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Spencer County Preschool Update 2013 – 2014 SCHOOL YEAR.

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Presentation on theme: "Spencer County Preschool Update 2013 – 2014 SCHOOL YEAR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spencer County Preschool Update 2013 – 2014 SCHOOL YEAR

2 Spencer County Preschool Stats  Currently 107 students served in 6 daily sessions.  52 students in AM sessions/ 55 students in PM sessions  Students with IEP – 54  Income eligible students – 30  RTI students – 12  Tuition students - 11

3 Preschool Screening Data April 2013 Screening : 20 total students screened 16 qualified and are enrolled (80%) May 2013 Screening: 25 total students screened 20 qualified and are enrolled (80%) August 2013 Screening : 23 total students screened 18 qualified and are enrolled (78%) September 2013 Screening : 17 total students screened 13 qualified and are enrolled (76%)

4 Spencer County Preschool Staff  3 IECE teachers  3 Instructional Assistants  1 Speech Therapist  1 Occupational Therapist  1 Physical Therapist  1 Teacher of Visually Impaired  1 Administrative Assistant  1 Educational Diagnostician

5 Kentucky Early Childhood Standards  Standards: Instruction – Curriculum – Assessment/ Bringing it all together  Instruction : to ensure that activities, materials, and experience provided address all items of the development continuum.  Curriculum : to assist in planning experiences that will promote children’s progress towards achieving benchmarks.  Assessment : to ensure that child observation covers standards and benchmarks in all domains/ content areas and fits into assessment procedures.

6 Teaching Strategies Gold  This is an authentic, observational assessment system that identifies the students’ strengths, needs, and interests.  The primary purpose of this curriculum is to help teachers observe and document children’s development and learning over time.  It supports, guides, and informs planning and instruction.  Allows to report and communicate with family members.

7 TSG Individual Child Report Example

8 Preschool Curriculum Map

9 Tools for Kindergarten Readiness  Social Skills Curriculum  Literacy – Read Together, Talk Together  Numeracy – Everyday Math

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