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Standing at the Threshold of Revelation. The KJV has retained this verse but all the newer translations have omitted it. Why? Acts 8:37.

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Presentation on theme: "Standing at the Threshold of Revelation. The KJV has retained this verse but all the newer translations have omitted it. Why? Acts 8:37."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standing at the Threshold of Revelation

2 The KJV has retained this verse but all the newer translations have omitted it. Why? Acts 8:37

3 Why was it removed from NIV, ESV, NLT? Erasmus created the Textus Receptus which included Acts 8:37 Wescott Hort created the Majority Text which excluded Acts 8:37 Earliest manuscripts discovered, 250AD did not include Acts 8:37. Earliest Post Apostolic writings, Irenaeus 180AD, quoted Acts 8:37, as did Cyprian, Tertullian, & Augustine.

4 Conclusion No NT autographs exist. Thousands of copies were made from copies. One early copy omitted the verse, beginning a family of copies that omitted this verse. Other streams of copy families included it, as did the early post apostolic writers. Therefore, it should NOT BE REMOVED from the NT as it is clear that a copyist error created the strain of copies that did not include Acts 8:37 The passage is clearer if the verse exists.

5 Acts 8:37 is a pre-baptism confession. It’s impact destroys 2 reformation teachings. 1.That babies could be baptized (Calvin & Luther). This verse CONFIRMS Mark 16:16, BELIEVER’s BAPTISM. 2.That Romans 10:9-13 is the plan of Salvation. It is not, but merely the model structure of the pre- baptsim confession before water baptism. It is similar to the Lord’s prayer which also is a model structure, not the actual practice to be prayed.

6 Why did Evangelical Translators removed Acts 8:37? Because Evangelical Christians have misunderstood ‘Believe with your heart, confess with your mouth’. Romans 10:9-13 is the model, the conceptual teaching, ACTS 8:37 is the practice of the teaching. Evangelicals don’t believe that water baptism is essential for Salvation (same reason the RSV removed Mark 16:16) “You are the CHRIST, the SON OF GOD”

7 Acts 8:37 is the pre-baptism confessional. It was a Spiritual revelation from God because Jews struggled with two things: 1.That a man could become God 2.That God Himself was their Messiah “You are the CHRIST, the SON OF GOD”

8 Who confessed this first? Peter – Matthew 16:13-20 Martha, Lazarus Sister – John 11:23-28 Nathanael – John 1:45-49 John – John 20:31 “You are the CHRIST, the SON OF GOD”

9 Result of the Confession Peter is given the keys to the kingdom Martha’s brother is raised from the dead Nathanael is called to follow Jesus John give his purpose for writing the gospel of John “You are the CHRIST, the SON OF GOD”

10 Why didn’t Jesus confess this? Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? Matt 16:16 If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true. John 5:31 “You are the CHRIST, the SON OF GOD”

11 High Priest’s question, not confession I adjure thee by the living God, that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of God? Matthew 26:63 High Priest represents “false religion”, a refusal to obey what the Spirit has revealed… Confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God …This refusal resulted in: Jesus being crucified The Jews entered into deception and blindness Salvation is given to those who will confess/obey!

12 Matthew 28:19-20 Discipleship system 1.Teach – pre-baptism catechism (837)…the confession that Jesus is Christ, Son of God 2.Baptize in Jesus name…call on the name 3.Teach – post-baptism catechism…the “Doctrine of Christ” Heb 6:1-3

13 Understanding the Acts 2 Sermon 1.It fulfills the Matthew 28:19 great commission 2.Peter was given the ‘Keys’ to the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the first and most important Sermon for the NEW TESTAMENT Church to hear 3.It reinforces the CONFESSION prior to Repentance, Water Bapstism, and Holy Spirit Infilling.

14 14 Joel’s Last Days Prophecy Fulfilled, Pentecost 33 AD Outpouring of the Holy Spirit Call on the name to be saved Confirming Signs from the Heavens Speaking in Tongues Confirming Signs on the Earth Acts 2:16-21 Quotes Joel 2:28-32

15 15 Peter’s Eyewitness Account of Jesus’ Resurrection Jesus, a man approved by God Holy Spirit Defeats Death God raised him out of the grave Miracle Proofs You Crucified him Acts 2:22-24

16 16 Scripture foretells the Messiah’s resurrection Jesus endured crucifixion Messiah would live a Restored Life of Joy Resurrection Life is a Life in God’s presence While trusting God’s word He looked forward to new resurrected life Acts 2:24-28 Quotes Psalms 16:8-11

17 17 David the Prophet King foretold of his progeny ‘the Messiah’ Jesus has the Power of God’s right hand Resurrection made Holy Spirit on us possible Holy Spirit was the promise to Abraham’s seed Holy Spirit you hear is the power Jesus sent the power to us Acts 2:29-33 Quotes 2 Samuel 7:12 & Psalms 16:10

18 18 Jesus came out of His tomb, David is still in his tomb. Jesus is the human son of God and the human progeny of David Jesus is ‘Lord’ and Christ. Appointed Ruler & King by God. Jesus Reigns by the Holy Spirit, the Right Hand Power Jesus is Messiah, David’s Lord. Jesus Kingdom is Heavenly, David’s is earthly Acts 2:34-36 Quotes Psalms 110:1

19 19 We admit we killed ‘Lord and Christ’. Now how do we escape judgment? Repent and be baptized in the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST Save yourself by using the ‘Keys to the Kingdom’ The HOLY SPIRIT is the PROMISE to everyone God calls To remove your sins Receive the Holy Spirit Acts 2:37-40 Plan of Salvation arrives

20 Evangelicals are stuck at 837 Believe with your heart Confess with your mouth Call on the name Sinner’s prayer Romans 10:9-13

21 Jailer at Macedonia follows the 837 system Acts 16:27-33

22 Peter’s Acts 2 Sermon proves 1.Jesus is the Christ 2.Jesus is the Son of God 3.If you believe this with all your heart, you can now call on the name of JESUS in water baptism. It is the ACT that satisfies Rom 10:9-13

23 23 Result of the Confession: Call on the name of Jesus

24 What is the result of removing Acts 8:37 from the Evangelical Bibles NIV, NASB, GNB, ESV, NLT? Gross Blindness

25 Restoration of

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