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Quinnipiac Panhellenic Council. What is Panhellenic? Definition of Panhellenic:  relating to, advocating, or denoting the idea of a political union.

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Presentation on theme: "Quinnipiac Panhellenic Council. What is Panhellenic? Definition of Panhellenic:  relating to, advocating, or denoting the idea of a political union."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quinnipiac Panhellenic Council


3 What is Panhellenic? Definition of Panhellenic:  relating to, advocating, or denoting the idea of a political union of all Greeks.  of, concerning, or representing all college fraternities and sororities.  The National Panhellenic Conference is an organization composed of 26 inter/national women’s Greek-letter fraternities. Each member group is an autonomous social organization consisting of women who are college and university, undergraduates and alumnae.

4 What is QPC?  QPC: Governing body of women’s Panhellenic community  Senior Leadership Opportunity in our community  Group that our university looks to for providing feedback on university initiatives/convey messages and information to the greater Panhellenic Community  Representative of our entire Panhellenic Community embodying the many values our community possesses  Composed of full membership and associate membership  Support for both full and associate member groups outside of NPC sorority organizations important for being inclusive of all Greek Organizations!

5 Types of Membership:  Regular membership. The regular membership of the Quinnipiac University Panhellenic Councilshall be composed of all chapters of NPC fraternities at Quinnipiac University. Regular members of the QPC shall pay dues as determined by the QPC. Each regular member shall have voice and one vote on all matters.  Associate membership. Local sororities or national or regional non-NPC member groups may apply for associate membership of the QPC. The membership eligibility requirements and the process for submitting an application and approval of the application are as follows:   Associate members shall pay dues as determined by the QPC.  An associate member shall have voice and one vote on all matters except extension-related matters.  If they are not participating in the formal recruitment process, they shall not have a vote on recruitment rules and establishment or modification of Panhellenic total.  An associate member may be expelled for cause by a majority vote of the Panhellenic Council. An associate member shall not be entitled to vote on the question of its expulsion.

6 Officer Duties:

7 Panhellenic President:  The president shall:  Have overall responsibility for the operation of the Panhellenic Council.  Call and preside at all regular and special meetings of the QPC.  Call and preside at all Panhellenic Council executive board meetings.  Review, approve, and sign all Panhellenic Council contracts involving the QPC.  Serve as member, ex-officio of all Panhellenic Council committees.  Complete the NPC annual report and send it to the NPC area advisor by the date provided by NPC.  Communicate regularly with the NPC area advisor.  Maintain a complete ap-to-date president’s file, which will include a copy of the current QPC constitution, bylaws and standing rules; the current Panhellenic Council budget; the current NPC Manual of Information and related materials, current correspondence and materials received from the NPC area advisor; copies of the College Panhellenic reports to the area advisor and other pertinent materials.  Meet monthly with all chapter presidents for advisory meetings.  Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office.

8 What to love about this position?  “ What I loved about being the Panhellenic President was working with my executive board. I got to help with every aspect of the board and each position which was really cool! I also LOVE being able to work with all of our chapters at large! It’s been a fantastic way to get to know each and every woman in our community! Also, in this position I was able to be involved with a lot of University initiatives, and it’s always exciting to be a voice that helps to make changes at QU!” – Christie Tasca

9 Executive Vice President:  The executive vice president shall:  Perform the duties of the president in her absence.  Shall be familiar with the NPC Manual of Information and all governing documents of this Council.  Serve as chairman of the Judicial Committee.  Hold the following two (2) programs each term:  Robert’s Rules 101  QPC Judicial Process 101  Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office.  Meet monthly with Panhellenic Delegates, chapter standards board chairs, and chapter risk chairs for advisory meetings.  Keep up-to-date roster of all QPC member groups and their respective members  Perform all other duties as assigned.

10 What to love most about this position?  “I really enjoyed getting to work with all of the chapters to see what types of changes we could make as a community.” – Amanda Baclini

11 Vice President of Recruitment:  Oversee all aspects of recruitment including but not limited to formal and informal recruitment, recruitment policies and procedures, information sessions and recruitment events  Educate chapter recruitment chairs and members about recruitment rules and regulations  Select and train recruitment counselors  Be well versed with NPC Manual of Information  Continuously evaluate recruitment process  Meet monthly with chapter recruitment chairs for advisory meetings.

12 What to love about this position?  "I loved working with all of the individual chapters to help make recruitment a unique and positive experience for everyone. Getting to know the recruitment counselors and potential new members was another highlight!!” – Margaret Thompson

13 Vice President of Communications:  Keep an up-to-date roll of the members of Panhellenic Council.  Record minutes of all meetings of the Quinnipiac University Panhellenic Council and the Executive Board.  Maintain a complete and up-to-date file that includes the minutes of all meetings from the date of organization and current correspondence.  Send meeting minutes to the NPC area advisor.  Shall be familiar with the NPC Manual of Information and all governing documents of this Council.  Be responsible for the official correspondence of the Panhellenic Council including but not limited to all QPC public relations materials and social media unless provided for otherwise.  Calculate chapter total requirements once each semester  Meet monthly with chapter public relations chairs for advisory meetings.  Perform all other duties as assigned

14 What to love about this position  “What I enjoyed the most about my position was writing the Panhellenic Newsletters. Sharing news and highlights of the Panhellenic Community with the rest of the Quinnipiac community made all the work I put into it worth it.” – Melissa Barosy

15 Vice President of Finance:  Supervise the finances of the QPC.  Prepare the annual budget and, after its approval by the Panhellenic Council, provide a copy to each QPC member fraternity.  Receive all payments due to the Panhellenic Council, collect all dues and give receipts.  Pay promptly the annual NPC dues and all bills of the QPC.  Maintain up-to-date financial records; give a financial report at each regular meeting of the Panhellenic Council and an annual report at the close of her term of office.  Shall be familiar with the NPC Manual of Information and all governing documents of this Council.  Meet monthly with chapter finance chairs for advisory meetings.  Take responsibility for all Panhellenic scholarship funds.  Perform all other duties as assigned.

16 What to love about this position?  “The best part about being VP of Finance was being able to organize the budget and see the success of the events that the we paid for through the planning and outline of expenses.”

17 Vice President Panhellenic Development:  Oversee the membership development vision and Philanthropic programming for the Panhellenic community  Oversee the development and support of chapter officers who oversee membership development  Oversee the development and support of chapter officers who oversee philanthropy & Service  Meet monthly with chapter membership development chairs and philanthropy chairs for advisory meetings.  Oversee awareness of QPC Philanthropy Circle of Sisterhood  Perform all other duties as assigned

18 What to love about this position?  “my favorite part of my position has definitely been learning more about Circle of Sisterhood, and learning how by doing small things within our community we can change the lives of individuals and families all across the world.” – Morgan Maynard  “I love my position because it gives me the opportunity to plan events that give back and help us all bond as a Panhellenic community. ” – Brittany Young

19 Vice President of Scholarship:  Develop programs to recognize outstanding academic achievement among Panhellenic women  Oversee planning and implementation of all QPC educational programs for the Panhellenic community  Meet monthly with chapter scholarship chairs to discuss academic progress of the respective chapters each semester  Submit all academic forms and information requested by NPC by the published due date  Research applicants to the QPC Executive Board with Panhellenic Advisor to ensure that all are in good academic standing  Keep necessary resources including but not limited to NPC Academic Report Forms, past evaluations of academic programs, record of all- women’s average GPA, a list of all-sorority average GPA and other statistics for at least the past two years, as well as a list of women who have received academic honors and recognition on file.  Oversee the Panhellenic Scholarship Fundraising and Selection process.  Perform all other duties as assigned

20 What to love most about this position?  I loved making the scholarship tank and it's so great seeing people around wearing it!

21 Other Opportunities through QPC:  Bi-weekly Panhellenic meetings!  Advanced Advising meetings!  Work open houses and admitted students days!  NGLA conference during the Spring Semester!  UIFI leadership conference in the Summer!  Foundations New member Program Facilitator!  Working with the Interfraternity Council!  RECRUITMENT!

22 Requirements:  In good conduct standing with the University  A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75  An active member of a chartered QPC member organization in good standing

23 Mandatory Dates!  Transition Dinner : December 5 th  Training : Friday/Saturday Dec 12/13th following finals  Housing extensions will be permitted for those living in residence halls  Officer Training Academy: January 19 th  NGLA: February 26-28th

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