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OverView Rel.16 SM D3PD skimmed(130GB) for local use with custom di-lep filters requiring at least ONE pair out of e/e, e/μ, μ/μ leptons which satisfying.

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Presentation on theme: "OverView Rel.16 SM D3PD skimmed(130GB) for local use with custom di-lep filters requiring at least ONE pair out of e/e, e/μ, μ/μ leptons which satisfying."— Presentation transcript:


2 OverView Rel.16 SM D3PD skimmed(130GB) for local use with custom di-lep filters requiring at least ONE pair out of e/e, e/μ, μ/μ leptons which satisfying object level cuts at: El_cl_Et>15GeV, combined mu_staco_pt>15GeV or combined mu_muid_pt>15GeV Cut Flow exercise in rel.16, remaining issues: Same GRL as Rel.15 for WWConf(35.2pb -1 ), no new GRL available yet Trkpt5_* took over Trk_* with pt>5GeV threshold applied: affecting muon d0 significance calculation based on muon and id track match, resolved as failing the cut. Interesting high pTMuon candidate with no matched id track matched: mu_staco_pt = 22.7GeV mu_staco_id_pt = 17.1GeV RunNumber = 167607 LB = 207 EventNumber = 46767061 muIndex = 0 The same 8 WW Candidates spotted exactly as Rel.15 Wjets background estimation status: 1-lep Skimming not yet finished on the grid, the only replica at PIC set offline. IN2P3-CC replica requested and going to be finished soon.

3 Highlighted changes from E/Gamma recommendation of Rel.16 analysis in Electron channel (implemented in WW analysis sucessfully) New IsEM definition(major changes for RobusterTight): dentification dentification New OQMap usage(only apply the last p-p map for both data and MC): apsUsage apsUsage New Electron Energy Scale and Resolution: yScaleResolutionRecommendations yScaleResolutionRecommendations

4 Spotted WW candidate EventList Comparison between Rel.15 and Rel.16 data Event Number Rel.channelM(ll)Pt(ll)MET_proj 2315222015e/e65.960.769.9 1666.260.271.5 10723922315e/mu36.559.744.0 1636.359.542.5 12064280115e/mu46.284.468.8 1648.186.271.1 4380585815e/mu160.660.054.5 16160.960.255.7 8546761215e/mu74.160.667.1 1674.060.468.0 5687231815e/mu103.859.252.4 16103.358.849.8 11111052915mu/mu52.451.265.3 1653.852.766.9 2496114815mu/mu34.857.361.1 1634.857.264.2

5 Backup

6 Review of WW Analysis Baseline event selection with reprocess data in rel.16 (remaining issues) Cut 1Trigger requirement Lumi weighted for MC. (based on Rndm numbers from official seed) Cut 2two AND ONLY TWO opposite charge leptons Cut 3Mll> 15 GeV, if same flavor l1 l2 Cut 4Z-mass veto Cut 5MET_projMET_proj > 40 GeV if same flavor l1 l2, else > 20 GeV If DeltaPhi < pi/2 then MET_project = MET*sin(DeltaPhi), else MET_project = MET, where DeltaPhi = angle of MET and closest object (lepton, jet) Cut 6#jets (calibrated pT (EM+JES) >20 GeV, fabs(eta) < 3) == 0 Jet_akt4topoem_* ?

7 Electron selection: electron->author()=1 or electron->author()=3 OTX cleaning cut MC uses LAST pp data run map (ObjectQualityMaps_run167521.root) by specifying run number 167521. PT> 20 GeV ( cluster) abs(cluster_eta)<2.47 without crack region passes bool isRobusterTight (long isEM, bool expectBLayer, float eta, float eT, float Reta, float w2 ); New recommendation in Rel.16 abs(z0(l)) < 10 mmel_trackz0pv impact parameter significance wrt. Primary Vertex fabs(el_trackd0pv/el_tracksigd0pv) < 10 Calorimeter Isolation: ETcone30 < 6 GeV overlap removal!

8 Muon Selection: author: combined STACO or MuID (pick your poison and replace "xxx" below accordingly) MC only: pT oversmearing using reproducible random numbers as described under Technical Details: function MuonPtCorr PT> 20 GeV PTMS > 10 GeV abs((PTMS - PTID)/PTID) < 0.5, where PTMS = fabs (1.0/(mu_xxx_me_qoverp) *sin((mu_xxx_me_theta))) and PTID = fabs ( 1.0/(mu_xxx_id_qoverp) *sin((mu_xxx_id_theta))) mu_xxx_nPixHits >= 1 mu_xxx_nSCTHits >=6 If abs(eta) =6 && nTRTOutliers/(nTRTOutliers+nTRTHits) =1.9 && (nTRTOutliers+nTRTHits)>=6 then nTRTOutliers/(nTRTOutliers+nTRTHits) <0.9 abs(eta)<2.4 abs(z0(l)) < 10 mm impact parameter significance wrt. Primary Vertex fabs(mu_staco _id_d0_exPV / result from GetMuonSigmaD0.C) < 10 Trkpt5_* no match for low pt Muon Isolation: Ptcone20/Pt < 0.1

9 Spotted e/e event: *************************Spotted an (e/e) candidate************************* RunNumber = 166927, LB = 92, EventNumber = 23152220 delta(Z0) = 0.00511498mm, M(ll) = 66.7966GeV, MET = 72.3565GeV, pt(ll) = 60.9625GeV Jet Collection: jet_n = 0 Electron ID info: 1: 0xfff 2: 0xfff 3: 0xc02 Muon ID info: Selected Electron: Index1 = 0 Index2 = 1 ********************************************************************

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