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Two trends create an optimal climate for exploring the potential contributions psychology & theology have for understanding human development: 1) Renewed.

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2 Two trends create an optimal climate for exploring the potential contributions psychology & theology have for understanding human development: 1) Renewed interest in spirituality & religion in the social sciences 2) The imago Dei being understood from a relational perspective

3  The goal of development is difficult for the field of psychology to address because definitions are not agreed upon (e.g. what constitutes optimal development; how do we define well-being?)  However, theological anthropology (biblical understanding of being human) can provide us with a goal of development (a developmental teleology – a theological understanding of becoming a complete human being)

4  Theological anthropology starts with affirmation that humans are made in the image of God  One understanding of what comprises the divine image in humans is that we are relational, like God - God exists as Father, Son & Holy Spirit (living in unity as one, yet distinct)  The goal of human development is the reciprocating self – to glorify God as a distinct human being in communion with God & others in mutually giving & receiving relationships  The reciprocating selves will only come into completion in the eschaton (the goal of all history); however, there is significance in enabling others, as far as possible, to become reciprocating selves (p.49)

5  The personal identities of the members of the Trinity emerge out of their relationships (by definition, there is no father without a child) – p. 34  It is in relationship with others that we more fully encounter ourselves – we realize our uniqueness in relationship  Relationships should not subvert, but establish & affirm the other; a high view of both self & other is required to value the giving & receiving  The body of believers finds completeness in our diversity  The image of God does not lie in the individual, but in the relationality of the persons in community - Grenz - p. 35 & p. 38  We are to be in community with God & with our brothers & sisters in Christ (cross imagery – p. 40)

6  Personal relationships characterized by a covenant (unconditional love) commitment rather than a conditional commitment (contract)  Response to failure in relationship is characterized by gracing rather than shaming  Power, giftedness, & resources are used to empower rather to control others  Openness that can lead to intimacy rather than isolation  Ever deepening levels of these matures the reciprocating self

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