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1 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course EMERGENCY.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course EMERGENCY."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT COURSE MODULE 3: RESOURCE MANAGEMENT

2 2 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Iowa Administrative Code

3 3 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course EMAP & Resource Management 4.8: Resource Management and Logistics Overview-An accredited Emergency Management Program should encompass pre-emergency, systematic identification of resource requirements, shortfalls and inventories consistent with the Threat Hazard Identification Risk Assessment (THIRA).

4 4 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Why is resource mgt important? Vast majority of resources are “borrowed” from others

5 5 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Why is resource mgt. important? Vast majority of resources are “borrowed” from others Having knowledge of what is in your county and what your regional partners have

6 6 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Why is resource mgt. important? Vast majority of resources are “borrowed” from others Having knowledge of what is in your county and what your regional partners have Having a current inventory

7 7 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Why is resource mgt. important? Vast majority of resources are “borrowed” from others Having knowledge of what is in your county and what your regional partners have Having a current inventory Outcome is to maximize the efficient use of what we and others have More than just a list, it’s a process from identification through deactivation

8 8 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course ESF#7 Logistics Management and Resource Support – Establishes how your county will manage ALL resources during an incident Public Private Donated Purchased

9 9 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course ESF#7 Logistics Management and Resource Support – Establishes how your county will manage ALL resources during an incident Public Private Donated Purchased – Delegates responsibilities to agencies in the process

10 10 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course ESF#7 Logistics Management and Resource Support – Establishes how your county will manage ALL resources during an incident Public Private Donated Purchased – Delegates responsibilities to agencies in the process – Ensure everyone is AWARE of expected actions!

11 11 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division Emergency Management Program Development Course Resource Management Categories Services Equipment Supplies Facilities People Financial Sources Agency-owned Contracted Mutual aid Business Partnerships Iowa Mutual Aid Compact (IMAC) State Resources, Teams, Mission Ready Packages Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) Direct Federal Assistance Non-Government Organizations Volunteers Donations

12 12 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Resource Management Resource Management System – Identification – Location – Acquisition – Storage – Maintenance – Distribution – Accounting

13 13 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Resource Management Gap analysis should be conducted periodically (capability assessment) – Several acceptable methods exist to do this

14 14 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Resource Management Gap analysis should be conducted periodically (capability assessment) – Several acceptable methods exist to do this Needs and shortfalls identified shall be “filled” through: – Budget process – Mutual Aid Agreements – Memoranda of Understanding/Agreements – Contracts – Business Partnerships – Compacts

15 15 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Mutual Aid Inter-jurisdictional resource assistance – Personnel – Equipment – Supplies

16 16 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Mutual Aid Inter-jurisdictional resource assistance – Personnel – Equipment – Supplies “Assisting Party” and “Receiving Party” generally have similar capabilities

17 17 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Mutual Aid Inter-jurisdictional resource assistance – Personnel – Equipment – Supplies “Assisting Party” and “Receiving Party” generally have similar capabilities Reciprocal situation

18 18 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Mutual Aid Mutual aid agreements improve the coordination of disaster response by resolving, during the calm of the planning period, challenging questions about joint assistance

19 19 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Mutual Aid Mutual aid agreements improve the coordination of disaster response by resolving, during the calm of the planning period, challenging questions about joint assistance Review periodically

20 20 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Mutual Aid Mutual aid agreements improve the coordination of disaster response by resolving, during the calm of the planning period, challenging questions about joint assistance Review periodically EMA’s role in mutual aid – Awareness if between other disciplines – Direct involvement if between EMAs – Identify needs and facilitate

21 21 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course 28E Agreement Iowa Code Section 28E The purpose of this chapter is to permit state and local governments in Iowa to make efficient use of their powers by enabling them to provide joint services and facilities with other agencies and to co-operate in other ways of mutual advantage.

22 22 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course 28E Agreement Iowa Code Section 28E The purpose of this chapter is to permit state and local governments in Iowa to make efficient use of their powers by enabling them to provide joint services and facilities with other agencies and to co- operate in other ways of mutual advantage. “Providing” and “Receiving” Parties may not have similar capabilities (non-reciprocal)

23 23 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course 28E Agreement Iowa Code Section 28E The purpose of this chapter is to permit state and local governments in Iowa to make efficient use of their powers by enabling them to provide joint services and facilities with other agencies and to co-operate in other ways of mutual advantage. “Providing” and “Receiving” Parties may not have similar capabilities (non-reciprocal) Legal document – Who signs – Where filed

24 24 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course 28E Agreement Iowa Code Section 28E The purpose of this chapter is to permit state and local governments in Iowa to make efficient use of their powers by enabling them to provide joint services and facilities with other agencies and to co-operate in other ways of mutual advantage. “Providing” and “Receiving” Parties may not have similar capabilities (non-reciprocal) Legal document – Who signs – Where filed Creates a recognized political subdivision under Iowa Code – Subject to open meetings, etc.

25 25 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Volunteers Accept, manage, track, and distribute Affiliated Non-affiliated Spontaneous Qualifications Volunteer reception center model

26 26 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Private Sector Partnerships Safeguard Iowa Partnership Chambers of Commerce Convention and Visitor’s Bureaus Local businesses Other local entities

27 27 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Donations Accept, manage, and distribute – Goods and materials – Services – Personnel – Financial Resources – Facilities

28 28 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Donations Accept, manage, and distribute – Goods and materials – Services – Personnel – Financial Resources – Facilities Solicited Unsolicited

29 29 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Resource Typing

30 30 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Resource Typing Resource typing is the categorization and description of response resources that are commonly used and/or exchanged in disasters

31 31 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Resource Typing Resource typing is the categorization and description of response resources that are commonly used and/or exchanged in disasters Standard resource typing definitions help responders request and deploy the resources they need through the use of common terminology

32 32 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Resource Typing Resource typing is the categorization and description of response resources that are commonly used and/or exchanged in disasters Standard resource typing definitions help responders request and deploy the resources they need through the use of common terminology They allow emergency management personnel to identify, locate, request, order and track outside resources quickly and effectively and facilitate the movement of these resources to the jurisdiction that needs them

33 33 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course

34 34 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course

35 35 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course IRIS Software "As part of our Nation”s efforts to strengthen resource management in line with the National Incident Management System (NIMS), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Incident Management Systems Division developed the NIMS Incident Resource Inventory System (NIMS-IRIS) tool to assist emergency responders with inventorying resources. The software allows emergency responders to enter resources based on FEMA typed and user defined types. Users can select specific resources for mutual aid purposes based on mission requirements, the capability of resources, and response time." r_guide... r_guide...

36 36 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course SCB The Emergency Management Database is a management tool that provides fast and easy access to information on agencies that provide emergency services, and to locate needed resources. The program will find and highlight the resources you need. The program also includes event logging tools to manage incidents; including tracking messages, radio traffic, location involvements, tasks, unit status, shelters, and facilities. Also includes an Incident Command System chart based on the NFES ICS 207 form, and an Emergency Operations Center chart, which allow you to visually track changes to the Incident Command and EOC structure, and quickly make assignments with a point and click. The program also provides access to Emergency Response Guidebook data, including isolation and evacuation distances. Numerous reference documents and forms are included. Network compatible, changes from one workstation appear at all others.

37 37 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Emergency Management Assistance Compact

38 38 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) Concept evolved following Hurricane Andrew - 1992 Endorsed by Congress in 1996 – PL 104- 321

39 39 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) Concept evolved following Hurricane Andrew - 1992 Endorsed by Congress in 1996 – PL 104-321 State to state mutual aid agreement – All 50 states, Puerto Rico, Guam, US Virgin Islands and District of Columbia are members

40 40 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) Concept evolved following Hurricane Andrew - 1992 Endorsed by Congress in 1996 – PL 104-321 State to state mutual aid agreement – All 50 states, Puerto Rico, Guam, US Virgin Islands and District of Columbia are members Articles address liability, licensure, work comp, death benefits and reimbursement

41 41 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) Concept evolved following Hurricane Andrew - 1992 Endorsed by Congress in 1996 – PL 104-321 State to state mutual aid agreement – All 50 states, Puerto Rico, Guam, US Virgin Islands and District of Columbia are members Articles address liability, licensure, work comp, death benefits and reimbursement Governor’s Declaration is activating mechanism

42 42 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) Iowa Code 29C.21 Administered by state emergency management agency Authorized Representatives – authorized to obligate funds on behalf of the state Designated Contacts – trained individuals who are experienced in EMAC process and Operating System Local resources deployable if they are “agents of the state” – done by 28D agreement

43 43 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course EMAC Process Disaster exceeds state capability to respond Governor issues disaster declaration Needed resources are identified and determination made on whether to request directly from neighboring state or broadcast Req-A completed to identify needed resources Assisting states make offers Offers are reviewed by Authorized Rep and decision made on which to accept

44 44 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course EMAC Process Req-A signed by Authorized Rep, accepting offer Once Req-A signed in all parts (request, offer, acceptance) becomes legally binding contract Resources deploy to needed location Complete mission they were assigned Demobilize and return to home base upon mission completion Submit required documentation for reimbursement Assisting states are reimbursed

45 45 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Iowa Mutual-Aid Compact

46 46 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Iowa Mutual-Aid Compact (IMAC) Modeled after EMAC

47 47 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Iowa Mutual-Aid Compact (IMAC) Modeled after EMAC Iowa Code 29C.22

48 48 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Iowa Mutual-Aid Compact (IMAC) Modeled after EMAC Iowa Code 29C.22 Provide for assistance between the participating local governments Automatically a signatory unless you actively opt-out – Cities – Counties – EM Commissions – School Districts

49 49 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Iowa Mutual-Aid Compact (IMAC) Modeled after EMAC Iowa Code 29C.22 Provide for assistance between the participating local governments Automatically a signatory unless you actively opt-out – Cities – Counties – EM Commissions – School Districts Managing any emergency or disaster that is declared in accordance with a countywide comprehensive emergency operations plan or by the governor, whether arising from natural disaster, technological hazard, man-made disaster, community disorder, insurgency, terrorism, or enemy attack

50 50 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Iowa Mutual-Aid Compact (IMAC) Responsibility of each participating government to formulate procedural plans and programs for intrastate cooperation Emergency forces shall continue under the command and control of their regular leaders, but the organizational units shall come under the operational control of the emergency services authorities of the participating government receiving assistance

51 51 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Iowa Mutual-Aid Compact (IMAC) Licenses and Permits – If a person holds a license, certificate, or other permit issued by any participating government to this compact, the person shall be deemed licensed, certified, or permitted by the participating government requesting assistance

52 52 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Iowa Mutual-Aid Compact (IMAC) Liability – Officers or employees of a participating government rendering aid in another participating government jurisdiction pursuant to this compact shall be considered agents of the requesting participating government for tort liability and immunity purposes

53 53 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Iowa Mutual-Aid Compact (IMAC) Supplementary Agreements – This compact shall not preclude any political subdivision from entering into supplementary agreements with another political subdivision or affect any other agreements already in force between political subdivisions

54 54 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Iowa Mutual-Aid Compact (IMAC) Workers Compensation – Each participating government shall provide for the payment of workers' compensation and death benefits to injured members of the emergency forces of that participating government in the same manner and on the same terms as if the injury or death were sustained within their own jurisdiction

55 55 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Iowa Mutual-Aid Compact (IMAC) Reimbursement – Any participating government rendering aid in another jurisdiction pursuant to this compact shall be reimbursed by the participating government receiving the emergency aid for any loss or damage to or expense incurred in the operation of any equipment and the provision of any service in answering a request for aid and for the costs incurred in connection with the requests

56 56 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Executing the Agreement Request for Assistance (Req-A) Ensure proper authority is requesting Can execute verbally Paperwork required within 30 days

57 57 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course IMAC Req-A

58 58 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course WebEOC

59 59 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course WebEOC WebEOC is a web-based information management system that provides a single access point for the collection and dissemination of emergency or event-related information

60 60 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course

61 61 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Follow up Download and be familiar with NIMS Resource Typing Guidance document Read IMAC section Read WebEOC manual Schedule/take WebEOC training Mentor Taskbook Independent Study Additional Courses 61

62 62 Iowa Emergency Management Association Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Program Development Course Module 3: Resource Management Questions Comments Suggestions

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