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Published byJosephine Snow Modified over 8 years ago
Objective: How do IB assessments look different from AP assessments? Do Now: Pick up Notes, sticky note(exit ticket) and Guide lines(if you did not respond to my email) Answer the following question on Exit Ticket. How is IB Psychology different from AP Psychology? IB
How is IB Psychology different from AP Psychology? Hook: A.IB does not have multiple choice questions B.IB does not have key term sheets to turn in every Unit test C.IB has a written essay due every class D.IB is an independent study class, you have to do the work this year! E.Has one Internal Assessment - a research project
IB Psychology Measures of Success for this Unit: – Discuss the format and expectations of this class. – Explain the different levels of analysis we will cover this year as we examine behavior & mental processes and what happens when behavior is not normal. – Understand how Psychological research is done - Barlett – Review Ethics and Research Methods.
Class Expectations/Goals Student will: pass the IB exam with a 3 or more score. Student will: Bring lap-top and be prepared to write essays Student will: Not get behind on assignments Teacher will: Review concepts from AP Psychology and provide feedback on essays in a timely manner to ensure that students are prepared for the IB exam. Both student and teacher will: continue to respect each other and practice ethical considerations at all times. We will check our attitudes at the door.
The hardest part are all the acronyms In AP Psychology you learned that Psychological Waves are many different ways of thinking about the cause of behavior, now we call the waves different Levels of Analysis (LOA) and... We only discuss three Cognitive(CLOA), Biology(BLOA), and Social Cultural (SCLOA aka. Behaviorism/Learning/Social Psychology) We write two types of essays: SAQ = short answer questions LAQ = long answer questions your new teacher
In reality, we use an Eclectic approach Psychologists know that all the levels of analysis work together to form a more accurate cause of behavior.
It is no longer a Big Debate The IB Exam is made up of learning outcomes/objectives(LO) from each LOA: that ask you to compare and contrast the three major LOAs to determine behavior. As well as, to consider ethical issues when determining causes of certain behavior. Also, the objectives force you to discuss cultural and gender differences when attributing behaviors and discussing disorders. Finally, you are to look critically at research that has been done in each of these areas. (you question research that has been done) Thus, in writing you keep the 4 considerations in mind CEGM (cultural, ethical, gender, method) when you are answering the LO
Class and IB Exam Format You will:. work through each of the learning objective from each LOA use your prior knowledge from AP psychology reflect on, evaluate psychological theories and empirical studies. Using the CEGM issues evaluating how certain research was conducted and how valid are the outcomes. We will. review research methods begin with the Cognitive LOA and start the IA. After we finish the 3 LOA, we do the Option – Abnormal behavior - Disorders and Therapies (Paper II). What is on the IB Exam – first day: Paper I has 3 SAQ and 1 LAQ - 2 Hours. The next day: Paper 2 has 3 LAQs on abnormal behavior, you choose one to write about for 1 hour.
Biological LOA- (aka. Biopsychology, Neuroscience) Human behaviors have a biological origin or an organic root. In other words, they come from your brain structure, body chemistry (neurotransmitters and hormones) and/or Behaviors is caused from Genetic makeup Behavior has a Evolutionary component – (survival extinct, fight, flight, or reproduce)
Learning Objectives for the Biology level of Analysis (BLOA) General learning outcomes Outline principles that define the biological level of analysis. Explain how principles that define the biological level of analysis may be demonstrated in research (that is, theories and/or studies). Discuss how and why particular research methods are used at the biological level of analysis. Discuss ethical considerations related to research studies at the biological level of analysis.
BLOA continued Physiology and Behaviour Explain one study related to localization of function Using one or more examples, explain effects of neurotransmission on human behaviour Using one or more examples explain functions of two hormones in human behaviour Discuss two effects of the environment on physiological processes Examine one interaction between cognition and physiology in terms of behaviour Discuss the use of brain imaging technologies in investigating the relationship between biological factors and behaviour
BLOA – continued Genetics and Behaviour With reference to relevant research studies, to what extent does genetic inheritance influence behaviour? Examine one evolutionary explanation of behaviour Discuss ethical considerations in research into genetic influences of behaviour
Cognitive Level of Analysis (CLOA) Focuses on how behavior is caused by the way we think (or encode information) You are what you think. Schemas drives cognition. Cognitive Therapist attempt to change the way you think. The CLOA does mostly experiments and we do this one first-IA Boy meets girl, boy’s hopes are high!!! Girl rejects boy,. How does boy handle rejection? Boy thinks, she’s just not into me, he trys for someone else. Or boy thinks “ I am no good and I will live a lonely life of solitude”.
Learning Objectives for CLOA General learning outcomes Outline principles that define the cognitive level of analysis. Explain how principles that define the cognitive level of analysis may be demonstrated in research (that is, theories and/or studies). Discuss how and why particular research methods are used at the cognitive level of analysis. Discuss ethical considerations related to research studies at the cognitive level of analysis.
CLOA - continued Cognitive processes Evaluate schema theory with reference to research studies Evaluate two models of theories of one cognitive process with reference to research studies Explain how biological factors may affect one cognitive process Discuss how social or cultural factors affect one cognitive process With reference to relevant research studies, to what extent is one cognitive process reliable? Discuss the use of technology in investigating cognitive processes.
CLOA - continued Cognitive processes Evaluate schema theory with reference to research studies Evaluate two models of theories of one cognitive process with reference to research studies Explain how biological factors may affect one cognitive process Discuss how social or cultural factors affect one cognitive process With reference to relevant research studies, to what extent is one cognitive process reliable? Discuss the use of technology in investigating cognitive processes
CLOA - continued Cognition and emotion To what extent do cognitive and biological factors interact in emotion? Evaluate one theory of how emotion may affect one cognitive process
Social-Cultural (SCLOA) Believe that our environment guides our behavior and the culture in which you live dictates our feelings and behaviors. Some cultures kiss each other when greeting, some just bow. The SCLOA are concerned with how behaviors change when in a group. This LOA does mostly natural observations to determine how humans behave in real life.
Learning Objectives for SCLOA General learning outcomes Outline principles that define the socio-cultural level of analysis. Explain how principles that define the socio-cultural level of analysis may be demonstrated in research (that is, theories and/or studies). Discuss how and why particular research methods are used at the socio-cultural level of analysis. Discuss ethical considerations related to research studies at the socio-cultural level of analysis.
SLOA - Continued Socio-cultural cognition Describe the role of situational and dispositional factors in explaining behaviour Discuss two errors in attribution Evaluate social identity theory, making reference to relevant studies Explain the formation of stereotypes and their effect on behaviour Explain social learning theory, making reference to two relevant studies Discuss the use of compliance techniques Evaluate research on conformity to group norms Discuss factors influencing conformity
SCLOA - Continued Cultural norms Define the terms “culture” and “cultural norms” Examine the role of two cultural dimensions on behaviour Using one or more examples, explain “emic” and “etic” concepts
Objective: Student will be introduced to the format of writing papers in psychology: both SAQs and LAQs. Today SAQs will be discussed. Do Now: Get out Q1 syllabus, blue text book, study guide, pen and paper; hand in signed guide lines(if you did not respond to my email) IB
Expository writing IB writing is like Expository writing, which is used to explain, describe, give information or inform. Like expository text, you can not assume that the reader has prior knowledge or prior understanding of the topic that is being discussed. This is called meta-text. You must inform the reader through your explanation and interpretation of the evidence you present to support your claim. (explained more when writing the example.) Keep in mind to try to use words that clearly show what they are discussing. Since clarity requires strong organization, one of the most important mechanisms that can be used to improve skills is to improve the organization of the essay. By using the following form, you will this clarity and points for organization.
Cognitive Level of Analysis (CLOA) Focuses on how behavior is caused by the way we think (or encode information) You are what you think. Schemas drives cognition. Cognitive Therapist attempt to change the way you think. The CLOA does mostly experiments and we do this one first-IA Boy meets girl, boy’s hopes are high!!! Girl rejects boy,. How does boy handle rejection? Boy thinks, she’s just not into me, he trys for someone else. Or boy thinks “ I am no good and I will live a lonely life of solitude”.
Learning Objectives for CLOA General learning outcomes Outline principles that define the cognitive level of analysis. Explain how principles that define the cognitive level of analysis may be demonstrated in research (that is, theories and/or studies). Discuss how and why particular research methods are used at the cognitive level of analysis. Discuss ethical considerations related to research studies at the cognitive level of analysis.
How to write a SAQ Essay Look at the command word: Outline, Define, Describe, this tells you what depth the reader is looking for. (next slides break down the different command word.) SAQs are not usually in depth, however we will practice writing short essays in more depth. The reader can not take points off for being too in depth in your answers. You may or may not get any more points. You will have 20 minutes each to write three SAQs, one on bio, cog, and social cultural. It is not timed, you pace yourself.
Command Term Glossary Level 1: Define Give the precise meaning of a word, phrase, concept or quantity. Describe Give a detailed account. Outline Give a brief account or summary. State Give a specific name, value or other answer without explanation.
Command terms cont. Level 2: Analyse Break down in order to bring out the essential elements or structure. Apply Use and idea or theory in relation to a given problem or issue. Distinguish Make clear differences between two concepts or items. Explain Give a detailed account including reasons or causes.
Command terms cont. Level 3: Compare -Give a detailed account of similarities between items, referring to all of them throughout. Contrast- Give a detailed account of differences between items, referring to all of them throughout. Discuss - Offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments, factors or hypotheses. Opinions or conclusions should be presented clearly and supported by evidence. Evaluate - Make an appraisal by weighing up the strengths and limitations. Examine - Consider and argument or concept in a way that uncovers the assumptions an interrelationships of an issue. To what extent- Consider the merits of otherwise of an argument or concept. Opinions and conclusions should be presented clearly and supported with appropriate evidence and sound argument.
Take a look on page 381 in blue book at the assessment objectives relevant to SAQs and essays. Also, look at the rubric/grading sheets. You are graded on knowledge and comprehension, application and analysis in SAQs (70%) of your grade and 60% of your grade in the LAQs. 40% of your LAQ grade is synthesis and evaluation and overall organization. 30% is organization in the SAQs. See specific break down on page 381. There are many ways to structure your essay, you will learn how I grade for these. Other readers may teach differently, but all are looking for these objectives. As you practice, I am the audience you need to convince by providing complete and good evidence. (psychological research and theories are the evidence, not your opinion, your feelings, or something you have heard recently on the news or in conversations).
What are Learning objective?(top of page 67): Outline the principles that define the cognitive level of analysis. Start with a sentence or 2 about what the focus of each LOA is, ( “The cognitive level of analysis(CLOA) looks at behavior as the result of human’s information processes…”) This helps the reader know you have an understanding of the LOA. (a.k.a as Knowledge and comprehension) Finish out the sentence by repeating the answerable part of the learning objective. (Do not write out the learning objective 1 st). (By using the CLOA principle that the mind works like an information processor, psychologist are able to understand how what one thinks, makes one who they are …..) Run on sentences are ok and actually help you write scientifically, (It, This, He not ok for starting a sentence.)
You Do: Look at the CLOA learning objectives and write out the first one. Write out the first sentences yourself.
Then next few sentences, you begin to answer the question. (“The principle that humans are information processors helps psychologist see the mind as a complex machine that imitate the processing of a computer and data that is input into this technology…..”) explain the concept that the mind processes information and stores that information much like a computer, (can explain top-down/bottom up concept, or how the information model shows data processing). You do: Write your next sentence.
The next sentences – continues the discussion about the concept or research method that the question is asking. (“Psychologists recognize the importance of cognition in understanding the complexity of human behavior…..because……by using another principle…) Always use psychological key terms when you can, and define them immediately. You do: Write your next sentences. Explaining the next 2 principles, mind can be studied scientifically and the CLOA is influenced by social and cultural factors.
After you have defined a theory or concept or research method, you will back up your statements by referring to a particular psychological research that has used that concept, theory, or research method. SAQ required at least one but more is always better as long as it flows with the organization of your essay. When you are explaining one of the principles, cite a research that used that principle. ( The principle that the mind is an information processor can be illustrated in the model developed by Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) where a multi storage model was used to show an analogy of the how the mind processes information and stores it …..providing an explanation of how memory works.) You do: Write your next sentence.
Tips on finishing your essay: When you cite research, briefly explain what the researcher discovered and how the research supports the concept or theory. Findings should only be about the concept, theory, or research method asked in the question. Obviously, Atkinson and Shiffrin discovered a lot about memory in their experiments, but in your answer you only want to refer to what the question is asking, the principle about information processing. In fact, you can use this experiment for several learning objectives. Finish with the other two principles, citing research or not.
Finish out your essay: By adding some synthesis or evaluation: You will make some criticism about the limitations of the research. (Although Atkinson and Shiffrin introduced the first model that represented how memory works, their model was very simplistic and is somewhat out of date……) The sample was culturally or gender biased, or too small, the research method used was flawed some how, or not controlled. You do: Finish writing your essay.
SAQ writing Tips continued: Use a word count when practicing essays, so you will get an idea of how long to make the SAQs. About 200 words or front and back of IB paper. These things do not belong in your essays: Personal opinions/ or experiences Swearing/Jokes/ puns, etc Informal language (first or second person) Do not use “PROVE” Cultural insensitivity Unsupported claims – always cite any specific statements or concept with known published psychological research- Know exact dates and names and the experiment! Finally, to get the CEGM points of the rubric, end your essay with a one or two of these as a critical evaluation/limitations of either the concept, research, or the research method used, depending on the question…
You do activity: When you finish the practice essay, Work on the next learning objective. We do: group grading using rubric Exit Ticket: Have students discuss how and why they gave the essay the grade they did – exit ticket relates back to objective’s verb.
How to submit essays To me thru school email. Have your name on each page and number each page. (1 of 2) Must receive a “Got it” within one day. Student’s responsibility to make sure I got it! We will grades some in class. Not all grades will go in grade book. Need to stay up with class assignment. Use the researchers that are in blue book and/or study guide. Cheater Chart! What are they?
Closing Time: Summarize day’s learning Let student know where they stand Preview what is to come and connect today’s learning to future learning Answer any lingering question/make announcements Have an exit routine in place Exit ticket is link to the verb in your objective
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