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4 th Annual Government Transportation Forum James Welch, CEO YRC Worldwide April 24, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "4 th Annual Government Transportation Forum James Welch, CEO YRC Worldwide April 24, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 th Annual Government Transportation Forum James Welch, CEO YRC Worldwide April 24, 2014

2 Today’s Presentation YRCW Less-than-Truckload (LTL) Primer Trucking Industry Update –Freight by Mode –Economy –Fuel, Equipment and Drivers –Legislative and Regulatory Issues –Summary 2

3 3 LTL Primer

4 LTL Network Optimizes Efficiency for Customers Quite simply, we car pool for shipments Network harmonized by data, equipment and drivers enables us to very efficiently move hundreds of thousands of shipments daily for our customers Freight flows are dynamic and so is our network – we continuously look for the most efficient way to move freight, such as using the rails or purchased transportation This focus on efficiency resulted in YRC Freight, Holland, Reddaway and New Penn receiving the 2013 EPA’s SmartWay Excellence Award 4

5 LTL 200-20,000 pounds Hub-and-spoke network Allows customers to pay only for the part of the trailer they use Utilization of drivers much easier within regulatory environment Truckload 20,000 lbs. + Point-to-point (less efficient for smaller loads) Difficulty meeting Hours of Service regulations Dominated by independent drivers (owner/operators) 5 LTL and TL Shipment Flows

6 6 Trucks Move America’s Freight

7 Source: U.S. Freight Transportation Forecast to 2024 2012Truck Tonnage Only Distribution of Tonnage by Mode: 2012 7

8 Sources: ATA & U.S. Freight Transportation Forecast to 2024 & ATA Truck Rail Interstate Highway JIT/Supply Chain Billions of Tons Deregulation Historical Tonnage by Mode 8

9 9 Freight Volumes, Weather and the Economy – What’s Driving Freight Volumes?

10 No, we expected the economy to slow in Q1, but the weather was a significant drag The housing recovery and auto production have been helping freight volumes The US energy production boom is boosting truck tonnage More optimistic on manufacturing activity this year, but it wasn’t a big help in 2013 Consumer spending has been choppy, but will accelerate in 2014 The headwinds (x weather) that remain are primarily from Congressional polarity and inaction Don’t panic over bad economic reports from weather The US Freight Economy: Is it all weather related? 10

11 Annual Housing Starts (Millions of Units) Sources: Census Bureau and ATA 2014 will be the highest level since 2007 11

12 Real Consumer Spending (Annual Percent Change) Sources: BEA and ATA 12

13 Factory Output (Annual Percent Change) Sources: Federal Reserve and ATA 13

14 14 Sources: ATA’s Monthly Truck Tonnage Report & Trucking Activity Report 14 Changes in Truck Freight Volumes

15 LTL Pricing Metric Slowed Recently but Probably Not for Long (Average Revenue per Ton; Seasonally Adjusted) Sources: ATA’s Trucking Activity Report 15

16 16 Fuel, Equipment and Drivers

17 US Crude Oil Production (Millions of Barrels per Day) Source: EIA 56% increase 17

18 Source: US Department of Energy 201320142015 WTI $/Barrel$97.91$93.22$89.58 Diesel Prices 18

19 Fuel, Equipment and the Environment Natural gas – is there a new fuel for the future of the trucking industry? – From Rudolf Diesel to T. Boone Pickens Diesel is much cleaner now Our equipment and fueling centers are designed for diesel – Transition to natural gas will be long and costly and could require us to go from one to two fuels: CNG city/LNG long haul Power units are getting much more expensive but also more efficient – New diesel power units coming on board the next few years will begin CO 2 reductions to align with current NOX and PM reductions 19

20 LTL Tractor Changes (Percent Change in the Number of Company Tractors) Source: ATA’s Trucking Activity Report Includes all types of truckload carriers Q1 is January & February only 20

21 Source: ATA Benchmarking Guide for Driver Recruitment & Retention 21 Average Number of New Drivers Needed Per Year over the Next 10 Years: 96,178

22 Are companies currently having difficulty finding qualified drivers? Source: ATA Survey September 2013 22

23 Will companies increase pay for one or more driver groups in 2014? Source: ATA Survey September 2013 23

24 Source: ATA 2013 LTL: 11% TL Truck Driver Turnover Rates 24

25 CSA – more transparency than ever and FMCSA must get this right Electronic Logging Devices – all in by mid- 2017 Celebrating drivers – now into the third year of our Driver Hall of Fame Circle of Champions program at YRC Freight to highlight the remarkable achievements of our million-mile, accident-free drivers 25 Safety No. of Accident-Free MilesNo. of Drivers One million1,800 Two million500 Three million70 Four million10 Five million1

26 26 Legislative and Regulatory Industry Issues

27 20 th 2013 Roads Infrastructure Ranking 14 th 2013 Internet Fiber Connectivity The United States by Rankings The Interstate Highway and the Information Superhighway 27

28 One Minute to Midnight on Highway Funding The clock is ticking and the Federal Highway trust Fund will not be able to meet its obligations this summer MAP 21 expires at the end of September and in a recent interview forum former Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood said Congress was not optimistic for any long-term plans: “When September 30 comes and the highway trust fund is broke—it'll even be broke before the 30th, but [definitely] by the end of the fiscal year, it'll be broke—they'll pass an extension of MAP-21,“ he said in an interview for an upcoming National Journal Q&A. "They'll take some money out of the general fund. They'll limp through the election, and then I don't know what will happen after that.” MAP 21 was heralded as a big bipartisan compromise by the Congress that was named the least productive since World War II In fact, MAP 21 was a two-year band-aid – a poor substitute for a well financed, true national infrastructure plan that places a focus on freight infrastructure and protecting our ability to compete internationally It is time that Congress step up and support a fuel tax increase to fund our Nation’s infrastructure – let’s hold the mileage tax and toll roads debate for later and do what we have to do now Yes, my company and our industry are willing to pay more to fund our freight infrastructure We have not had a federal fuel tax increase since 1993 - we would not be in business if we had a GRI once every twenty years 28

29 MO VA NC Washington DC Why We Need a National Funding Solution: 1998 Toll Pilot Project Legislation and 15 Years of Fighting 29

30 Summary

31 Today Our North American LTL network is optimized for efficiency to move freight safely and sustainably Winter hit with a vengeance this past year and continued in 2014 but it is finally in the rearview mirror Driver recruitment will be a cornerstone issue for the industry for several years to come with companies like ours investing resources to get safe and professional drivers behind the wheel The freight industry needs to send a clarion call to Congress that we are ready, willing and able to fund a comprehensive, long-term freight infrastructure program that will employ Americans and keep our supply chains competitive It may be more than two decades before the industry fully embraces natural gas; however, from an emissions standpoint, diesel trucks are getting cleaner 31

32 4 th Annual Government Transportation Forum James Welch, CEO YRC Worldwide April 24, 2014 Thank you for your time today!

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