and aptitudes to acknowledge…..and to refine!

10 Working collaboratively Communication skills Group roles: ‘task’ and ‘maintenance’ Inclusive forum: listen out for positive contribution to be made by each person and don’t let any one person’s views take over! Be vigilant about discriminatory remarks – challenge them! See Belbin websites for more information on roles

11 L6 working Knowledge is contested Knowledge is partial

12 Time to think! In groups of 3-4 How do you currently exercise your own rights? Can you give an example? How might you use learning from this module to contribute to your professional role within the workplace? How might your own views and beliefs be challenged during the module?

13 Ways to maximise your input to this module Personal blog record ideas, thoughts, and feelings track personal progression group blog share with others, find new meanings, encourage curiosity collaborative learning

14 Where did it all start? Eglantyne Jebb was the founder of the Worldwide Save the Children Alliance. Born in Shropshire in 1876 Protectionist rights Paternalistic approach Her work led directly to the United Nation’s Rights of the Child

15 Background to children’s rights U Universal Declaration of Human Rights N C United Nations Convention on the Rights R of the Child – 1989; ratified by UK in 1991 C 192 governments; 54 articles

16 The 3 Ps Provision put in photo here of Protectionplay provision?? Participation Do see Alderson(2008) Young Children’s Rights, 2 nd edition – available as an e- book: chapters 1, 2 and 3 in relation to 3 Ps.

17 What might this tell us about the discourse of childhood ie. how childhood is viewed/ talked about?

18 Other legislative framework Human Rights Act 1998 (to incorporate certain rights and freedoms from European Convention on Human Rights 1950) ECM Green Paper 2003 5 outcomes Children Acts 1989 and 2004 ‘paramountcy’ principle all children ‘at risk’ – need to protect Equality Act 2010 ‘protected characteristics’

19 Children’s Commissioners For England: Maggie Atkinson childrens-commissioner-under-review For Wales: Keith Towler uer-for-wales/01512.html

20 Children’s Commissioners For Scotland Tam Baillie eping-a-promise-interview-with-tam-baillie- scotlands-childrens-commissioner/ For Northern Ireland Patricia Lesley- Mooney words-erupts-over-welfare-plan-16150702.html

21 Investigate the role of one of the 4 Children’s Commissioners – for next week Go onto website for your Commissioner What is the role and remit? Find out about one campaign/ event that has happened/ is ongoing How are children/ young people involved in the work of your Commissioner?

22 Time to think! Can we rely on adults to make the decisions for children and young people? To uphold their rights? Where is the evidence? School exclusions :From the office of the Children’s Commissioner for England Small group discussion groups: one person to share main discussion point with whole group – what sorts of questions does this film raise for you?

23 Lansdown and Lancaster (2001) in Pugh (ed) - ebook 1970s: physical abuse – Maria Colwell 1980s: sexual abuse – Cleveland Inquiry 1990s: LAC systematic abuse & culture of collusion Years 2000: ongoing abuse, poverty, trafficking, disadvantage

24 Two models of approach? Welfare model Child lacks capacity Child as passive Child has no valid or valuable contribution to make - “..the welfare model has failed children” (Lansdown and Lancaster, 2001, p.46) Rights-based model Child as competent Child as active Child’s views to be taken alongside those of others - “pulling up another chair” (Lansdown and Lancaster, 2001, p.49)

25 The dilemma? Children as rights-bearers with NEEDS and children have RIGHTS to have those needs met As rights-bearers, children must have opportunity to exercise those RIGHTS and to seek redress when rights violated What then of traditional ways of organising family life? Power relations?

26 Safety or freedom? UK government emphasises ‘safety’ from terror, crime, violence BUT Civil rights’ organisations argue such control undermines basic rights and ‘freedoms’ What is your view?

27 Assertiveness rights uk/imgres?q=assertiv eness&hl=en&sa=G& gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbni d=9ak1HPx5u06GgM: &imgrefurl= age%3Dcoaching%26 do%3Dassertiveness_ coaching&docid=Gov AQ97D9U_wRM&w=4 50&h=337&ei=1P9gT oP8L5O78gPfy8DtDw &zoom=1&biw=1152& bih=654&iact=rc&dur= 218&page=3&tbnh=1 59&tbnw=181&start=3 0&ndsp=16&ved=1t:4 29,r:2,s:30&tx=77&ty= 137

28 Guided reading and tasks – to prepare for discussion in session 2 Do read through the document: Concluding Observations for the UK from the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (2008) ns/142.pdf You may also like to look at a similar document, written in a different format /AdvanceVersions/CRC.C.GBR.CO.4.pdf Begin to select a topic of interest for further investigation for this rights-based module 20/21 24/25 26/27 32/33 AND

29 Investigate the role of one of the 4 Children’s Commissioners – for next week Go onto website for your Commissioner What is the role and remit? Find out about one campaign/ event that has happened/ is ongoing How are children/ young people involved in the work of your Commissioner?

30 References: Alderson, P. (2008) Young Children’s Rights: exploring beliefs, principles and practice. 2 nd edition. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, pp.40-52. (ebook) Buchroth, I. and Parkin, C. (eds) (2010) Using Theory in Youth and Community Work Practice. Exeter: Learning Matters. Lansdown, G. and Lancaster, Y.P. (2001) Promoting Children’s Welfare by Respecting their Rights. in Pugh, G. (ed) Contemporary Issues in the Early Years: working collaboratively for children. 3 rd edition. London: Sage. (ebook)

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