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Middle School Survey 2010 Selection of evidence from the Survey.

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1 Middle School Survey 2010 Selection of evidence from the Survey

2 Trend in number on roll three quarters of schools expect their numbers to remain the same or to grow - a steady or rising trend in pupil numbers indicated here may indicate an important trend. FallingBroadly steadyRising 15 (26%)33 (58%)9 (16%)

3 Plans for reorganisation Heads report that in just over 60% of schools there are no current plans to reorganise the middle school systems in their areas Number of schools No reorganisation plans33 (61%) Some discussion of reorganisation but on definite plans14 (26%) Planned that school will close in 20113 (6%) Planned that school will close in 20121 (2%) Planned that school will close in 20131 (2%) Planned that school will close in 20140 Planned that school will close in 20150 Planned that school will close after 20152 (4%)

4 Schools considering academy status 10% of the sample schools having registered an initial interest in the new status; however the majority of schools appear unlikely to apply. Percentage of schools Number of schools Yes - the school has registered its interest in becoming an academy10%6 We are considering academy status - but not yet decided.39%22 No - we are unlikely to apply for Academy status.50%28

5 Length of headteacher service Length of service in completed years The average length of service as headteacher in the present post for those schools in the sample is 5.6 years (median value 5 years); however the following table reveals 13 heads with 9 years service or more.

6 The balance between pastoral and curriculum leadership Traditionally in middle schools Year Leaders have played a key role in school leadership, one of the survey questions was designed to capture the extent to which this is still true - or whether schools have moved to other models. Percentage of schoolsNumber of schools Year leaders play the most important role in the management structure and are responsible for both the curriculum and the well being of pupils in their year group.2%1 Year leaders and subject coordinators share the responsibility for the management of the school curriculum.30%15 Year leaders have responsibility for the well being of children of their year group - the curriculum is the responsibility of subject coordinators47%23 The management structure of the school is organised by subject without year leader roles12%6 The management structure of the school is organised into a small number of faculties or areas of learning.8%4

7 School teaching hours Percentage of schools Number of schools Less then 22 hours per week-0 Between 22 hours and 22 hours 55 minutes per week4%2 Between 23 hours and 23 hours 55 minutes per week8%4 Between 24 hours and 24 hours 55 minutes per week37%18 Between 25 hours and 25 hours 55 minutes per week51%25 26 Hours and over per week-0

8 The balance of specialist and generalist teaching across the schools The evidence here tends, rather, to support the agenda of the Cambridge Primary Review, and the report of the ‘three wise men’ before it, in extending the role of the specialist teacher into the upper primary age range. Number of schools Year 4Year 5Year 6Year 7Year 8 All subjects are taught by the class teacher11100 Most subjects are taught by the class teacher - a small number are specialist taught116710 About half the subjects are taught by a class teacher - the other are specialist taught0161311 Most subjects are taught by specialist teachers - with a small number taught by the class teacher07191713 All subjects are taught by special teachers06103133

9 Number of schools setting by ability in different subjects a question from the 1983 HMI Middle School Survey in KS3 with the majority of the schools in the sample setting for Maths and English at Key Stage 3, and just under half of schools in Science and Modern Languages. Number of schools EnglishMathsScience Modern LanguagesHistoryGeographyTechnologyMusic Art and designPE Year 41200000000 Year 5234152000102 Year 63547103220102 Year 741502411551002 Year 840462421873125

10 Approaches to the creative curriculum adopted by middle schools Schools were asked to select for each Key Stage the description that best fits the school. Key Stage 2 Key Stage 3 We have introduced themed days off timetable3940 We have introduced themed weeks off timetable10 We have combined or integrated a limited number of subjects1312 We have reorganised the curriculum into a smaller number of more integrated areas.32

11 Tests used to establish attainment on entry to middle school Taken in the First School Taken on entry to the Middle School Optional SATs - marked by LA or external agency31 Optional SATs - marked by school staff2916 CAT tests030 Teacher Assessment using APP2917 Other teacher assessment1112 Standardised Reading tests925 Standardised Maths tests511

12 Measures you use to demonstrate achievement in the final year of middle school. Three quarters of schools report they are using APP based teacher assessments as part of the data for demonstrating achievement in the final year of middle schools Percentage of schools Number of schools Key Stage 3 test (taken a year early)58%29 Optional SATs - marked by LA or external agency12%6 Optional SATs - marked by school staff48%24 CAT tests12%6 Teacher Assessment using APP76%38 Other teacher assessment32%16 Standardised Reading tests26%13 Standardised Maths tests8%4

13 Issues currently being considered by schools Others mentioned  Engaging parents and pupils online to take ownership of their learning  Managing a decreasing budget  Trying to further raise standards in writing  Development of student voice as a tool to raise standards  How to close the school recognising its place in the community and celebrating its successes. (3 schools) Percentage of schools Number of schools Innovative approaches to curriculum design and organisation65%28 Strengthening the creative curriculum60%26 Responding to developments in ICT51%22 Changes to school leadership structures21%9 Developing system structures - federation, trust...30%13 Closer partnership with parents46%20

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