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By Lateefa M. F. Lab Safety 1-Always Wear a lab coat General Safety Rules the best protection against chemical spills and fire.

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Presentation on theme: "By Lateefa M. F. Lab Safety 1-Always Wear a lab coat General Safety Rules the best protection against chemical spills and fire."— Presentation transcript:


2 By Lateefa M. F.

3 Lab Safety

4 1-Always Wear a lab coat General Safety Rules the best protection against chemical spills and fire.

5 General Safety Rules to protect your eyes from chemicals, heated materials, or things that might be able to shatter. 2- Wear a gloves 3- Wear safety goggles

6 4- Tie back long hair. General Safety Rules

7 5- Listen to or read instructions carefully before starting to do anythings. 6- Do not work in the lab unless your instructor is present to supervise your work. General Safety Rules

8 7- Know the location of the fire extinguisher, eyewash station, and first aid kit. General Safety Rules fire blanket,

9 8- Never “horse around” or play practical jokes in the lab. General Safety Rules

10 9- Do not Eat or drink in the lab. General Safety Rules

11 10- After handling chemicals, always wash your hands with soap and water. General Safety Rules

12 12- Clean up your lab area at the end of the lab period. 11- Keep sinks clean! General Safety Rules

13 Chemical Safety 2- Do not test any chemical in the lab (Many chemicals are toxic or corrosive. 3- Do not keep food or drink items at your lab bench. 1- Never mix chemicals together unless you are told to do so 4- Avoid skin contact with any chemical.

14 Chemical Safety 5- Never pipet by mouth (use arubber bulb or pipet pumps).. 6- Never pipet directly from a reagent bottle. (transfer by beaker)

15 7- Do not inhale reagent fumes. (Use a waving motion of your hand to bring the vapor near your nose. Chemical Safety (  )( )

16 Always Pour Down a Stir Rod! 8- Never pour water into a concentrated acid. Always Add Acid ! Chemical Safety

17 Work with concentrated acids, or with bromine, chlorine, or hydrogen hydrogen sulfide should be done only in a fume hood 9- Use the fume hood when directed to do so. 10 - Be sure youe hands and your lab area are dry before using electrical equipment. Chemical Safety

18 11- Don’t Use Broken or cracked glassware 12- Broken glassware should be disposed in a special container for it. Chemical Safety

19 Heating Safety 1- Use tongs or protective gloves to handle hot objects

20 Heating Safety 2- The only type of glassware that may safely be heated is either Kimax or Pyrex. 3- Use a wire gauzewhen heating Beakers.

21 3- Point Test Tubes Toward the Wall and Move it Around When Heating! Heating Safety

22 4- Get a Small, Blue Flame by Turning the Barrel, Regulating the Air Mixture Heating Safety


24 The beakers are borosilicate glass (heat resistant) and graduated along the sides for measurement. These are perfect for heating liquids and storing solids in the laboratory.

25 flasks are commonly used for simple measuring, storing and mixing of liquids. They are of similar to beakers but less than graduated cylinders.

26 Pipets are used to measure and transfer small volumes (10 mL or less) of liquids. Pipets are long graduated tubes that allow one to measure and transfer small volumes.

27 The orange pipette bulb can be used with the 10ml pipet. The thumbwheel pipetter is designed for use with the 2ml pipettes but will also work with small sizes. Neither work with corrosive liquids.

28 Used to transfer liquids in qualitative test. It does not allow for measurement

29 Test Tube Holder Test Tube Brush Test tube rack A glass test tube is the most common of lab supplies. Made from borosilicate glass for strength & heat resistance.







36 A microscope is an instrument for viewing objects that are too small to be seen by the naked or unaided eye


38 an instrument or machine for weighing.


40 Common Safety Symbols FlammableExplosive Oxidizer قابل للإشتعالمادة متفجرة مادة مؤكسدة

41 CorrosivePoisonEnvironmental Hazard كاوية وحارقةمادة سامة مادة ضارة للبيئة Common Safety Symbols

42 IN CASE OF ACCIDENT 1- If a chemical splashes into your eye, get help immediately. Shout out, "I have chemical in my eye!" Use Eyewash Station if Needed…Hold Open Eyes and Press Water On.

43 IN CASE OF ACCIDENT 2- Any chemical that comes in contact with your skin should be washed off with water right away. Flush with large quantities of water. For acid spills, apply baking soda solution. For base spills, apply vinegar or boric acid.

44 Lab Safety Conclusion… Read Directions! Use Common Sense! No Playing Around! Clean Up! Keep Sinks Clean! Put Equipment Back in Right Spots on Carts! Have Fun…and Learn!

45 Tools you need in the lab …  The lab coat  The test tubes  The test tube holder  The test tube brush  The beaker (250 ml)  The small towel (tissue paper)  The sticker label

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