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March 21, 2016 Does a Meaningful Worship Service Just Happen?

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1 March 21, 2016 Does a Meaningful Worship Service Just Happen?

2 Groups that Make the Service Happen  Altar Guild  Flower Guild  Acolytes  Vergers  Sextons  Readers/Chalicists  Ushers  Music  Office Staff  Clergy


4 Lay Readers Send Quarterly Schedule New member training Review of customary Lay Readers Send Quarterly Schedule New member training Review of customary Music Schedule Special Programs – Concerts, Taize, Evensong Plan Service Music/Hymns for the year Schedule Children, Youth, and Bell Choirs Music Schedule Special Programs – Concerts, Taize, Evensong Plan Service Music/Hymns for the year Schedule Children, Youth, and Bell Choirs Clergy Weekly meeting Sermon preparation Special worship meetings for special services and Christmas and Easter Clergy Weekly meeting Sermon preparation Special worship meetings for special services and Christmas and Easter Vergers Distribute Schedule Review Checklist Vergers Distribute Schedule Review Checklist Acolytes Distribute Annual Schedule Recruit Rising 5 th graders Review Teams Acolytes Distribute Annual Schedule Recruit Rising 5 th graders Review Teams Ushers Distribute Annual Schedule Review Teams Ushers Distribute Annual Schedule Review Teams Altar Guild Review Schedule – distribute new if needed Review Teams Altar Guild Review Schedule – distribute new if needed Review Teams Flower Guild Review Schedule – distribute new if needed Review Teams Flower Guild Review Schedule – distribute new if needed Review Teams


6 SeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAug Order Special Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables Order poinsettias and greens for church and chapel Easter daffodils, hyacinths and tulips for Church and Chapel FLOWER GUILD

7 SeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAug Altar Guild Christmas – Teams set up 8 services for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Altar Guild Christmas – Teams set up 8 services for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Altar Guild Holy Week and Easter require many extra hands/hours Changes in liturgical colors Stripping and setting up of the Altar Altar Guild Holy Week and Easter require many extra hands/hours Changes in liturgical colors Stripping and setting up of the Altar ALTAR GUILD

8 SeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAug Christmas - Additional coverage for multiple services Handling of overflow crowds Additional cleaning of the worship spaces Christmas - Additional coverage for multiple services Handling of overflow crowds Additional cleaning of the worship spaces Holy Week/Easter services require additional coverage Handling of overflow crowds Holy Week/Easter services require additional coverage Handling of overflow crowds USHERS

9 SeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAug Additional coverage for services at Christmas Additional coverage for Holy Week / Easter Reminder emails and check of schedules ACOLYTES

10 SeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAug Send Quarterly Schedule Holy Week schedule including reading of the Passion narrative on Palm Sunday Send Quarterly Schedule Christmas service schedule LAY READERS

11 SeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAug Special musical presentation in Advent Plan Summer Choir music selections Choir recognition Sunday Taize Evensong Taize Evensong Lenten offerings including concert and Taize Youth Choir recruitment MUSIC

12 SeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAug Review schedule and adjust as needed VERGER


14 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday Care for linens, removing stains – may include 10 purificators, 2 corporals, baptismal towels, and linens used by Eucharistic visitors Team meets for 1 – 1 ½ hours for cleaning and polishing of vessels in both sacristies Set-up for funerals or weddings ALTAR GUILD

15 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday Arrange flowers from Sunday for distribution to parishioners Purchase flowers from local suppliers Harden off and prepare flowers for arrangements Purchase flowers from local suppliers Harden off and prepare flowers for arrangements Spend 2-3 hours arranging flowers and placing on altar unless there is a wedding or funeral and then the flowers are placed on the altar by the sexton FLOWER GUILD

16 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday Children’s choir rehearsal Youth choir rehearsal Bell choir rehearsal Children’s choir rehearsal Youth choir rehearsal Bell choir rehearsal Adult choir rehearsal Bell choir rehearsal Chamber choir rehearsal Special rehearsals for concerts Youth choir rehearsal MUSIC

17 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Property department takes bulletins, binder, and checklists to the Chapel and Church Bulletins for special services – Christmas and Easter or different liturgies are prepared weeks in advance Last minute changes to the bulletin are incorporated Bulletin printed and assembled Sorted by location Kathy creates binders for the intercessory leader and the vergers checklist Bulletin printed and assembled Sorted by location Kathy creates binders for the intercessory leader and the vergers checklist Kathy sends bulletin, readings, lay assistant schedule, altar guild form, and verger form to clergy, lay assistants, vergers, and altar guild. Kay Joseph creates bulletin insert with readings Prayers of the people are written by lay assistants except for opening day in September, Christmas and Easter Kay Joseph creates bulletin insert with readings Prayers of the people are written by lay assistants except for opening day in September, Christmas and Easter Kathy Marcantonio prints draft bulletins Clair, Elaine S, Elaine G, Amanda and Kathy meet to review music, prayers, readings, and liturgy and edit as needed Kathy Marcantonio prints draft bulletins Clair, Elaine S, Elaine G, Amanda and Kathy meet to review music, prayers, readings, and liturgy and edit as needed Rebecca Lohoefer prepares announcement page and sends to staff to edit Leslie Robertshaw and assistant count and deposit offerings from previous Sunday OFFICE STAFF


19 Sunday 8:15 – 9:15 Altar Guild 45 minutes before the service arrive to set up altar Altar Guild 45 minutes before the service arrive to set up altar Ushers Lead usher checks with bulletin/verger for any special needs Lead usher verifies that collection plates are on credence table All ushers greet parishioners and distribute bulletins Provide directions and answer questions on restrooms, child care, etc. Ushers Lead usher checks with bulletin/verger for any special needs Lead usher verifies that collection plates are on credence table All ushers greet parishioners and distribute bulletins Provide directions and answer questions on restrooms, child care, etc. Acolytes Ensure acolytes are vested and ready to go Check with the head crucifer that every acolyte has an assignment and alignment in the procession is correct. Review individual duties with each acolyte Check the gospel reading Light the candles Make certain there is seating for the acolytes Acolytes Ensure acolytes are vested and ready to go Check with the head crucifer that every acolyte has an assignment and alignment in the procession is correct. Review individual duties with each acolyte Check the gospel reading Light the candles Make certain there is seating for the acolytes Lay Readers Check in on service sheet by 9:00 Find substitutes if needed Lay Readers Check in on service sheet by 9:00 Find substitutes if needed Music Rehearsal of anthem Rehearse new or little known hymns if needed Review communion music Music Rehearsal of anthem Rehearse new or little known hymns if needed Review communion music Vergers Check with Frank/Amanda regarding number of clergy and any special instructions Check with Jay or head acolyte regarding number of acolytes Speak with acolytes and review assignments Put bulletins in hymnals for acolytes, and consider seating for clergy, acolytes and verger Check sound in ambo and make sure Bible is marked for 1st and 2nd reading Get microphone for Gospel reading or announcements if needed; turn on and set on piano Make sure credence table is properly set and positioned Make sure sacristy door is not locked Check that Eucharistic visitor wine cruets are behind the stack See that clergy stoles are hanging evenly Check that lay assistants have signed in; at 7 min. prior to service, assign a sub if necessary Vergers Check with Frank/Amanda regarding number of clergy and any special instructions Check with Jay or head acolyte regarding number of acolytes Speak with acolytes and review assignments Put bulletins in hymnals for acolytes, and consider seating for clergy, acolytes and verger Check sound in ambo and make sure Bible is marked for 1st and 2nd reading Get microphone for Gospel reading or announcements if needed; turn on and set on piano Make sure credence table is properly set and positioned Make sure sacristy door is not locked Check that Eucharistic visitor wine cruets are behind the stack See that clergy stoles are hanging evenly Check that lay assistants have signed in; at 7 min. prior to service, assign a sub if necessary Clergy Celebrant prepares clergy assignments: Children’s Sermon Gospel Reader Communion table setting Choir communion Healing Stations Sending Prayer Clergy greeters Clergy Celebrant prepares clergy assignments: Children’s Sermon Gospel Reader Communion table setting Choir communion Healing Stations Sending Prayer Clergy greeters

20 Sunday Service Ushers Count the congregation, place a note with the count in with the gifts Invite late arrivals to enter the chapel at designated times Present the gifts at the offertory, collect the offering Guide the congregation during Communion Alert and guide the Clergy to any parishioners needing Communion at their pew Ushers Count the congregation, place a note with the count in with the gifts Invite late arrivals to enter the chapel at designated times Present the gifts at the offertory, collect the offering Guide the congregation during Communion Alert and guide the Clergy to any parishioners needing Communion at their pew Acolytes Lead procession Lead Gospel Procession Lead youth out for children’s sermon Help priest prepare for communion Assist Chalicists as needed Lead closing procession Acolytes Lead procession Lead Gospel Procession Lead youth out for children’s sermon Help priest prepare for communion Assist Chalicists as needed Lead closing procession Lay Readers Read 1 st and 2 nd lessons Lead intercessory prayers Chalicists come to altar during fraction anthem Lay Readers Read 1 st and 2 nd lessons Lead intercessory prayers Chalicists come to altar during fraction anthem Music Bell Choir prelude Children’s choir Introit Provide leadership of congregational singing Offertory Anthem Communion Hymns Music Bell Choir prelude Children’s choir Introit Provide leadership of congregational singing Offertory Anthem Communion Hymns Vergers Procession: Check lineup, cue Crucifer Collect: Ensure that both lay readers come to ambo at end of collect; Check length of gospel hymn to know when to cue acolytes for gospel procession Gospel procession: Cue acolytes with a nod Gospel reading: Take Bible off ambo and put on piano or vacant choir chair Sermon: Relocate to the back of the chapel; during the Prayers of People, go to choir room to invite children’s sermon leader to return (they come in at the Peace). Passing of the Peace: Return with the children; put Bible back up on Ambo During the preparation of the altar table: Make sure head acolyte is assisting clergy Fraction anthem: Make sure chalice bearers come forward and guide them to their places; when chalices are moved from credence table up to altar, take collection plates off altar and give to acolyte to take to sacristy Start of communion: Choir receives first, then acolytes, then extra clergy, if they haven’t already received, then verger During communion: Make sure ushers are ushering congregants to communion rails, and direct them if necessary; ask ushers if anyone needs communion brought to them. After communion: See that head acolyte is helping priest clear the table; take glass guards off altar candles if they haven’t been removed already; Check length of final hymn At end of final prayer/blessing: Ensure acolyte is ready to snuff candles; signal choir to start procession. As choir gets to the bottom of steps, signal acolytes with a nod to start walking, and follow them, falling in between them and the choir. Vergers Procession: Check lineup, cue Crucifer Collect: Ensure that both lay readers come to ambo at end of collect; Check length of gospel hymn to know when to cue acolytes for gospel procession Gospel procession: Cue acolytes with a nod Gospel reading: Take Bible off ambo and put on piano or vacant choir chair Sermon: Relocate to the back of the chapel; during the Prayers of People, go to choir room to invite children’s sermon leader to return (they come in at the Peace). Passing of the Peace: Return with the children; put Bible back up on Ambo During the preparation of the altar table: Make sure head acolyte is assisting clergy Fraction anthem: Make sure chalice bearers come forward and guide them to their places; when chalices are moved from credence table up to altar, take collection plates off altar and give to acolyte to take to sacristy Start of communion: Choir receives first, then acolytes, then extra clergy, if they haven’t already received, then verger During communion: Make sure ushers are ushering congregants to communion rails, and direct them if necessary; ask ushers if anyone needs communion brought to them. After communion: See that head acolyte is helping priest clear the table; take glass guards off altar candles if they haven’t been removed already; Check length of final hymn At end of final prayer/blessing: Ensure acolyte is ready to snuff candles; signal choir to start procession. As choir gets to the bottom of steps, signal acolytes with a nod to start walking, and follow them, falling in between them and the choir.

21 Sunday 10:30 – 11:15 Altar Guild Clean up from service and prepare for the next service Altar Guild Clean up from service and prepare for the next service Ushers Re-organize hymnals and prayer books Remove any papers/trash from the pews after the service Ushers Re-organize hymnals and prayer books Remove any papers/trash from the pews after the service Acolytes Greet acolytes at the end of the service and thank them Acolytes Greet acolytes at the end of the service and thank them Vergers Make sure collection is being properly handled by a member of vestry or finance committee Vergers Make sure collection is being properly handled by a member of vestry or finance committee Finance Sort collection – Envelopes; Checks; Cash Place in safe Finance Sort collection – Envelopes; Checks; Cash Place in safe

22 Monthly Commission Work  Review the past month’s services providing feedback and ways to improve  Discuss upcoming services and various requirements from each of the committees  Look at specific needs of each committee for the coming months


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