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Published byAbigail Cooper Modified over 8 years ago
Empowering Covenant of Mayors Coordinators and Supporters to assist municipalities in implementing and monitoring their Sustainable Energy Action Plan WWW.MAYORSINACTION.EU #MAYORSINACTION Empowering Covenant of Mayors Coordinators and Supporters to assist municipalities in implementing and monitoring their Sustainable Energy Action Plan WWW.MAYORSINACTION.EU #MAYORSINACTION Tutoring-coaching per 3 azioni in 5 Comuni supportati Riunione di coordinamento Patto dei Sindaci Genova – sala consiglio 3 Febbraio 2015
Empowering Covenant of Mayors Coordinators and Supporters to assist municipalities in implementing and monitoring their Sustainable Energy Action Plan WWW.MAYORSINACTION.EU #MAYORSINACTION Mayors in Action (1/3/2014 – 28/2/2017) Progetto EIE (Energie Intelligenti per l’Europa) Città Metropolitana di Genova è capofila Costruire e rafforzare le capacità dei Coordinatori e Sostenitori (C&S) nell’assistere i propri comuni. Trasferire le buone pratiche da un paese all’altro attraverso la formazione, il coaching e il supporto peer-to-peer tra C&S a livello europeo Assistere città di medio-piccole dimensioni ad attuare e monitorare i propri PAES. Garantire che le politiche per l’energia sostenibile siano salvaguardate nei comuni durante e dopo la durata del progetto. Diffondere ampiamente i risultati e incrementare il numero di C&S del Patto dei Sindaci http://www.mayorsinacti
Empowering Covenant of Mayors Coordinators and Supporters to assist municipalities in implementing and monitoring their Sustainable Energy Action Plan WWW.MAYORSINACTION.EU #MAYORSINACTION Chi può ottenere supporto? I Coordinatori del Patto possono beneficiare della formazione e di un processo di capacity-building focalizzato sull’implementazione ed il monitoraggio dei PAES, incluso il supporto peer-to-peer ed il Coaching I Sostenitori del Patto possono accedere ad una serie di opportunità per fare rete e scambiare strategie politiche e possono ottenere supporto tecnico ed amministrativo 40 Comuni possono partecipare attivamente nel progetto, ricevere la formazione ed il capacity building per l’implementazione ed il monitoraggio del PAES nelle sei nazioni target (Belgio, Croazia, Grecia, Italia, Polonia e Spagna) …tra cui voi! http://www.mayorsinacti
Empowering Covenant of Mayors Coordinators and Supporters to assist municipalities in implementing and monitoring their Sustainable Energy Action Plan WWW.MAYORSINACTION.EU #MAYORSINACTION Schemi di tutoraggio e coaching MAYORS in ACTION permetterà ai comuni ed ai C&S di compiere ulteriori passi avanti, realizzando le azioni previste nei PAES tramite l’utilizzo degli strumenti a disposizione e le esperienze in contesti diversi ed aiutandoli a supportarsi vicendevolmente verso l’obiettivo comune. Un consorzio di 9 partner esperti da diverse parti d’Europa è pronto a supportarti per l’implementazione ed il Monitoraggio delle tue azioni per energia e clima sostenibili. 1. Provincia di Genova (Coordinatore) - 2. Provincia of Barcellona - 3. CRES - 4. Cittá di Zagabria - 5. PNEC - 6. Regione VENETO - 7. SOGESCA - 8. INTERLEUVEN - 9. ICLEI Europe - http://www.mayorsinacti Unisciti a noi, impara, condividi, divertiti con noi!
Empowering Covenant of Mayors Coordinators and Supporters to assist municipalities in implementing and monitoring their Sustainable Energy Action Plan WWW.MAYORSINACTION.EU #MAYORSINACTION Supporto attraverso il progetto MiA 5 comuni coinvolti …CHI SI OFFRE? Metodi per accelerare l'attuazione e il monitoraggio del PAES attraverso l'analisi per individuare le soluzioni tecniche e finanziarie realizzabili. Una selezione di metodologie, strumenti e migliori pratiche replicabili in materia di clima ed energia. I mezzi per trasmettere le migliori pratiche tra i quali corsi di formazione, programmi di coaching, gruppi di lavoro locali, tutoraggio peer-to-peer e iniziative focus su singole azioni. Informazioni sulle opportunità finanziarie per realizzare investimenti sull’ efficienza energetica, nonché sui potenziali ostacoli giuridici e finanziari e su come superarli. http://www.mayorsinacti
Empowering Covenant of Mayors Coordinators and Supporters to assist municipalities in implementing and monitoring their Sustainable Energy Action Plan WWW.MAYORSINACTION.EU #MAYORSINACTION Handbook – le azioni da riprodurre 1. Information campaigns 2. Support of energy retrofitting of households and the private sector 3. Audits, metering, energy monitoring 4. Solar energy in buildings and municipalities 5. Energy efficient public lighting 6. Energy retrofitting of public buildings 7. Municipal fleet retrofitting 8. Sustainable mobility 9. Green electricity 10. Energy management systems 11. District heating http://www.mayorsinacti 12. Biofuels 13. Solar purchasing groups 14. Integrated actions - public buildings refurbishment, public transport and public lighting 15. Integrated regulatory actions for all sectors
Empowering Covenant of Mayors Coordinators and Supporters to assist municipalities in implementing and monitoring their Sustainable Energy Action Plan WWW.MAYORSINACTION.EU #MAYORSINACTION 1. INFORMATION CAMPAIGNS TableDescription (Consortium Proposer)Main Actor/Promoter Infopoint Network of infopoints. Provincial central info-point tutors local info-points/communication channel with LGs. Training to other info-points. Information collection. From PGE Province + municipalities Infocampaign Information about fiscal incentives From Veneto Local Government Energy saving in offices buildings Info campaign about behavioral changes From Veneto Region Info campaign and competition Info campaign plus Competition among public buildings From ICLEI Local Government Energy manager competition Competition of buildings of the public sector From ICLEI Local Government Zagreb energy week General information activity. All level up to international. Involvement of all stakeholder. Involvement of medias and NGOs. Full involvement of stakeholders. Self funded with in kind contribution of stakeholders. From CZG Municipality + Stakeholders Continuous Information Info galleries, info light. The infopoint is in the main buildings of the city administration From CZG Municipality NGOs Information campaign through NGOs programs and ACtivities NGO Information in schools, audits, direct contact with citizens From CZG Municipality NGOs
Empowering Covenant of Mayors Coordinators and Supporters to assist municipalities in implementing and monitoring their Sustainable Energy Action Plan WWW.MAYORSINACTION.EU #MAYORSINACTION 2. SUPPORT OF ENERGY RETROFITTING OF HOUSEHOLDS AND THE PRIVATE SECTOR TableDescription (Consortium Proposer)Main Actor/Promoter Energy savers Door to door information combined with small energy-saving actions and light audit. From INTERLEUVEN Foundation (executor) + group of municipality decision maker Energy assessment HH Door to door information. Smart metering. Light audit and proposal for energy saving solutions. From DIBA LG + Local Energy Agency "Energy saving at home" Retrofitting of low income residential buildings through subsidy and loans, depending on income. Audit and energy certificate before/after subsidized. From CRES Ministry of Environment, Energy, and Climate Change + Banks Promotion of substitution of coal boiler >50% of investment supported for private installations. Dismission of old boiler. From PNEC Municipality Condominiintelligenti Information, awareness raising, technical assistance to condominiums (audit), financial support. Exporting to other provinces. Energy efficiency in space heating and hot water. From PGE Province PadovaFIT Facilitation of decision of refurbishment in multi dwelling buildings, revolving fund. Combined with EPC contract from a bank -Energy efficiency in space heating and hot water. From SOG Municipality Replacing heating boilers with biomass boilers Possibly with district heating for public buildings. Forest management program. From DIBA Province
Empowering Covenant of Mayors Coordinators and Supporters to assist municipalities in implementing and monitoring their Sustainable Energy Action Plan WWW.MAYORSINACTION.EU #MAYORSINACTION 3. AUDITS, METERING, ENERGY MONITORING TableDescription (Consortium Proposer)Main Actor/Promoter Smart energy measurement/cloud information Specific profiles for energy monitoring of residential building - short messages communicated to the users From DIBA LG Thermography Thermographic picture of territory (very detailed). Information event with presentation of roof pictures. Personal advice to citizens and owners of buildings. From INTERLEUVEN LG + INTERLEUVEN Smart buildings Energy control, smart metering. Smart grids. in residential buildings (RES installation, Energy saving Meters). From VENETO Region Remote control and remote management in municipal buildngs or facilities Remote control or management helps reducing phantom consumptions and detecting problems. From DIBA Province/Municipality
Empowering Covenant of Mayors Coordinators and Supporters to assist municipalities in implementing and monitoring their Sustainable Energy Action Plan WWW.MAYORSINACTION.EU #MAYORSINACTION 4. SOLAR ENERGY IN BUILDINGS AND MUNICIPALITIES TableDescription (Consortium Proposer)Main Actor/Promoter Solar roofs Promotion of RES for private houses. From CZG Croatian association of solar energy expert Solar thermal panels installation Promotion and training. Installation of thermal solar panels. Co- financing by beneficiaries + awareness campaigns. From PNEC Municipalities + citizens. PV promotion and subsidization 50% of investment supported for private installations. From CZG Municipality+ National GOVT
Empowering Covenant of Mayors Coordinators and Supporters to assist municipalities in implementing and monitoring their Sustainable Energy Action Plan WWW.MAYORSINACTION.EU #MAYORSINACTION 5. ENERGY EFFICIENT PUBLIC LIGHTING TableDescription (Consortium Proposer)Main Actor/Promoter Revamping of public lighting Contracting for public lighting with decrease of 30% of consumption. With ESCO. From SOG + CZG Municipality Introduction of smart management in public lighting Introduction of smart management in public lighting. From DIBA+VENETO Municipality Public lighting in Greece Full scale ESCO Project. Public sector investment and combined funds. Only one implementation. From CRES Central Union of Greek Municipalities, PETA S.A. (Local Authorities central development company), Coalition for Sustainable Development of Cities
Empowering Covenant of Mayors Coordinators and Supporters to assist municipalities in implementing and monitoring their Sustainable Energy Action Plan WWW.MAYORSINACTION.EU #MAYORSINACTION 6. ENERGY RETROFITTING OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS TableDescription (Consortium Proposer)Main Actor/Promoter Community energy / community powered projects Public buildings used for installation (esp. schools). Public shares of investment. “Community power” project to be followed for development. From ICLEI Municipalities community based groups (open) Installation of green roofs Importing technology from Switzerland. Installation in kindergarten. From PNEC PNEC Retrofitting of public buildings Public Buildings retrofitting. From CRES Ministry of Environment, Energy, and Climate Change Nearly zero energy buildings Retrofitting and new buildings with nZEB criteria. From CRES CRES, Municipalities, Regional Authorities
Empowering Covenant of Mayors Coordinators and Supporters to assist municipalities in implementing and monitoring their Sustainable Energy Action Plan WWW.MAYORSINACTION.EU #MAYORSINACTION 7. MUNICIPAL FLEET RETROFITTING 8. SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY TableDescription (Consortium Proposer)Main Actor/Promoter Renewal of public transport Renewal of public transport, including biofuels From PNEC + CZG Municipality TableDescription (Consortium Proposer)Main Actor/Promoter Mobility in region of Interleuven Creation of bicycle paths, charging infrastructure for electric cars/bikes/scooters, group purchase of e-bikes and scooters. From INTERLEUVEN Municipality Civitas Sharing, mapping (for safety), paths. From CZG Municipality e-mobility Purchase of e-bikes and cars. Installation of e-charging points. Bike and car sharing system From VENETO Municipality (Padova), Private
Empowering Covenant of Mayors Coordinators and Supporters to assist municipalities in implementing and monitoring their Sustainable Energy Action Plan WWW.MAYORSINACTION.EU #MAYORSINACTION 9. GREEN ELECTRICITY 10. ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 11. DISTRICT HEATING TableDescription (Consortium Proposer)Main Actor/Promoter GPP (Consorzio Energia) Green electricity by group purchasing by municipalities consortiated. Easy action to implement. From PGE Municipalities TableDescription (Consortium Proposer)Main Actor/Promoter Energy Management System in Public Buildings EMS 50001 From energy for mayors. From SOG Local Governments TableDescription (Consortium Proposer)Main Actor/Promoter District heating District heating pipeline connection from unused heat from industrial, biogas or waste treatment plants. From SOG Municipality (Este), MultiUtility, Private
Empowering Covenant of Mayors Coordinators and Supporters to assist municipalities in implementing and monitoring their Sustainable Energy Action Plan WWW.MAYORSINACTION.EU #MAYORSINACTION 12. BIOFUELS 13. SOLAR PURCHASING GROUPS TableDescription (Consortium Proposer)Main Actor/Promoter Production of biomethane from urban waste Installation of upgrading plant and distribution grid for biogenic natural gas. Distribution system for utility and municipal fleet. From SOG Waste Management/Utility company TableDescription (Consortium Proposer)Main Actor/Promoter Solar purchasing groups Bundling of demand for solar plants. Bid for assignemnent of works. Strong communication. Now evolving to other technology (heat pumps, electric bicycle, electric power supply). From PGE + SOG + INTERLEUVEN PGE + municipalities legambiente Group purchase of PV-panels, solar water heater, roof and wall insulation Group of citizens choses the product. Coordination by LG and Interleuven. From INTERLEUVEN LG + INTERLEUVEN
Empowering Covenant of Mayors Coordinators and Supporters to assist municipalities in implementing and monitoring their Sustainable Energy Action Plan WWW.MAYORSINACTION.EU #MAYORSINACTION 14. INTEGRATED ACTIONS - PUBLIC BUILDINGS REFURBISHMENT AND PUBLIC LIGHTING 15. INTEGRATED REGULATORY ACTIONS FOR ALL SECTORS TableDescription (Consortium Proposer)Main Actor/Promoter Zagreb Energy Efficient City Building refurbishment and public lighting. 1,8 MIO funding and 30 MIO investment. From CZG Muncipalities, LG Combined actions for municipalities Public buildings, lighting, installations, transport, green spaces. From CRES + Greek union of municipalities and Ministry of Environment, Energy, and Climate Change Muncipalities, LG, Goverment TableDescription (Consortium Proposer)Main Actor/Promoter Cross sectoral regulation and incentive system Definition of a municipal regulation system with bonus supplied for building refurbishment and usable in other sectors (public transport, bike sharing, purchase of performing appliances, etc. From SOG Municipalities Water and Energy Saving Initiative Implement initiative to find and fix water leaks, install energy efficient pumps and control systems. From ICLEI Municipality/Utility Company
Empowering Covenant of Mayors Coordinators and Supporters to assist municipalities in implementing and monitoring their Sustainable Energy Action Plan WWW.MAYORSINACTION.EU #MAYORSINACTION ADESIONI ENTRO MERCOLEDì 11 FEBBRAIO 2015 Grazie dell‘attenzione! CONTATTI: Città Metropolitana di Genova, Piazzale Mazzini 2, 5°piano +39 010 5499561-472 Mantieniti informato sugli ultimi sviluppi di MAYORS in ACTION su Facebook e Twitter -@MayorsInActionFacebookTwitter Empowering Covenant of Mayors Coordinators and Supporters to assist municipalities in implementing and monitoring their Sustainable Energy Action Plan WWW.MAYORSINACTION.EU #MAYORSINACTION
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