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1) Repel Axis forces in Africa 2) Conquer Italy 3) Liberate France 4) Conquer Germany.

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Presentation on theme: "1) Repel Axis forces in Africa 2) Conquer Italy 3) Liberate France 4) Conquer Germany."— Presentation transcript:

1 1) Repel Axis forces in Africa 2) Conquer Italy 3) Liberate France 4) Conquer Germany

2 Until 1944, following Operation Barbarossa (Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941), the USSR was the only Allied power fighting Nazi Germany on a regular basis.

3 We’re coming for you! Ohhhhh…I’m soooo scared!

4 I could use a little help guys…

5 The British will come…

6 So will the Americans…

7 It’s been a year…I’m starting to think you guys don’t like me!

8 It’s been another year…where is the help I was promised?

9 After a lot of bickering, in late 1943 Churchill and FDR began plans to open a second front in the West and help relieve Stalin’s forces in the East.

10 U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower (“Ike”) was put in charge of organizing around a million combat troops and two million men involved in providing support services.

11 Background: - Until 1944, following Operation Barbarossa (Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941), the Soviet Union was the only Allied power fighting Germany on a regular basis. - After a lot of bickering, in late 1943 Churchill and FDR began plans to open a second front in the west and help relieve Soviet forces in the East. - U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower (“Ike”) was put in charge of organizing around a million combat troops and two million men involved in providing support services.

12 The plan called for assaults on five different beaches along the French coast in the region known as Normandy.

13 June 5 th : Massive aerial bombardments began in order to cut off German communications and destroy bridges which would allow reinforcements to arrive.

14 June 5 th : Meanwhile, in Britain, preparations continued for the largest naval assault in history 3,000,000 men in 52 divisions 80,000 trucks; 10,000 tanks 60,000,000 C and K rations 5200 bombers, 5500 fighters 2400 transport planes from 163 airfields 1200 naval ships 2500 landing craft

15 The Buildup



18 June 5 th : 2,727 British, French, Canadian, and American ships sailed for Normandy

19 English Channel Approximately 50 mile crossing

20 The Plan: - The plan called for assaults on five different beaches along the French coast in the region known as Normandy - June 5th - Massive aerial bombardments began in order to cut off German communications and destroy bridges which would allow reinforcements to arrive. - 2,700 British, French, Canadian, and American ships sailed for Normandy

21 June 6 th : Three airborne divisions parachuted in behind the German lines: The British 6 th and American 82 nd and 101 st

22 June 6 th : 156,000 troops landed along the French coast






28 June 6 th : They immediately faced intense fire from the approximately 50,000 German troops behind Hitler’s fortified Atlantic Wall

29 ◄ Machine Gun Nests Mined Stakes ►

30 June 6 th : They immediately faced intense fire from the approximately 50,000 German troops behind Hitler’s fortified Atlantic Wall

31 ◄ Beach Anti-Tank Defenses

32 June 6 th : They immediately faced intense fire from the approximately 50,000 German troops behind Hitler’s fortified Atlantic Wall

33 - June 6th - D-Day - Three airborne divisions parachuted in behind the German lines: - The British 6th Airborne and the American 82nd and 101st - 156,000 troops land along the French coast - They immediately faced intense fire from the approximately 50,000 German troops on the cliffs behind Hitler’s fortified Atlantic Wall

34 All five beaches were secured by nightfall on June 6 th at the cost of over 10,000 Allied soldiers Omaha Beach Memorial

35 All five beaches were secured by nightfall on June 6 th at the cost of over 10,000 Allied soldiers American military cemetery at Omaha Beach

36 All five beaches were secured by nightfall on June 6 th at the cost of over 10,000 Allied soldiers American military cemetery at Omaha Beach

37 Movie Time! YAY!

38 Allied troops fight through the hedgerow country of France making their way to Paris (Operation Cobra)





43 Paris is liberated.


45 Charles de Gaulle is installed as head of the provisional French government. Viva France… insert funny French laughter here…

46 1) Repel Axis forces in Africa 2) Conquer Italy 3) Liberate France 4) Conquer Germany

47 The Outcome: - All five beaches were secured by nightfall on June 6th at the cost of over 10,000 Allied soldiers - June, July, early August, 1944: Allied troops fight through the Hedgerow Country of France making their way to Paris (Operation Cobra) - August 25th, 1944: Paris is liberated; Charles de Gaulle is installed as head of the provisional French government

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