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Green Wealden. Planning for Growth and the NPPF “Planning should proactively drive and support sustainable economic development to deliver the homes,

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Presentation on theme: "Green Wealden. Planning for Growth and the NPPF “Planning should proactively drive and support sustainable economic development to deliver the homes,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Green Wealden

2 Planning for Growth and the NPPF “Planning should proactively drive and support sustainable economic development to deliver the homes, business and industrial units… that the country needs. Every effort should be made objectively to identify and then meet the housing, business and other development needs of an area, and respond positively to wider opportunities for growth.” (Para 17) “Local planning authorities should look for solutions rather than problems, and decision-takers at every level should seek to approve applications for sustainable development where possible.” (Para 187) National Planning Policy Framework, March 2012

3 WHAT IS GREEN WEALDEN? Wealden District Council is developing a District wide approach to encouraging and promoting: Green Enterprise through sustainable business growth; and Sustainable Development.

4 GREEN WEALDEN OBJECTIVES To encourage, promote, assess and reward sustainable Green Enterprise initiatives and development within Wealden; To promote Sustainable Development throughout the District.

5 GREEN ENTERPRISE The aim is to assist potential businesses and other development to achieve the highest standards of sustainability in bringing forwards their ideas for growth; and to Seek exemplars of local initiatives and green entrepreneurs to champion and further this approach.

6 HOW CAN WEALDEN HELP? Wealden’s Community and Regeneration Team are working with local businesses to encourage Green Enterprise with the help of: Chambers of Commerce, Locate East Sussex, the Federation of Small Businesses, EDEAL, WARR.

7 EXAMPLES OF LOCAL INITIATIVES IN WEALDEN (1) Bird Brick Houses Removable fronts allow cleaning out and monitoring. A wide variety of bird and bat species will nest and roost in the box. Discreet nature and less likely to be disturbed. Predator and weather proof. Quick and easy installation in new and existing developments.

8 EXAMPLES OF LOCAL INITIATIVES IN WEALDEN (2) UHV Design brand new, state-of the-art facility to allow expansion of the business. Vacuum pump high tech for research, scientific and universities Queen’s award winner

9 EXAMPLES OF LOCAL INITIATIVES IN WEALDEN (3) Potential WARR examples Self catering conversion Organic farm School/ education visits Income supports diversified farm mgt. Local organic produce expansion( Waitrose-London )

10 EXAMPLES OF LOCAL INITIATIVES IN WEALDEN (4) Potential WARR examples Local employees – 6FT,2PT Locally grown barley “ Church Farm Tipple” Spent grain = local cattle feed Photovoltaics on estate office for energy

11 EXAMPLES OF LOCAL INITIATIVES IN WEALDEN (5) Potential WARR examples Locally sourced produce Cooking workshops for children Community consultation as to what they want to see stocked Regular events for the older community

12 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The Council is keen to support sustainable development, including sustainable economic growth in Wealden. The UK Sustainable Development Strategy ‘Securing the Future’ sets out five ‘guiding principles’ of sustainable development: living within the planet’s environmental limits; ensuring a strong, healthy and just society; achieving a sustainable economy; promoting good governance; and using sound science responsibly.

13 Wealden’s Sustainability Appraisal Framework(1) The Sustainability Appraisal Framework is formed around the application of 22 sustainability objectives that have been used, to date, to inform and assess Policy making through the Local Plan process, starting with the Core Strategy. The requirement for a formal Sustainability Appraisal process in the development of all of our Local Plan documents is a legislative requirement of the regulations.

14 Wealden’s Sustainability Appraisal Framework(2) The 22 sustainability objectives were agreed by the Council through the Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report for the Core Strategy (2007 & 2009) and were independently reviewed and validated by external consultants. These objectives were then subject to consultation with a wide range of statutory bodies, prior to adoption by Wealden District Council.

15 Wealden’s Sustainability Appraisal Framework(3) The Sustainability Appraisal of the Core Strategy was based on the adopted 22 sustainability objectives and formed part of the examination of the Local Plan. Future Local Plan documents will also be tested through Sustainability Appraisal against the 22 Sustainability Objectives.

16 Wealden’s 22 Sustainability Objectives Social Environmental Economic

17 Social Objectives 1 Ensure that everyone has the opportunity to live in a good quality, sustainably constructed and affordable home 2 Improve the health and well being of the population 3 Promote social inclusion and create/ sustain vibrant communities 4 To ensure a safe environment including reducing crime and the fear of crime 5 To provide accessible and high quality public services and facilities

18 Environmental Objectives (1) 6 To reduce the risk of flooding and the consequential damage to property and public well being 7 Make the most efficient use of land by prioritising Brownfield sites for development, the re-use of existing buildings and promoting higher development densities 8 Reduce air pollution and ensure local air quality continues to improve 9 Reduce emissions of greenhouse gases 10 Conserve and enhance the biodiversity of the District 11 Conserve, enhance and make accessible for enjoyment, the District’s countryside (in particular protecting the best and most versatile agricultural land), landscape, historic and built environment

19 Environmental Objectives (2) 12 Reduce the need to travel by car and promote alternative methods of transport 13 Minimise waste, maximise the re-use of materials, recycling and composting 14 Maintain and where appropriate improve quality of groundwater and surface waters in the District and promote water efficiency 15 Promote energy efficiency measures and encourage the use of renewable energy 16 Reduce the global, social and environmental impact of consumption of resources by using sustainably produced and local products

20 Economic Objectives 17 Maintain and enhance the prosperity of the District and increase the vitality of villages and the rural economy 18 Promote sustainable tourism 19 Ensure high and stable levels of employment and provide support for small firms and local businesses 20 Develop and maintain a skilled workforce to support long term competitiveness 21 Stimulate regeneration of town centres 22.Develop a dynamic, diverse, and knowledge based economy

21 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT THROUGH THE PLANNING PROCESS NPPF – achieving sustainable development is the key focus; LOCAL PLAN PROCESS – all local plan policies are tested against the Council’s adopted 22 Sustainability Objectives to help promote sustainable development in the District; PLANNING APPLICATIONS – encourage applicants and developers to consider sustainable construction, sustainable travel and renewables.

22 EXAMPLES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN WEALDEN (1) Affordable Housing: Environmentally friendly insulation i.e.. sheep’s wool or recycled newspaper; Use of locally coppiced sweet chestnut for fencing, boarding, windows and doors; South facing dwellings for passive solar gain and minimal windows to north facing elevations;

23 EXAMPLES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN WEALDEN (1 c’td) Solar conservatories; Solar panels for hot water provision; Natural solar shading from trees and landscaping of site; Individual wood burning stoves in each home and high efficient gas condensing boilers; Sustainable house layout – including ground floor bedroom and shower room on lifetime homes principles, showers rather than baths; Reduced energy requirements; Reduced hard surfacing within the development and use of permeable hard surfacing;

24 EXAMPLES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN WEALDEN (2) Private residential – Code for Sustainable Homes: Level 5

25 EXAMPLES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN WEALDEN (2 c’td) Insulated 50% above current building regulations stipulations; Solar thermal, photovoltaic and high efficiency space heating; Biomass boiler and large thermal store; Rainwater harvesting; Locally sourced materials with minimal factory processing and recycling/reuse and low embodied energy; Cooling and ventilation strategy based on placement and size of windows. Energy efficient fittings and appliances. Breathable envelope.

26 EXAMPLES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN WEALDEN (3) Business Development: “Excellent” rating is rare for a refurbishment now leaving a smaller footprint in the environment Photovoltaic panels and a passive ventilation system Green Travel Plan to reduce traffic congestion and improved bicycle facilities;

27 EXAMPLES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN WEALDEN (3 c’td) air source heat pumps; savings on internal and external lighting; considerate building practices; re-use of building materials; and lower water consumption.

28 Balancing Development “Planning is a balancing act, which requires consideration of the preservation, use and development of land for this and future generations, within the context of agreed social, environmental and economic needs. Inevitably, there is often disagreement among competing interests on the best use of the same land, and the planning system must resolve such conflicts. Hard decisions have to be made and the National Planning Policy Framework has to provide the framework to get the balance right.” Communities and Local Government Committee - Eighth Report, The National Planning Policy Framework, 15 December 2011

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