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Section 19.1 Advertising Media Chapter 19 advertising Section 19.2 Media Rates.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 19.1 Advertising Media Chapter 19 advertising Section 19.2 Media Rates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 19.1 Advertising Media Chapter 19 advertising Section 19.2 Media Rates

2 Explain the concept and purpose of advertising in the promotional mix. Identify the different types of advertising media. Discuss the planning and selection of media. Section 19.1 Advertising Media

3 Types of Media Used for Advertising Section 19.1

4 Advertising Media Getting Ready to Sell Section 19.1 advertising A form of nonpersonal promotion in which companies pay to promote ideas, goods, or services in a variety of media outlets. The average city dweller is exposed to more than 3,000 advertising messages every day.

5 Advertising Media Getting Ready to Sell Section 19.1 promotional advertising Advertising designed to increase sales. Promotional Advertising Institutional Advertising institutional advertising Advertising designed to create a favorable image for a company and foster goodwill in the marketplace.

6 Advertising Media Types of Media Section 19.1 media The agencies, means, or instruments used to convey messages to the public. What is media?

7 Advertising Media Types of Media Section 19.1 print media Advertising in newspapers, magazines, direct mail, signs, and billboards. Print Media Newspaper Advertising Magazine Advertising Direct-Mail Advertising Directory Advertising Outdoor Advertising Transit Advertising transit advertising Advertisement seen on public transportation.

8 Advertising Media Types of Media Section 19.1 broadcast media Radio and television. Broadcast Media Television AdvertisingRadio Advertising Companies can advertise nationally on network television or on local television stations. Radio advertisers can carefully target their audiences when they select the station on which to broadcast their ads.

9 Advertising Media Types of Media Section 19.1 Internet advertising The form of advertising that uses either e-mail or the World Wide Web. Opt-In E-Mail Ads Banner and Search Engine Ads Rich-Media and Video Ads Social-Media Advertising Internet Advertising PodastsBlogs podcast Any brief digital broadcast that includes audio, images, and video delivered separately or in combination. blog Personal Web site where an individual shares thoughts, pictures, and comments with visitors.

10 Advertising Media Types of Media Section 19.1 specialty media Relatively inexpensive useful items featuring an advertiser’s name or logo; also called giveaways or advertising specialties. BooksCalendarsMagnetsPens Specialty Media PencilsShirtsCapsBags

11 Advertising Media Types of Media Section 19.1 Digital Billboards On-Screen Movie Theater Ads Bathroom Stalls iPods ® Other Advertising Media Cell PhonesLaptopsVideo GamesVlogs Web LogsRSS News FeedsTwitter ® Facebook ®

12 Advertising Media Types of Media Section 19.1 Examples of Each Type of Media

13 Advertising Media Types of Media Section 19.1 Examples of Each Type of Media

14 Advertising Media Types of Media Section 19.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Print Media

15 Advertising Media Types of Media Section 19.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Print Media continued

16 Advertising Media Types of Media Section 19.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Print Media

17 Advertising Media Types of Media Section 19.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Print Media

18 advertising campaign advertising agencies logotype headline copy Elements of Advertising Section 20.1 illustration clip art signature slogan

19 Elements of Advertising Components of a Print Ad Section 20.1

20 Elements of Advertising Components of a Print Ad Section 20.1

21 Elements of Advertising The Advertising Campaign Section 20.1 advertising campaign A group of advertisements, commercials, and related promotional materials and activities that are designed as part of a coordinated advertising plan to meet the specific goals of a company. Planning an Integrated Advertising Campaign Identify the target audience 1 2 3 4 5 6 Determine objectives Establish the budget Develop the message Select the media Evaluate the campaign

22 Elements of Advertising The Advertising Campaign Section 20.1 What is an advertising agency? advertising agency An independent business that specializes in developing ad campaigns and crafting the ads for clients.

23 Elements of Advertising Developing Print Advertisements Section 20.1 What is a logotype? logotype A graphic symbol for a company, brand, or organization; logo.

24 Elements of Advertising Developing Print Advertisements Section 20.1 Headline Elements of Print Advertisements headline The phrase or sentence in an advertisement that captures the readers’ attention, generates interest, and entices them to read the rest of the ad.

25 Elements of Advertising Developing Print Advertisements Section 20.1 HeadlineCopy Elements of Print Advertisements copy The selling message of a written advertisement.

26 Elements of Advertising Developing Print Advertisements Section 20.1 HeadlineCopyIllustration Elements of Print Advertisements illustration The photograph, drawing, or other graphic element that is used in an advertisement. Clip Art clip art Inexpensive or free images, stock drawings, and photographs.

27 Elements of Advertising Developing Print Advertisements Section 20.1 HeadlineCopyIllustrationSignature Elements of Print Advertisements signature The name of the advertiser or logotype that is the distinctive identification symbol for a business. Clip Art slogan A catchy phrase or words that identify a product or company. Slogan

28 Advertising Media Types of Media Section 19.1 Types of Internet Advertising

29 Advertising Media Types of Media Section 19.1 Types of Internet Advertising

30 Identify media measurement techniques. Explain techniques used to evaluate media. Summarize how media costs are determined. Explain promotional budget methods. Section 19.2 Media Rates

31 Media Measurement and Rates Section 19.2

32 Media Rates Media Measurement and Rates Section 19.2

33 Media Rates Section 19.2 Media Measurement Key Terms in Media Measurement Audience Frequency Impression Cost per Thousand (CPM) audience The number of homes or people exposed to an ad. frequency The number of times an audience sees or hears an advertisement. impression A single exposure to an advertising message. cost per thousand (CPM) The media-measurement cost of exposing 1,000 readers or viewers to an advertising impression.

34 Media Rates Section 19.2 Media Rates Factors That Affect Newspaper Advertising Rates

35 Media Rates Section 19.2 Media Rates Factors That Affect Newspaper Advertising Rates

36 Media Rates Section 19.2 Media Rates Magazine RatesInternet Rates Radio RatesTelevision Rates §Circulation §Type of readership §Production techniques §Frequency discounts §Banner ads §Rich media ads §Popup ad §Pop-under ads §Pay-for-sale §Network ads §National spot-radio §Local radio §Time of day §National §Local §Time of day

37 Media Rates Contrast possible ad rates for a small weekly newspaper with a large daily newspaper. Section 19.2 1. With all things except circulation being equal, comparing rates using cost per thousand (CPM) measurement, it would cost less to advertise in a large daily newspaper. For example: Cost of ad for both papers = $500. Circulation for small weekly newspaper = 10,000. Circulation for large daily = 200,000. Calculate: small weekly newspaper ($500 x 1,000/10,000 = $50 per 1,000 readers. Large daily newspaper ($500 x 1,000/200,000 = $2.50) Section 19.2

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