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The Engagement with CSOs and LAs An Example of CSOs Participation in the Country Roadmap – The Pacific Presenter: Neil Maharaj PIANGO/FCOSS.

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Presentation on theme: "The Engagement with CSOs and LAs An Example of CSOs Participation in the Country Roadmap – The Pacific Presenter: Neil Maharaj PIANGO/FCOSS."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Engagement with CSOs and LAs An Example of CSOs Participation in the Country Roadmap – The Pacific Presenter: Neil Maharaj PIANGO/FCOSS

2 Presentation Outline  Introduction  Pacific/Fiji Road Map  EU Priority Areas for Pacific and Fiji  EU and CSO Consultation Outcomes  Examples of CSO Engagement  Challenges and Recommendations

3 Introduction  About PIANGO and FCOSS  NLU membership and CSO representation  PIANGOs technical support to NLUs such as FCOSS  Pacific Issues: Seabed Mining, Extractive industries, Climate Change, Indigenous rights and goals 13-17 of Post 2015  State of CSO in the Pacific and Fiji and background  Laws, Policies and Decrees  Work of CSOs  Latest update from PIANGO  Recognition of Pacific as the stand alone region by CPDE  West Papua gains Observer status in MSG  Delegation of the European Union for the Pacific – Fiji Office

4 Pacific and Fiji Road Map  Regional(Pacific) and Country Fiji Roadmap was developed and consulted by EU  Purpose  Effective Partnership  Structured dialogue  Open and participatory environment for CSOs  Consultation with CSOs in the Pacific CSO such as PIANGO including other regional actors  Consultation with over 19 selected Fiji CSOs – FCOSS was not involved

5 EU Priority Areas for Pacific and Fiji  The EU priority areas for the pacific and Fiji is similar and in line as follows:  Priority Area 1: Enabling Environment and CSO Participation  Priority Area 2: Enhancing CS capacity to promote sustainable development  Priority Area 3: Support CSO work for inclusive and sustainable development

6 EU and CSO Consultation Brief Outcomes PACIFIC  CSOs confirmed the need to put focus on established structured platforms for participation with government and each other  Need for enabling environment for CSO to be more engaged in policy making process rather then passive observers  Identified priorities were highly relevant  The need for rapid implementation of 10 th EDF NSA programmes FIJI  Concerns on the lack of network and space for CSO dialogue  Absence of effective networking body represent the voice of sector  CSOs working in isolation and sense of competitiveness  Support was called for enabling environment

7 Examples of CSO Engagement in Pacific and Fiji Example 1: Pacific  10 th EDF NSA Grant through PIFS Example 2: Fiji  Fiji Education Sector Program  National Initiative on Civic Education  EU call for proposal in 2015 on “Strengtening the role of Fiji CS in promoting humans rights and governance  PIANGO technical support to FCOSS  Process of selection and inclusiveness by EU  Enabling environment for CSOS

8 Challenges and Recommendations  The need for Core funding and not only project based funding to create enabling environment for CSO to work freely implementing there goals  The need to focus on CSO sustainability and recognition of CSO not only as watchdogs but also active players in implementing the Post 2015 agenda.  The role of private sector and corporate philanthropy organizations models for implementation of post 2015 agenda - Example Vodafone ATH Fiji Foundation.

9 Conclusion  The is still need for improvement in the way donors engage with CSO in pacific and Fiji and using effectives CSO platform such as PIANGO

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