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Aging Maryland: The Elder Boom!!!. Disease Risk Factors.

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1 Aging Maryland: The Elder Boom!!!



4 Disease Risk Factors


6 There are 19 AAA’s in Maryland Most are part of their county or city government 5 are private non-profit organizations (Allegany Co., Garrett Co., MAC Inc., Upper Shore Aging, Washington Co. 2 serve multi-county areas (MAC Inc. and Upper Shore Aging)

7 Mission of the Area Agency on Aging Network To support older adults live with dignity and independence at home and in the community for as long as possible.

8 MAC Area Agency Services

9 Part of the nationwide network of Aging and Disability Resource Centers

10 Aging and Disability Resource Centers No-wrong-door entry into the long-term supports and services system for older adults and people with disabilities of all income levels Core functions of an ADRC are: – 1) information, referral and awareness, – 2) options counseling, advice and assistance, – 3) streamlined eligibility determination for public programs, – 4) person-centered transitions, – 5) quality assurance and continuous improvement.

11 Living Well Evidence Based Classes Chronic Disease Self-Management Chronic Pain Self-Management Diabetes Self-Management Enhanced Fitness Arthritis Foundation Exercise and Aquatic Programs Stepping ON Tai Chi for Arthritis & Balance


13 In-Home Services To help older persons maintain their independence and dignity while remaining in their home environment. Senior Care Caregiver Support Services Older Adult Waiver Services Money Follow the Person Home Aide Program

14 Senior Care Helps frail, health-impaired older persons select and locate the services that can help them continue to live in their homes Available services: Personal care Light housekeeping Meal preparation Nursing care Shopping Transportation

15 Nutrition and Senior Centers Meals on Wheels (home delivery to homebound adults 60+) Meals served in senior centers

16 Meals on Wheels Provides a life-giving service to the homebound elderly who are confined to bed, lack transportation, or are too frail to cook for themselves Support provided by

17 State Health Insurance assistance Program (SHIP) –Provides older adults and all adults with disabilities on Medicare with information and assistance with health insurance issues.

18 Protection of Older Adults Ombudsman Program Advocates for residents of long-term care facilities to ensure that the rights, health, safety, well-being, and dignity of residents are protected 27,000 nursing home residents 19,000 assisted living residents

19 Protection of Older Adults Public Guardianship Protection and advocacy via case management Adults 65 years and older who have been deemed by a court of law to lack the capacity to make or communicate responsible decisions concerning their daily living needs. Only as a last resort and when nobody is available or appropriate to be named as a guardian.

20 National Family Caregivers Support Program (NFCSP) –This program is available to family caregivers who are caring for someone 60 years of age and older; grandparents and other relative caregivers age 55 years and older; and for caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or a related disorder.

21 Health screening sessions Health education sessions Physical fitness & exercise sessions Health services (medication mgmt, flu shots, etc.) 287,238 Congregate and home-delivered meals 2,626,582 Information and assistance calls serviced 531,039 Complaints addressed and individual consultations provided by Ombudsman at nursing and assisted living facilities 12,825

22 # residents receiving Senior Assisted Living Group Home Subsidy (SALGHS) 507 # residents in Congregate Housing Services 600 Older adults who received Senior Care “gap filling” services 3,646 # of wonderful volunteers statewide 5,664

23 Contact Margaret “Peggy” Bradford, Executive Director MAC Incorporated 909 Progress Circle, Ste. 100 Salisbury, MD 21804 410-742-0505, ext. 102

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