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Pre-Application Discussions Helen Martin 20 th March 2015.

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1 Pre-Application Discussions Helen Martin 20 th March 2015

2 How we ended up here... Improved authority in terms of performance, operating in an agile paperless working environment, providing pre app advice for free BUT.... Increasing number of pre apps Less resources and capacity, turn around was slow Customers generally happy but not as happy as they could be, Didn't not reflect different types of customer and different needs Officers frustrated with pre app system, the number of requests, the time they take and the pressure to give applications a priority

3 We started by... Creating a Task and Finish Team made up of case officers, technical support and managers to review our current processes Collecting data (numbers of pre applications requests received, length of time to respond, issues officers felt were affecting performance, customer feedback). Seeking the support of PAS as a pilot on pre app to provide the role of a critical friend.

4 With the intention of.... Developing a streamlined more efficient process that is: Provides clarity and adds value Is achievable and delivers on promises Is flexible to reflect different customer needs Is cost effective

5 We completed the PAS self assessment questionnaire based on the 10 commitments which asks “does your pre app service....” uk/web/pas1/pre- application/- /journal_content/56/ 332612/6649302/A RTICLE

6 1.Enable sustainable development to proceed efficiently from proposal to completion. 2. Offer a range of pre-application services to developers, making sure that each choice can be delivered in a timely, effective manner; proportionate to the size of the proposal 3. Help potential applicants to select the level of engagement necessary to deal with the issues raised by the proposal 4. Demonstrate that your pre-application services are good value for money, whether or not you make a charge to the prospective applicant 5. Co-operate to bring together the right people to address all of the development issues

7 6. Have an open exchange of information. 7. Is it collaborative; are the requirements of all parties given consideration 8. Provide an opportunity for councillors to be actively involved in pre- application discussions 9. Engage with local communities about development proposals 10. Maintain an agreed record of information submitted, advice given and any agreements reached...and were unpleasantly surprised by our responses.

8 Next we carried out: Further reviews of the data we held. Two workshops with planning agents facilitated by the Planning Advisory Service. Sought feedback from officers and internal consultees.

9 What we found... High number of requests for service, but recording confused general requests real pre-application enquiries. Our service was generally good and customers were satisfied – but we could be better and a one size fits all approach is unsustainable and not appropriate. What our customers want and what we think they want (or need) are not necessarily the same thing. Regular customers experiences differed from new customers. The experience also differed from one officer to another.

10 Where do we go from here... Further surveys of customers and PAS facilitated focus groups with Members. Work with ICT provider on how we record service requests. Continue to improve our relationship with the customer. Further adapt our process to provide tiers of advice with the customer needs at heart. Continually review and reflect.

11 Experience so far... We have improved customer relationships. Customers are keen to provide feedback and work with us. It was invaluable for officers to hear directly from customers their experience and get a better understanding of their business needs. It has already allowed us to refocus activity, free up officer time, and tailor the service to the needs of the customer. Team can respond more quickly, and they can focus on adding value where it is needed.

12 Any questions? Helen Martin Head of Planning  01384 814186

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