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From deficiency to excellence: making “good” students excellent: Caroline Ukoumunne and Mark Webb.

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Presentation on theme: "From deficiency to excellence: making “good” students excellent: Caroline Ukoumunne and Mark Webb."— Presentation transcript:

1 From deficiency to excellence: making “good” students excellent: Caroline Ukoumunne and Mark Webb

2 A Creative Start………… Lion Dog Parrot Elephant Rank these animals 1, 2, 3, 4 in order of your preference or liking for them. Write down the order. You can keep your list private if you wish to. There are no right or wrong answers.

3 Key to Order and Animals DogLionElephantParrot 1 How you want others (significant people in your life) to perceive you today. friendly, faithful, loyal, supportive, protective, dependable, reliable, trustful, trusting, solid, keen, hard- working, loving dominant, fearsome, independent, decisive, proactive, isolated, aloof, leading, critical, objective, detached, focused, fearless tolerant, passive, cooperative, respected, big, strong, controlled, calm, indomitable, revered, wise lively, fun, free- spirited, sociable, amenable, popular, attractive, cheerful, passionate, spontaneous 2 How you believe you are actually perceived today by others. 3 How you'd like to be perceived by others in the future. 4 How you actually truly want to be - without influence of what other significant people in your life feel and think about you.

4 AIMS C hallenging (the deficiency model) C reativity T ransformation V isionary

5 Brixton Riots Soweto 1981 1976

6 EQUALITY? Outcomes Opportunities

7 Jazzy B

8 Chris Ofili

9 Tracey Emin

10 Meera Syal

11 Lola Young

12 Background Rationale Context

13 C hallenging… the deficiency model Historical context Education Policy Multi-culturalism

14 EXERCISE 1 Write a short piece explaining why you think it is important for pupils to study your subject at ‘A’ Level. (5mins) Deliver your presentation to the group. You will have a maximum of 2 mins to do this. Explain how you felt about your own performance, what worked well and not so well? (2 mins) Feedback session (10 mins)



17 Workshops Drama Workshop Teaching Skills, Life Skills: Concentration; listening to each other, to instructions, etc.; developing the memory; general alertness and quick responses. Confidence building: getting used to being watched, talking and acting in front of others. Learning to work with anyone, group tolerance, working in different group sizes, building up group sensitivity and awareness of others. Building up trust of each other, overcoming embarrassment in front of others in many areas including touch. Problem solving, individually, in pairs and in groups. The ability to analyse and evaluate. PRESENTATION SKILLS: Vocal expression: audibility, clarity, thinking on one's feet, language apt to context and situation Improvisation learning points: Beginnings and endings; use of space and levels for interest; focusing on one thing at a time; the importance of structure.

18 Instructions Always produce things in threes. Lists of threes work well as you know, for example, “education, education, education,” “stop, look and listen,” Use narratives, tell a story with a beginning a middle and an end. Use images where possible, most people are visually orientated and will retain and understand up to 60% of information by seeing images

19 Presentation/teaching tips A good teaching session works by addressing all of the questions pupils need to know about a subject. “I keep six honest serving Men, (They taught me all I know; Their names are What and why and when And How and Where and Who Rudyard Kipling, from the “Just So Stories,” 1902

20 Communication Role playVoice Enunciation.


22 Conclude C hallenging (the deficiency model) C reativity T ransformation V isionary

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