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1. Bell Ringer 2. Remind101 sign up 3. Interpreting historical sources 1. Primary and Secondary sources 4. Middle Passage quotes 5. Agree/Disagree Activity.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Bell Ringer 2. Remind101 sign up 3. Interpreting historical sources 1. Primary and Secondary sources 4. Middle Passage quotes 5. Agree/Disagree Activity."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Bell Ringer 2. Remind101 sign up 3. Interpreting historical sources 1. Primary and Secondary sources 4. Middle Passage quotes 5. Agree/Disagree Activity 6. Exit Ticket

2  Bell Ringers will happen as soon as the bell rings and could be different every day.  Create a chart like the one on the right in your notebook or on a loose leaf.  You will use this everyday, so DON’T LOSE IT!  I will collect them randomly to grade. Bell Ringers Date

3  Using complete sentences answer the following in your bell ringer chart: 1. How were your first 2 days of classes? 2. What was your favorite thing you did this summer? Bell Ringers Date



6  Primary sources o Original records, 1 st hand testimony of an event o Examples? Eye witness reports Letters from people involved in the event Diaries Speeches Photographs Artifacts (objects; like buildings, clothing, pottery)

7  Secondary sources o Writing and interpretations of later writers who have reviewed the information in primary sources o One step removed from the event o They interpret and evaluate o Examples? Textbooks Encyclopedias Articles in scholarly journals Plays

8 1. A play showing how Benjamin Franklin flew a kite during a lightning storm. P or S 2. A WWI’s soldier’s letters home to his wife. P or S 3. A cartoon showing how Pocahontas met John Smith. P or S 4. Video of Buzz Aldrin walking on the moon. P or S 5. An autobiography about President Ronald Reagan. P or S 6. A textbook chapter describing Christopher Columbus sailing to America. P or S 7. The United States Constitution. P or S 8. A gas mask worn during WWII. P or S 9. A scholarly article about the native tribes of North America. P or S 10. A painting depicting created in 1998 of what life was like in Ancient Rome. P or S

9  You must be a critical reading when looking at primary and secondary sources.  Look for these things: o When and where was the document written? o Why was it written? o What do you know about the author? o What is the main idea of the writing? o What facts are used? o What is the tone of the writing?

10  Read the short quote I hand you about the slave ships on the Middle Passage.  After you finish reading, answer the following questions on a sheet of paper: 1. Who said this quote? 2. Is this quote a primary or secondary source? 3. According to this quote, how are the slave ships described? a)(give examples) 4. Do you think this quote is a true account of slave ships? (In other words, do you believe the person who said the quote? a)Why or why not? 5. Is this quote fact or opinion? (or both?) When you are done, we will discuss the quote.

11  These two quotes were different because of bias (by-us)  Bias is a point of view based on pre-existing beliefs o Prejudice, opinion, sometimes unsupported by facts  An author may be biased because of their upbringing, experiences, social class, race, religious beliefs, gender, etc.  We all have biases, it’s not always a good/bad thing…it just happens.  We will now look at some of our biases…

12  I will read a statement.  You will move to the area of the room that fits your opinion- you must pick a side. o Agree o Strongly agree o Disagree o Strongly disagree  I will ask you why you have this bias. Remember: R-E-S-P-E-C-T

13  Students should have to wear uniforms to school.  Beauty is only skin deep.  The Pledge of Allegiance should be recited at school everyday.  Scientists should be allowed to test new medicines on animals.  People should be able to drink when they are 18 years old.  School should start at 9am.  An eye for an eye is a good motto.  All states should have the death penalty.  People should be drug tested before they receive government aid.  The USA should monitor phone calls and internet use of dangerous individuals.

14  Why didn’t your beliefs always line up with everyone else’s beliefs?  Do you think it’s a good thing or a bad thing that we had different opinions?  Can people change their beliefs overtime?  When you are reading anything (for school, a blog, a text, etc). remember that the “author” may have a bias.  Do not believe everything you read or hear. Think about the author/speaker’s intent and opinion. Be a critical thinker.

15  On your piece of paper o Write your name, period, and date o Write one thing you already know about US History.  As you leave, place your exit slip in the box by the door.

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