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Customer Service Are we doing it right? 1. Happy customer? 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Customer Service Are we doing it right? 1. Happy customer? 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Customer Service Are we doing it right? 1

2 Happy customer? 2

3 Customer Service  What can we learn?  Think about-  Yourself?  Your Business?  What you will Start doing?  What you will Stop doing? 3

4 What is Customer Service?  Where does it fit in our business? 4

5 Thinking point  Customer Service  It is not a job  It is not a department  It is all our responsibility  You could say it’s the Heart of our Businesses 5

6 Who said it? A customer is the most important visitor to our premises. He is not dependent on us, we are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work, he is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business, he is a part of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him, he is doing us the favour by giving us the opportunity to do so. Mahatma GandhiBill GatesAlan Sugar 6

7 Who said it? A customer is the most important visitor to our premises. He is not dependent on us, we are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work, he is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business, he is a part of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him, he is doing us the favour by giving us the opportunity to do so. Mahatma GandhiBill GatesAlan Sugar 7

8 What many businesses do  How much energy goes into  Marketing?  Sales?  How much energy goes into Generating Brand New Business? 8

9 Some facts 89% of customers stop doing business because of poor customer service.  2011 Customer Experience Impact Report Oracle 9

10 Some facts 96% of customers who are unhappy with customer service don’t complain.  Source: “Understanding Customers” by Ruby Newell-Legner 10

11 Some facts In 2011, 86% of consumers quit doing business with a company because of a bad customer experience  Source: Customer Experience Impact Report by Harris Interactive/RightNow, 2010 11

12 Some facts 79% of consumers who had a negative experience with a company told others about it.  Source: DMC Solutions 12

13 Who said it? Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning Mark ZuckerbergRichard BransonBill Gates 13

14 Who said it? Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning Mark ZuckerbergRichard BransonBill Gates 14

15 Customer Service  Are we doing it right? 15

16 How do you track customer satisfaction and service levels?  Customers can always tell you what’s working and what’s not?  How do we get the feedback? 16

17 How do you track customer satisfaction and service levels?  Survey  Direct Feedback  Tracked recommendations on new business  Social Media  And many more 17

18 Survey  Surveys should be  Simple  Quick  Easy  Key Questions!  Fixed Regularity Monthly / Yearly / Half Yearly / Quaterly 18

19 Direct Feedback  Always say “thank you” for feedback where you can.  Always record feedback.  Use a database or spreadsheet 19

20 Social Media 58% of people perform online research about the products and services that they are considering purchasing before deciding.  Source: Jim Jansen, Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project, 2010 20

21 Track Recommendations  Always say “thank you” for Recommendations.  Good customers refer your business.  Great customers insist their friends use you. 21

22 Clarks of Amersham  Clarks of Amersham Ltd, a local Buckinghamshire based business track their feedback through Reference Line. Customers are invited to feedback to a third party company that collects the data and displays it on their website, Good and Bad.  “Reference Line works really well for us because it shows all feedback exactly how the customer said it, we have no control over what the results are. Our customers can be safe in the knowledge that what you see is what you get and we haven’t tweaked anything to improve our stats! We take all feedback and use it to improve and maintain our business and the service we deliver to our customers.” Paul Batey- Sales Manager at Clarks of Amersham Ltd 22

23 So what is my point? Customer Service CustomerBusiness 23

24 What can you do?  Suggested 4 Golden rules 1. Regular Training  Re-visit policies and practices regularly and don’t neglect the basics. 2. Make it Personal  Your customers important, treat them like a friend not a customer and listen to what they want. 3. Use your feedback  Make the changes needed to deliver the customer service your customers want. 4. Fast response  Deal with customers swiftly but be realistic 24

25 Role Play Activity  Complete the exercise in 3 minutes: 25

26 Questions? 26

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