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Chapter 5 Managing Diverse Employees in a Multicultural Environment.

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1 Chapter 5 Managing Diverse Employees in a Multicultural Environment

2 The Increasing Diversity of the Workforce and the Environment Diversity: Dissimilarities/differences among people Surface-level diversity: easily perceived differences that may trigger certain stereotypes, but do not necessarily reflect the ways people think or feel. Deep-level diversity: differences in values, personality, and work preferences. Glass ceiling: A metaphor alluding to the invisible barriers that prevent minorities and women from being promoted to top corporate positions.

3 Timeline of the Evolution of Workforce Diversity

4 Major EEO Laws

5 Diversity as Competitive Advantage

6 Sources of Diversity in the Workplace

7 Workforce Diversity: Age Aging U.S. Population Median age in the United States is 37.6 years, by 2030 20 per cent of the population will be over 65 Federal Age Discrimination Laws Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1964

8 According to US Census Bureau projections, the elderly population will more than double between 2000 and 2030, growing from 35 million to over 70 million. Much of this growth is attributed to the "baby boom" generation which will enter their elderly years between 2010 and 2030.


10 Workforce Diversity: Gender U.S. workforce is 44.4% percent female Women’s median weekly earnings are $706 compared to $860 for men Women hold only 14.6% of corporate officer positions Workforce Diversity: Sexual Orientation Employment and workplace discrimination Provision of same-sex partner benefits

11 Race and Ethnicity Census Bureau distinguishes between the following races American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian Indian, Black, African American, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Other Asian, Native Hawaiian, Guamanian or Chamorro, Samoan, Other Pacific Islander, White, and other races The racial and ethnic diversity of the U.S. population is increasing quickly, as is the diversity of the workforce U.S. Census Bureau treats ethnicity in terms of whether a person is Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin or not Most Hispanics prefer to be identified by their country of origin

12 Workforce Diversity: Religion Accommodation for Religious Beliefs Scheduling of critical meetings Providing flexible time off for religious observances Posting holy days for different religions on the company calendar

13 Workforce Diversity: Capabilities and Disabilities Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Providing reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities Promoting a nondiscriminatory workplace environment Educating the organization about disabilities and AIDS

14 The Ethical Imperative to Manage Diversity Effectively Distributive Justice : A moral principle calling for fair distribution of pay, promotions, and other organizational resources based on meaningful contributions that individuals have made and not personal characteristics over which they have no control. Procedural Justice : A moral principle calling for the use of fair procedures to determine how to distribute outcomes to organizational members.

15 Factors That Influence Managerial Perception Schema: An abstract knowledge structure stored in memory that allows people to organize and interpret information about a person, event, or situation Gender Schema: Preconceived beliefs or ideas about the nature of men and women, their traits, attitudes, behaviors, and preferences

16 Perception as a Determinant of Unfair Treatment Stereotype: Simplistic and often inaccurate beliefs about the typical characteristics of particular groups of people Bias: The systematic tendency to use information about others in ways that result in inaccurate perceptions Overt Discrimination: Knowingly and willingly denying diverse individuals access to opportunities and outcomes in an organization; unethical and illegal

17 Steps in Managing Diversity Effectively Secure top management commitment Strive to increase the accuracy of perceptions Increase diversity awareness Increase diversity skills Encourage flexibility Pay close attention to how organizational members are evaluated Consider the numbers

18 Steps in Managing Diversity Effectively (cont.) Empower employees to challenge discriminatory behaviors, actions, and remarks Reward employees for effectively managing diversity Provide training utilizing a multi-pronged, ongoing approach Encourage mentoring of diverse employees

19 Forms of Sexual Harassment Quid pro quo Asking for or forcing an employee to perform sexual favors in exchange for receiving some reward or avoiding negative consequences. Hostile work environment Telling lewd jokes, displaying pornography, making sexually oriented remarks about someone’s personal appearance, and other sex-related actions that make the work environment unpleasant Interferes with their ability to perform their jobs effectively


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