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New Century Primary English 5A Unit 9 Farmland Taught by : 茅菊英.

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Presentation on theme: "New Century Primary English 5A Unit 9 Farmland Taught by : 茅菊英."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Century Primary English 5A Unit 9 Farmland Taught by : 茅菊英

2 Ask and answer: A : What’s the weather like today? B : It’s sunny. It’s windy. It’s cloudy. It’s rainy. It’s snowy. It’s stormy. It’s foggy.

3 Read the following sun-----sunny rain-----rainy cloud----cloudy wind----windy snow----snowy fog----foggy breeze----breezy storm----stormy

4 What’s the weather like in Shanghai ? It’s nice and warm in spring. It’s wet and hot in summer. It’s dry and cool in autumn. It’s cold in winter.

5 Weather forcast Today is Dec.1 st. It’s foggy in the morning. It will be cloudy with a little rain sometimes in the afternoon. The high temperature is ten degrees. The low temperature is five degrees. It is to be cold tomorrow. Don’t forget to put on more clothes. Weather report ['we ðə]

6 What’s the weather like today ? It’s foggy. How is the weather today ? It’s foggy. Dec. 1st

7 What was the weather like yesterday ? It was cloudy,too. How was the weather yesterday ? It was cloudy, too. Nove.30th

8 What’s the weather like today? It’s foggy. ['f ɔ ɡ i] What’s the weather like this afternoon? It will be cloudy with a little rain sometimes in the afternoon. [ 'litl ]

9 浅谈 a few 、 a little 、 few 、 little a few 和 a little 都表示 " 有一点 ", 着重于肯定, 相当于 some, 但 a little 修饰不可数名词 ;a few 修饰可数名词的 复数。如 :Tom has a few friends in China. 汤姆在中国 有一些朋友。 There is a little milk in the bottle. 瓶子 里有一些牛奶。 few 和 little 表示 “ 几乎没有 ”, 着重否定。 little 后接不可数名词 ;few 后接可数名词复数。如 :Hurry up! There is little time left. 赶快 ! 没有时间了。 There are few vegetables here. You'd better but some. 这 儿几乎没有蔬菜了。你最好去买些。

10 Fill in the blanks with a few and a little: 1.There are ______ duck clouds in the sky. 2. There is _______ milk in the fridge. 3. Are there ______ fruits on the table? 4.There is ______ rain in Shanghai. 5.I have got _____ water. a few a little

11 What’s the weather like tomorrow ? It is going to be cold. What’s the weather like tomorrow ? It is to be cold. How is the weather tomorrow ? It will be cold..

12 What’s the weather like at Christmas ? It is to be ____________. What will you do ? I will ___________.

13 Talk about the pictures :

14 1.The weather [ 'weðə ] in Shanghai is nice[ nais ] and warm[ w ɔ :m ]. 2.It was raining (rain) this morning. 3.It will be snowy (snow) in the afternoon. 4.Will you go to the supermarket[ 'sju:pə,m ɑ :kit ] with me? 5.I can speak a little [ 'litl ] English. 6.Sit down[ daun ], please. 7.My uncle will come to see us tomorrow [ tə'm ɔ rəu, tu'm ɔ rəu ] 8.Look at the clothes[ kləuðz ] in the window. How beautiful

15 1.The ____[ 'weðə ] in Shanghai is____[ nais ] and ___[ w ɔ :m ] 2.It was ____(rain) this morning. 3.It will be ____(snow) in the afternoon. 4.Will you go to the _______[ 'sju:pə,m ɑ :kit ] with me? 5.I can speak a ____[ 'litl ] English. 6.Sit ____[ daun ], please. 7.My uncle will come to see us ____[ tə'm ɔ rəu, tu'm ɔ rəu ] 8.Look at the ____[ kləuðz ] in the window. How beautiful

16 Homework : 1. Listen to the tape and recite Mini Dialogue. 2. Make a plan with the new sentences we have learnt. (Make a plan for this weekend.)

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