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Leadership in Management Chapter 8 Intro To Business.

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1 Leadership in Management Chapter 8 Intro To Business

2 Do Now  Is one’s perspective of what constitutes a good leader different from person-to-person?  If so, why?

3 DO NOW:  Take a sheet of paper from the stack at the front of the room  Read article individually and answer the following questions in your notebook after reading:  What is a manager?  What is a leader?  In your opinion, which comparison of leader vs. manager listed in the article resonates with you most? Why?  What is so different about the “new economy”?  What is the goal of the new “knowledge worker”?

4 Pair & Share  Create a pamphlet with a partner concerning leaders and managers. Should include:  Cover page  On inside, left third indicates what a manager looks like and characteristics of a manager  On right third, indicate what a leader looks like and what qualities they have  One middle flap, indicate if managers and leaders can be one in the same and explain.  Is it common for managers to be good leaders? Provide experience/evidence to support.  Switch pamphlet with another group and highlight similar points made in your own pamphlet  Hand pamphlet back to group that created it after highlighting

5 Leadership vs. Management  In business, leadership means providing direction and vision for a company.  Being a manager is NOT the same thing as being a leader.  Managing is a job….  Focus on specific tasks and make sure the work gets done.  Give orders and carry out orders.  Leading is a skill….  Have a vision  See the big picture and never loose sight of the goal.  Inspire rather than order

6 Leadership Qualities  Motivation  Having initiative, or the desire to take action and get things done.  Inspiring others with energy and enthusiasm  Main quality of entrepreneur  Having a goal, motivated by a vision  Confidence  Its more than acting sure of yourself, its actually knowing what you are doing.  The more confident you are, the more confident your employees are going to be in you.

7 Leadership Qualities Continued  Communication  A leader must be good at human relations, or the ability to communicate with people.  Explain what your goals are to your employees.  Good listener.  Be informed about what they are doing, and what they need to do a better job, and their suggestions

8 Leadership Qualities Continued  Integrity  Most highly valued quality in a leader.  Honesty, loyalty, and fairness.  Set a good example.  Be on time, your employees are watching  Take responsibility for your actions, don’t “pass the buck.”

9 Reflection  Which of the four leadership qualities do you possess most?  Give examples of how and when you portray that leadership quality  Also, give an example of a great leader and an example of a manager and explain what makes those people either a good leader or a good manager

10 Styles of Leadership  Three basic styles of leaderships  Autocratic leadership  Democratic leadership  Free-rein leadership  Autocratic Leadership  Self-ruling  Like to run everything yourself and answer to no one.  Make all decisions without consulting anyone.  Expect all orders to be obeyed without question.  Control workers through fear and intimidation.

11 Styles of Leadership Continued  Autocratic leadership continued  You assume employees hate work  Lack of trust  Rarely give credit to employees  Little room for initiative  Democratic Leadership  Managers and employees work together to make decisions.  New ideas encouraged in this workplace  You make the final decision but, you explain your reasoning to everyone.  Assumes employees want to work and gives them major responsibilities.

12 Styles of Leadership Continued  Democratic Leadership Continued  Workers will be more creative, productive and take initiative  By showing confidence in employees, they will have confidence in you  Free-Rein Leadership  A Leader that sets goals for managers and employees and then leaves them alone to get the job done.  This shows trust and confidence in their employees.  Also known as “hands-off leadership”  Make big decisions and keep managers informed, while also being available for questions  Giving the managers and employees the power to run things and make decisions is called delegating.  Delegate for the right reasons!

13 Leadership Teams  Self-Managed Teams  Work groups that supervise themselves.  Role of the manager is being replaced by the role of the team leader.  Team leader is a team player rather than the boss.  Organized in two ways:  1. Each member has a special skill  2. The team selects one team leader  The major idea behind self managed teams is that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.  Originated in Japan

14 Advantages of Self-Managed Teams  More goal-oriented than task-oriented  Faster and more efficient  Simplify the decision making process  Learn to participate and cooperate with others  Creativity  Learn to solve their own problems (self-reliant)

15 4 CORNERS: WHICH STYLE OF LEADERSHIP WOULD YOU PREFER, AS AN EMPLOYEE?  1.Autocratic  2.Democratic  3.Free –Rein  4.Self-Managed Team

16 Exit Slip  On a post-it note, write the answer to the following question:  Are you a good manager, leader, both, or neither? Explain why or why not using the qualities discussed during class.

17 Questions, Questions, Questions  Focus to Use: “All managers are at least satisfactory leaders”  Write down as many questions as possible, don’t stop writing questions, and write down any statement as a question (3 minutes)  Categorize questions into open-ended or closed-ended (1 minute)  List advantages/disadvantages to each type of question (2 minutes)  Turn closed-ended questions into open-ended and vice-versa (4 minutes)  Prioritize questions (3 minutes)  Class Discussion answering questions (7 minutes)

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