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Unit 5 The seasons Read the words warm, summer windy season, winter.

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2 Unit 5 The seasons

3 Read the words

4 warm, summer windy season, winter

5 spring, cool cloudy, rainy sunny, autumn

6 foggy, snowy go rowing, go fishing go skating, fly kites

7 catch insects, go camping make snowmen, go swimming eat ice cream, pick fruits

8 plant trees, have a long holiday take a walk go to the park go to a farm

9 Unit 5 The seasons

10 Weather Report ( 天气预报 )

11 What is the weather like in Beijing today? It’s sunny. Beijing Beijing

12 It’s cloudy. What’s the weather like in Guangzhou today? Guangzhou

13 What’s the weather like in Changchun? It’s snowy. Changchun

14 What’s the weather like in Chengdu? It’s windy. Chengdu

15 New York ( 纽约 )

16 How is the weather in New York? It’s rainy. New York New York

17 Summary 询问天气时,可以问: What’s the weather like in Changchun? How is the weather in New York?


19 Listen and answer Learning tip :带着问题去听,找关键词,然后回答。 1.What are they talking about? 2.Who’s going to New York? A.New York B.the weather in New York A.Su Yang B.Ben C.Su Yang’s father

20 Let’s read Su Yang’s dad is going to New York next week. He is going to work there for one year. Su Yang wants to know about the weather there. She is asking Ben some questions about the weather in New York. 可以根据上下文猜测 生词和词组的意思。 阅读中遇到生词或词组 我们应该怎么办呢? be going to: 将要 next week: 下周


22 The weather in New York springsummer autumn winter

23 Learning tips: 当听较短的片段时 , 抓住关键词 , 快速记录答案。 Su Yang: Ben, my father’s going to New York soon. What’s the weather like there in summer? Is it hot? Ben: Yes. It’s usually very hot, as hot as in Nanjing. summer What’s the weather like in summer? Key words: ( 关键词 ) very hot, as hot as in Nanjing

24 The weather in New York spring autumn winter summer as hot as in Nanjing

25 Su Yang: Ben: What do people like to do in autumn? What’s the weather like in autumn? autumn the best season coolsunnywindy Learning tips: 当阅读较短的片段时,可以利用 寻读 的方式,快速寻找答案。 What about autumn there? It’s the best season in New York. It’s cool and usually sunny. Sometimes its windy. People like to go to farms in the countryside and pick apples.

26 citycountryside town A C B

27 The weather in New York spring winter summer autumn cool,sunny( usually ) windy (sometimes) go to farms pick apples as hot as in Nanjing

28 Sounds great! Does it often rain there in spring? Yes, it does, and it’s warm most of the time. New York is very beautiful in spring. Su Yang: Ben: What’s the weather like in spring? spring It’s rainy and warm most of the time. 1. 请用 寻读 的方法找出问题的答案。 2. 请 猜测 划线词组的意思。 Yes, it doeswarm

29 most of… 大多数的 …… all of… 所有的 …… some of… 一些 …… one of… …… 之一 1

30 The weather in New York winter summer rainy Warm (most of the time) spring as hot as in Nanjing autumn cool,sunny( usually ) windy (sometimes) go to farms pick apples

31 Su Yang: Which season in New York do you like best? Ben: I like winter best. Su Yang: Why? Ben: Because I can make snowmen with my friends. It’s great fun. Su Yang: So it’s very cold there in winter. Ben: Yes, it’s colder than in Nanjing. Your dad needs some warm clothes for winter in New York. Ben: My favourite season is _______. Because I can _________________. It’s very ________. Your dad need some _____________. winter make snowmen cold warm clothes 齐读对话,然后填空

32 The weather in New York winter summer autumn rainy Warm (most of the time) spring make snowmen need some warm clothes as hot as in Nanjing cool,sunny( usually ) windy (sometimes) go to farms pick apples colder than in Nanjing

33 Su Yang’s dad is going to New York next week. He is going to work there for one year. Su Yang wants to know about the weather there. She is asking Ben some questions about the weather in New York. Su Yang: Ben, my father’s going to New York soon. What’s the weather like there in summer? Is it hot? Ben: Yes. It’s usually very hot, as hot as in Nanjing. What about autumn there? It’s the best season in New York. Sometimes it’s windy. People like to go to farms in the countryside and pick apples. It’s cool and usually sunny. Su Yang: Ben: Unit 5 The seasons What about autumn there?

34 Sounds great! Does it often rain there in spring? Yes, it does, and it’s warm most of the time. New York is very beautiful in spring. Su Yang: Ben: Su Yang: Which season in New York do you like best? Ben: I like winter best. Su Yang: Why? Ben: Because I can make snowmen with my friends. It’s great fun. Su Yang: So it’s very cold there in winter. Ben: Yes, it’s colder than in Nanjing. Your dad needs some warm clothes for winter in New York. Does it often rain there in spring?

35 The weather in New York winter summer autumn rainy Warm (most of the time) spring make snowmen need some warm clothes as hot as in Nanjing cool,sunny( usually ) windy (sometimes) go to farms pick apples colder than in Nanjing winter

36 New York is one of the biggest cities in the USA. Most people know that it is a city of tall buildings. The World Trade Center( 世 界贸易中心 ) and the Statue of Liberty( 自由 女神像 ) are in this city. Let’s learn

37 There are four seasons in China. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. The seasons in Australia are opposite. When it is summer in China, it is winter in Australia. Australia is famous for (驰名) its kangaroos. Do you know kangaroos? It has a “bag” in its body. The mother kangaroo keeps its baby kangaroo in the “bag”. It’s interesting, isn’t it? 别忘了使用刚才学到的阅读技巧哦!

38 1. The word “opposite” means_____. A. 相似 B. 相反 C. 变化 2. The big kangaroo keeps its baby ____. A. in the “bag” B. on shoulders C. in arms 3. The passage( 短文) is talking about_____. A. four seasons in China B. four seasons in Australia C. the kangaroos in Australia D. B and C



41 A Weather Report( 天气预报 ) for Taicang Taicang is a _____ city.There are many beautiful places in Taicang.The weather in Taicang is nice,too. Spring is ______________. People usually _____________. Summer is _____________. People often ______________. Autumn is the ______ season in Taicang. It’s________. People usually ____________. It is _____ in winter in Taicang. Sometimes it’s ____. Children often _____________. Taicang is a good place to live in and a good place to visit.

42 Our earth , our home !

43 Homework 1. Read the text after the tape. 2. Say something about the weather in Taicang.

44 Dear Tom Taicang is a beautiful city. There are many nice places, such as, the Jingcanghu Park… The weather in Taicang is ______, too. In spring, it’s ________,the trees____ ____. People often _________. In summer, it is _______, people often __________. The days_____________ and the _________nights _________, In autumn, it is___________, the leaves__________. People often _______. In winter, it is___________, people often ___________. Taicang is a good place to visit. Do you like it ? With best wishes! (your name)

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