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Intervention Strategies for Skill Development and Performance Enhancement Cheryl A. Coker, Chelsea Cooper & Matt McGuigan Plymouth State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Intervention Strategies for Skill Development and Performance Enhancement Cheryl A. Coker, Chelsea Cooper & Matt McGuigan Plymouth State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intervention Strategies for Skill Development and Performance Enhancement Cheryl A. Coker, Chelsea Cooper & Matt McGuigan Plymouth State University

2 Traditional Instruction  Instruction  Key elements  Cues  Demonstration  Practice  Repetition of motion  Drills  Feedback

3 Movement Behaviour Performer Environment Task Constraints-Led Approach

4 TraditionalConstraints-led Teacher centred Drill Encourages movement imitation Learner centred Guided discovery Encourages movement exploration

5 Shaping Movements  Consider the outcome or movement goal  Modify the learning environment 1. Rules 2. Equipment 3. Playing area 4. Situational factors 5. Task criteria  Use challenges…to let players solve problems in their own ways…  Use questions… to help guide players to effective solutions…discovery learning

6 Station 1 Objective  Throw under/over various barrier heights to land in a target placed at different distances Questions  How did you change your throw for the different barriers?  How did the target influence the throwing strategy?

7 Station 2 Objective  Throw around a defender to target  Close  Medium  Far Questions  How did you manipulate your throw to go around the defender to get to the target?  How did the defenders position in relation to the target, influence how you threw?

8 Station 3 Objective  Bean bag spin toss at target  Beach ball movement with Frisbee Questions  How did you get the bean bag to spin?  How did the bean bag toss relate to the beach ball activity?

9 Station 4 Objective  Throw to knock wiffleball off bowling pin  Throw to knock over bowling pin Questions  How did you change your throw to accomplish each task?

10 Station 5 Objective  Throw for distance but land as close to a line as possible Questions  How did you manipulate the Frisbee to keep its flight path straight?

11 Game Modifications  Influence of:  Have to make __ passes  Large vs. small areas  Skinny vs. fat  Tennis ball vs. Frisbee  Have to pass in __ seconds  2 on 3  Everyone has to touch the Frisbee

12 Summary Coker (2013)

13 Questions?

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