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1. Page 2 What is the One Billion Coalition? 2 The One Billion Coalition is… A broad coalition of individuals, communities, and organisations Leveraging.

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2 Page 2 What is the One Billion Coalition? 2 The One Billion Coalition is… A broad coalition of individuals, communities, and organisations Leveraging the power of partnership (at all levels) to achieve more collectively Owned and managed by diverse stakeholders, rather than just a single organizations Applying the latest technology streamed together in an ‘ecosystem’ of services Targeting scale and exponential growth in engagement

3 Page 3 One Billion people supported by a network of organizations from the profit and not for profit sectors taking action to overcome intensifying / increasing One billion people people being more and having better access to Vision 3

4 Year 10 Multiplying our collective impact 4 1 Billion People supported by for profit and not for profit partners are connected, learning, sharing, engaged and building community resilience everywhere. RCRC volunteer outreach Direct public engagement Partner networks

5 ▪ Neutral convenor ▪ Global humanitarian network ▪ Trusted and recognized brand ▪ Auxiliary role to government ▪ Network of volunteers and branches anchored in local communities 190 countries 1 60,000 branches 17 million volunteers Why the Red Cross Red Crescent? RCRC volunteers Local businesses School Local government Community organizations 5

6 ▪A dynamic vehicle to build community and business engagement and inspire volunteers of all ages to engage in self-directed resilience building action. ▪Strengthened advocacy to promote investment in prevention and mitigation. ▪Strengthened positioning as partner of choice. ▪Enhanced resource and knowledge sharing. ▪Tangible resources to enable participation and evaluation of success. Benefits to Organizations 6

7 Resilience building loop 1BC will build resilience by supporting people and organizations to: One billion people connected, learning, sharing and building community resilience everywhere. 7

8 Page 8 Diversity of entry points Threat specific or setting specific Flooding House fires Disease Road accidents FamilySchoolWorkplace Community Protect against... Protect your... 8

9 Sharing solutions 9 Working with coalition partners, communities will decide which resilience building activities match local needs Contextualized and tailored approach in communities Strengthen early warning systems Support income generating activities Provide greater access to health, water and sanitation, and shelter Promote road safety and education Promote school safety and education Provide reforestation and environmental education Expand preparedness trainings Other Expand first aid trainings

10 Coalition-building models which make it easier to convene partners locally, nationally and globally around resilience priorities and needs Digital engagement ‘ecosystem’ which allows individuals, communities, and coalition partners to assess needs, connect with others, find and share solutions A dynamic campaign which is focused on reaching the last mile and motivates individuals and organizations to get involved and take action as part of a global movement Innovative measurement system that uses an self-reporting, big data approach to show progress toward global goals to help align activities and partner interest. The 1BC global infrastructure 10

11 Page 11 Engagement entry-points 11 1.Join and register (via app or social media) 2.Identify risks & needs 3.Discover and share solutions: ▪training ▪alerts 3.Connect with others to jointly organize and resource solutions

12 Engaging globally to locally Global Individuals & households Local Communities National 1BC

13 Page 13 ▪Join global coalition of partners ▪Build on and nurture existing initiatives ▪Develop easy-to-use easy-to-access toolkits GLOBAL NATIONAL ▪Convene stakeholders and/or link with existing national platforms ▪Map needs and develop action plans ▪Engage in existing and create advocacy campaign ▪Support actions of local coalitions LOCAL ▪Assess local risks and prioritize needs ▪Build local coalitions ▪Develop actions plans and design local solutions INDIVIDUAL ▪Learn new skills ▪Create family disaster plan ▪Help family, neighbors, and friends to prepare Take action 13

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