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“Investing for Impact” Health Product Management LFA PSM Expert workshop January 2014 Geneva.

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Presentation on theme: "“Investing for Impact” Health Product Management LFA PSM Expert workshop January 2014 Geneva."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Investing for Impact” Health Product Management LFA PSM Expert workshop 28-30 January 2014 Geneva

2 The Global Fund Strategy 2012-2016: Investing for Impact Five strategic objectives: Invest more strategically in areas with high potential for impact and strong value for money, Evolve the funding model to provide funding in a more proactive, flexible, predictable and effective way; Actively support grant implementation success through more active grant management and better engagement with partners; Promote and protect human rights Sustains the gains, mobilize resources – by increasing sustainability of programs and attracting additional funding

3 The Global Fund Secretariat Grant Management

4 Grant Management division Grant Management High Impact Africa 1 High Impact Africa 2 High Impact Asia Africa and Middle EastAELAC Technical hubs (HPM, Legal, Monitoring & Program Finance) LFA, Quality Assurance, CCM, Operational Policy and Process Grant Mgt. Support Oren Ginzburg 6 Country Teams7 Country Teams Southern & East Africa Western Africa Central Africa MENA South & East Asia LAC EEU / CA 3 Regions 70 countries 4 Regions 48 countries 20 countries comprising 70% of global disease burden

5 Country Team Approach Role of the PSM specialists and the Health product Management Hub

6 Country Teams To enhance collaboration among team members in order to achieve a more effective and efficient oversight of the Global Fund grant portfolio Work as a team in a respectful and collaborative manner to meet the goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) of the Country Team; Strive for a consensus to the extent possible, bearing in mind functional responsibilities of each member; Perform assigned responsibilities and deliver high quality work in a timely manner; and Regularly communicate and share information and provide professional and actionable advice and inputs for decisions.  Country Team Responsibilities Matrix Country Team FPM/ PO/FPA Legal Officer PSM Specialist Public Health/M&E Specialist Finance Officer

7 PSM Specialist as CT member PSM specialists are involved in the entire life cycle of a grant, from Concept Note to grant management, country capacity building Further from the TORs for the PSM Specialists, dynamics within the CTs and region can vary greatly. Teamwork/coordination between the PSM Specialists is needed within a region/department. With the NFM, emphasis is placed on National Strategic Plans (NSP). The national PSM structure is key to achieve the targets of the NSP and is therefore an important part of the country dialogue. Working closely with development partners both in country and HQ is key to ensure complementarity and that the existing gaps are being properly addressed, thus maximizing all interventions at country level

8 The Country Dialogue Country dialogue is the ongoing discussion that occurs at the country level between country actors and key partners to fight the three diseases and strengthen health and community systems The country owns and leads the process Includes implementers, government, civil society, faith-based organizations, key affected populations and networks, multilateral, bilateral, and technical partners, academia, and the private sector

9 Grant Management division Grant Management High Impact Africa 1 High Impact Africa 2 High Impact Asia Africa and Middle EastAELAC Technical hubs (HPM, Legal, Monitoring & Program Finance) LFA, Quality Assurance, CCM, Operational Policy and Process Grant Mgt. Support Oren Ginzburg 6 Country Teams7 Country Teams Southern & East Africa Western Africa Central Africa MENA South & East Asia LAC EEU / CA 3 Regions 70 countries 4 Regions 48 countries 20 countries comprising 70% of global disease burden

10 Grant Management Support department Grant Management Support Operation Policy Operational Policy and Renewals Process (including Renewals) Information Management LFA Coordination Quality Team Health Product Management Hub Monitoring Hub CCM Hub

11 Health Product Management Hub HPM provide technical guidance and support for the management of health products and investment in pharmaceutical supply chain systems ensure consistency and quality in the decision-making process related to health products for producing impact.

12 Health Product Management Hub Grant Management support PSM Technical support to CTs Processes Improvement, Operational policy tools development, Grant Management support PSM Technical support to CTs Processes Improvement, Operational policy tools development, QA expertise for health products Policy, guidance and tools QA expertise for health products Policy, guidance and tools Partnership activities Technical Working Group Partnership activities Technical Working Group

13 Health Product Management Hub Grant Management support Ensure adequate resources and expertise in PSM across the portfolio Ensure consistency and quality in the approach to PSM activities Monitor compliance with Global Fund PSM policies, including QA Contribute to Op. Risk Committee Contribute to operational policies and process development Develop guidance documents and tools for PSM implementation Quality Assurance expertise leading QA guidance and tools, support/advice PSM specialists-CTs/PRs, work in collaboration with partners Partnerships Work with technical partners to support in- country supply chain (QA, Stock outs prevention and other PSM initiatives) Harmonisation/alignement with partners on policies and implementation issues resolution – enhanced coordinated approach in PSM

14 Sourcing Department

15 Objectives 1.Develop and implement comprehensive reengineering of the Procurement Operating Model and Organization. 2.Develop Procurement as a strong partner to create and facilitate Best in Class solutions and delivery for the Global Fund. 3.Create additional Value of 8% per annum 4.Increase spend penetration by 20% per annum 5.On Time and In Full (OTIF) service to countries to exceed 75 %

16 Organisational Model to Support the Change 16 MalariaHIV/AIDSTBAPI KM Business Planning Supply Chain Manager Core Products Procurement Non Core Products and Indirects Procurement Portfolio (Country Management) CPO The new organisational model provides greater emphasis on supplier engagement and a focus across the complete supply chain

17 Secretariat/Sourcing/PSM PSM/HPM training Innovation Knowledge sharing Partnerships Operational Policies TA Risk Management API Manufacturing/Suppliers Global Demand Market Shaping Procurement & Supplier Mgmt Global Logistics Selection Treatment guidelines National Strategies (pharmaceutical, disease specific and HSS) Standards/Drug Regulatory Procurement Policies & Practice Forecast and Quantification National Targets and treatment funding gaps Storage/Distribution/LMIS Rational Use and Pharmacovigilance Quality Assurance at all stages Supplier Management Managing PPM PAs Market Dynamics Global Partnerships Dialogue & Concept Note Grant Making Implementation Distribution & Cash Transfers Renewals Closure Country and Regional Partnerships Global In-Country PSM Technical roles Management roles PSM Specialists, HPM Hub and the Sourcing Team Sourcing PSM/HPM

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