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Maritza Selva Rivera ENGL 2050-3357 ‘Online' Conversational English Oral Presentation Module 3 – Assignment 3.2 Professor Mary Ann Toledo Sonia Sotomayor.

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2 Maritza Selva Rivera ENGL 2050-3357 ‘Online' Conversational English Oral Presentation Module 3 – Assignment 3.2 Professor Mary Ann Toledo Sonia Sotomayor Martin Luther King

3 Introduction Inspiration is a stimulating feeling that we seek to motivate us, to continue pressing forward through hardships and to find meaning amidst chaos. What inspires us is sometimes found in the rarest of forms. It is sometimes in plain sight. It is often stumbled upon without intention, and it is sometimes graciously handed to us in the form of wise words, spoken by experienced and influential minds.

4 Elements that made Dr. King speech an historic one Many will first recall his most famous lines: “I Have a Dream…” Delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963, King’s speech was a milestone in the fight for racial equality in the United States. Even now in daily life, the lines used as a mantra of the Civil Rights Movement, a call for freedom from unfair treatment, even in jest to hyperbolically compare our own smaller dreams to the scope of what he envisioned for our nation’s future.

5 Elements that made Sonia Sotomayor speech a historic moment: Confirmation of Judge Sonia Sotomayor fell on the anniversary of the law’s passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, lending even greater historical resonance to a moment that President Obama celebrated as breaking yet another barrier and moving us yet another step closer to a more perfect union. 4

6 Elements that made Sonia Sotomayor speech a historic moment: Sotomayor mentions the names of friends & family who had guided and supported her throughout the years and were instruments in helping her realize her dreams. An ordinary person blessed with extraordinary opportunities and experiences. A standing ovation to a Puerto Rican women, in respect to her achievements. 5

7 Sonia Sotomayor and Martin Luther King They believe that all people, regardless of background or circumstance, should have the opportunity to reach their full potential by participating and succeeding in higher education. And working together, we can do more to make a dream become a reality. For as long as Sotomayor remembered she had been inspired by the achievement of our funding fathers. They set forth off principles that have endured for more than two Centuries. She believes in the Rule of Law as the foundation of all our Basic Rights. 6

8 Sonia Sotomayor and Martin Luther King The most impressive element to me on Mrs. Sonia Sotomayor speech was, when she spoke about her mother, calling her “One extraordinary person”, who is her life inspiration. Stated, “I am all I am because of her”. Her father had passed away, still gave thanks to her Father in Law and concluded saying “I love you”. 7

9 Most memorable and impressive elements to me: On the other hand, the most memorable element in Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was when he was making reference to a “Promissory Note” in relation to when The Constitution was signed and also contained the Declaration of Independence guaranteeing that all white and black men would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life and liberty. America was defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. “America has given the “Negro” a check that has come back marked as “Insufficient Funds”. 8

10 Most memorable and impressive elements to me: He also kept repeating “I have a Dream Today”, “Now is the Time” and “Let Freedom Ring”, from the start to the end of his speech. Dr. King went with his “brothers” to the Nations Capital in a sense, to “cash a check”, holding on a promissory note. Making a relation to when the Constitution was signed and also contained the Declaration of Independence guaranteeing that all white and black men would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life and liberty. They had congregated to dramatized a shameful condition. 9

11 Reference English 2050–3357 Online, (2014); Module 3, Assignment 3.2; YouTube videos: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Speech, I Have a Dream and Sonia Sotomayor Supreme Court Nomination Speech; Retrieved in: English 2050–3357 Online, (2014); Module 3, Assignment 3.2; YouTube videos: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Speech, I Have a Dream and Sonia Sotomayor Supreme Court Nomination Speech; Retrieved in: 10

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