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SATS WEEK 9 th - 12 th May, 2016 Full attendance please!!

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Presentation on theme: "SATS WEEK 9 th - 12 th May, 2016 Full attendance please!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 SATS WEEK 9 th - 12 th May, 2016 Full attendance please!!

2 What tests will they take? Arithmetic Test Paper 1 Maths Paper 2 (non calculator) Maths Paper 3 (non calculator) Introduction of times tables test- only publicised last week (will begin next year with selection doing it this year) English reading test SPAG/GPS (Spelling, grammar and punctuation) Children below band 4 not tested.

3 Maths Tests Paper 2 and Paper 3 (40mins) Children can have a reader if needed. Children will be tested on: Number, shape and space, measures, data handling and problem solving. Arithmetic (30mins) tests their written methods and understanding of skills- there are no problem solving style questions in this paper Times tables tests- begin to prep for!

4 Scoring Arithmetic test is out of 40 Within the maths paper 2 and 3 there will be a selection of 1 and 2 mark questions. The number of points each question is allocated is written next to the question. Paper 2 and 3 are out of 40 marks each Total score is out of 120 (at the moment)

5 Example of a 1 mark question


7 Example of a 2 mark question


9 Show your workings! Children are encouraged to show their workings. If they get the answer wrong but have shown they have used the correct method for working out the answer but have made a mistake somewhere along the way then they may still get one mark.

10 Arithmetic Children may not use a calculator for this test The test lasts 30minutes There are a variety of 1 and 2 mark questions- indicated by the total in the margin next to the question

11 Examples of 1 mark questions:

12 Examples of 2 mark questions:

13 Reading Test 1 hour to read the texts and answer the questions – 50 marks. Children have to manage their own time. No support is given for reading- other than children who can have a scribe Questions test: information retrieval, inference and deduction. Some answers require longer explanations.

14 READING PAPER TOP TIPS Answer the RIGHT there questions first – usually the circle / join up or 1 point questions.

15 READING PAPER TOP TIPS Read the questions carefully – if it says tick three then TICK 3!!!!!!!!!

16 READING PAPER TOP TIPS If it says find and copy – a word or phrase – DO JUST THAT ( but NOT the whole sentence) excel better than anyone expected

17 READING PAPER TOP TIPS 1.If it asks for your opinion on something – make it up as long as you can link it to the text! Opinion Answer Because I think it would be fun trying to pluck the string and make them sound like a person’s voice. To save time I started with because as I’d already ticked the drum so the marker knew what I was talking about! I hate drumming – I just made up an answer linked to what it said in the paragraph!

18 READING PAPER TOP TIPS 3 point questions – Write your answer and make sure you use the word BECAUSE to explain it! Try to think of 3 different points if possible. If you make different points – make sure you bullet point them. 15. Some people think that Pliny’s uncle was a brave but foolish leader. What do you think? Brave foolish brave and foolish Explain your answer using parts of the information to help you.

19 Grammar, punctuation and spelling test. SPAG/GPS

20 What is the English grammar, punctuation and spelling test? The English grammar, punctuation and spelling test assesses your child’s English skills in four key areas in Year 6: spelling punctuation grammar vocabulary.

21 Spelling dinn er foll owin g

22 Punctuation Capital letters Full stops Question marks Exclamation marks Commas in lists Commas to mark phrases or clauses Commas for parenthesis Inverted commas Apostrophes Brackets Colons Dashes Ellipsis Colon Semi colon Bullet points Hyphen

23 Grammar Complex sentences Time, place, causal conjunctions Prepositions Clauses Phrases Fronted adverbials e.g. Later that day, Tense agreement Passive voice

24 Vocabulary Word meaning Indicating degree of possibility using adverbs and modal verbs Vocabulary in context precision in vocabulary Converting nouns or adjectives into verbs using suffixes Synonyms Antonyms Word groups / families Prefixes Suffixes Singular and plural Subjunctive forms e.g. If I were/ Were they to





29 The test is 45 minutes long. It is made up of about 46 multiple choice and short answer questions. The test is marked externally. The children will be given a raw score for this.

30 Writing Writing is assessed throughout the year. Each teacher builds up a writing portfolio which builds a picture of each child’s writing throughout the year. There is no longer one piece each term which is assessed- the children are being assessed constantly throughout the year through the work they are achieving within lessons.

31 Writing groups 9 weeks before SATS we set across the year group, focusing the children more carefully for writing. This will target children for band 6 Groups will have LSAs deployed for specific needs.

32 How important are the SATS? We report a teacher assessment band also. The results are reported to you and to the secondary schools. Secondary schools also have the raw scores.

33 What can I do to help? Keep reading daily. BBC revisewise key stage 2 Mathletics Woodlands website Emaths old papers – not 2014/2015/Sample please! Keep them calm!

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