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UC/CSU/CCC Sustainability Conference Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, 2008 The Best Practice Awards Program is created by the UC/CSU/IOU Energy Efficiency Partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "UC/CSU/CCC Sustainability Conference Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, 2008 The Best Practice Awards Program is created by the UC/CSU/IOU Energy Efficiency Partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 UC/CSU/CCC Sustainability Conference Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, 2008 The Best Practice Awards Program is created by the UC/CSU/IOU Energy Efficiency Partnership Program and funded under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission

2 The UC Project Management Institute is a Registered Provider with The American Institute of Architects Continuing Education Systems. Credit earned on completion of this program will be reported to CES Records for AIA members. Certificates of Completion for non-AIA members are available upon request ( This program is registered with the AIA-CES for continuing professional education. As such, it does not include content that may be deemed or construed to be an approval or endorsement by the AIA of any material of construction or any method or manner of handling, using, distributing, or dealing in any material or product. Questions related to specific materials, methods and services will be addressed at the conclusion of this AIA CONTINUING EDUCATION

3 University of California, Irvine Water Efficiency Fred R. Bockmiller, Principal Engineer, PE, CEM, LEED ® -AP RESTROOM WATER EFFICIENCY PROJECT

4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Given a suggestion to retrofit waterless urinals in campus restrooms with the highest usage, the project team set out to reduce water consumption and help “green” the restrooms on campus –Urinals were only one aspect. The project also included: Toilets with dual flush valves High Efficiency Toilets (HET) Reduce towel usage through signage Signage for the water conserving fixtures (enables people to do the right thing) The campus-wide retrofit is ongoing. Initial phases took six months to accomplish. As funding permits additional phases will be added.

5 PROCESS A leader in sustainability and energy conservation, UCI Facilities Management established a group of dedicated individuals in the early 1990’s that looks at all aspects of our operation to find ways of reducing costs and environmental impacts. This project flowed out of our analysis of the various options available to us for water conservation and our ongoing dialog with our water supplier the Irvine Ranch Water District. – Used information gathered from extensive discussions in email list service regarding end-user experiences – Initial focus on urinal retrofits broadened to include high efficiency toilets (HET) and dual flush valves – Involved the plumbing staff in plumbing decisions and obtained “buy in” – Chose Zurn over Caroma due to simpler installation – Conducted side-by-side trials of low flow (one gallon per flush) and ultra low flow (one pint per flush) – Noted which fixture was chosen when the conserving fixture was labeled – Discussed user perceptions of quality – Solicited applicable rebates and incentives

6 TECHNICAL INFORMATION Selected Zurn Model Z5615 (wall hung) and Z5665 (floor mount) toilet – 46 wall hung units and 14 floor mounted units installed so far –Annual water savings estimated at 1,100,000 gallons Project cost $35,000 (labor and materials) –Total Incentive $25,500 –Net Project Cost $8,500 –Annual Savings $3400; Simple pay back on total cost is 10.3 years –Net simple pay back is 2.5 years

7 Used the Zurn Model Z5798 “The Pint” Urinal –70 units installed so far –Annual water savings estimated at 2,800,000 gallons Project cost $64,000 (labor and materials) –Total Incentive $32,500 –Net Project Cost $31,500 –Annual Savings $8,500; Simple pay back on total cost is 7.5 years –Net simple pay back is 3.7 years Porcelain portions should last 40 years Hardware should last at least 10 years TECHNICAL INFORMATION

8 Used water industry methods to calculate savings – Metering in campus buildings not really accurate for purpose of before and after comparison (e.g. urinals small part of laboratory process use) Per urinal savings estimated at 39,000 gallons per year Per toilet savings estimated at 19,000 gallons per year TECHNICAL INFORMATION






14 BARRIERS As with many projects in state-funded organizations, the water efficiency project faced funding issues from the start –Working with our local and regional water suppliers achieved significant incentives Because many of our fixtures were more than 35 years old, the “standard” connection set up was not standard (3” old versus 2” standard) –At our request, the manufacturer developed an adaptor that allows us to retrofit these fixtures in place of the old “boat anchors” Perception that waterless urinals were the “be-all” and “end-all” solution to saving water with urinals –On site experience of waterless urinals

15 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Examined multiple technologies (waterless, one-pint) Surveyed buildings to find the busiest restrooms on campus as determined by our custodial staff Used notification stickers and placards right on the fixture Combined deferred maintenance with water conservation Annual water savings of 3,900,000 gallons. Equal to 4 large “Olympic” swimming pools.

16 LESSONS LEARNED Establish a good working relationship with the water conservation experts at your water supplier. Meet with them face to face and discuss all aspects of your operation. Leverage their expertise in navigating funding paths This type of project can be implemented with minimal financial impact by using all available incentives Be open to alternatives Question directives to “implement technology x”

17 TEAM The UCI Team included: –Pat Carlson, Senior Superintendent of Skilled Trades –Paul Wingco, Energy Manager –Juan Tapia, Supervisor UCI Plumbing Shop –The UCI Plumbing Shop –The UCI Sign Shop –Fred Bockmiller, Principal Engineer –Jim Hay, Assistant Vice Chancellor Our Partners Included: –Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) –Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MET) –Zurn (vendor)

18 CONTACT INFORMATION Web links Contacts Pat Carlson, Senior Superintendent UCI / Project Manager –(949) 824-6309 Paul Wingco, Energy Manager UCI / Incentives and Funding –(949) 824-9460 Fred Bockmiller, Principal Engineer / Research and Testing –(949) 824-3010

19 QUESTIONS? Please stop by the Higher Education Partnership booth for hard copies of 2007 Best Practice case studies. Or visit best_practices.htm to view an online archive of case studies. best_practices.htm This concludes the American Institute of Architects Continuing Education Systems Program. QUESTIONS?

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