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Municipal Operating Budget Manalapan Township Mayor Mary Ann Musich Deputy Mayor Susan Cohen Committeeman David C. Kane Committeeman Jordan Maskowitz Committeeman.

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Presentation on theme: "Municipal Operating Budget Manalapan Township Mayor Mary Ann Musich Deputy Mayor Susan Cohen Committeeman David C. Kane Committeeman Jordan Maskowitz Committeeman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Municipal Operating Budget Manalapan Township Mayor Mary Ann Musich Deputy Mayor Susan Cohen Committeeman David C. Kane Committeeman Jordan Maskowitz Committeeman Jack McNaboe

2 MANALAPAN TOWNSHIP 2016 MUNICIPAL BUDGET The Township Committee Continues to Provide High Quality Municipal Services to Manalapan Residents while Minimizing the Financial Impact to the Township Taxpayers. The Township Committee Continues to Provide High Quality Municipal Services to Manalapan Residents while Minimizing the Financial Impact to the Township Taxpayers.

3 MANALAPAN TOWNSHIP 2016 Budget Goals Minimize Current Year Tax Increase While Maintaining Services Provided (Garbage Collection, Weekly Recycling, Brush Collection) Prioritize Spending Reductions to Minimize Impact on Current Services Meet State Guidelines on Spending Cap and Levy Cap Achieve Fiscal Stability by Considering Both the Short and Longer Term Financial Impact of this Year’s Budget Decisions.

4 Projected Cost to the Average Manalapan Homeowner for All Municipal Services 2016 AVERAGE ASSESSED HOME = $408,142.55 AnnuallyMonthlyWeeklyDaily Total Increase to the Average Assessed Home $11.53$0.96$0.22$0.03 Total Municipal Taxes on an Average Assessed Home $1,376.66$114.72$26.47$3.77

5 An Average Homeowner pays $114.72 a Month in Municipal Taxes for: Public Safety 24 hour police protection Emergency Management Fire Prevention and Protection First Aid - Contribution, Equipment Municipal Court Trash & Recycling Collection and Disposal Twice a Week Garbage Collection Every week recycling collection Branch and Brush Removal/Bulk Pick-Up Code Building, Construction and Land Use Services Enforcement Planning and Zoning Boards Safety Inspections and Proper Permitting Public Works Road repair Snow Removal Leaf Disposal Storm water mgmt and detention basin maintenance Park maintenance Buildings and grounds maintenance Vehicle maintenance Storm Branch and Brush Removal

6 Manalapan Residents Continue to Receive A Vast Array of Services from our Board of Health Community Emergency Response Team and Medical Reserve Corp Monitoring and preventing infectious diseases and environmental threats Blood pressure screening/Senior Wellness Program at various sites in the community Home nursing services, including primary nursing care and non-primary care Annual influenza and pneumonia shots Prenatal health care for pregnant women Cancer screening services for breast, cervical, colorectal and prostate cancer Investigation of reportable diseases Auditing of Pre-School and School student immunization records Health education programs on a variety of topics Dog and cat licensing Licensing and regulation of retail food establishments Community Alliance Licensing and regulation of tattoo and body piercing facilities Licensing and regulation of animal kennels and pet shops Enforcement of regulations regarding tobacco sales to minors Licensing and regulation of public recreational bathing facilities

7 Residents continue to receive the following : Recreational, Cultural and Senior Citizen Programming State of the Art Recreational Facility Variety of Recreation Programs Thompson Grove Park Holiday Lake & Pocket Parks Splash Park Dog Park Early Learning Programs Summer Concert Series Community Center Manalapan Day Senior Bus Trips Holiday Events Exercise Classes Baby Bundles Numerous Social Events for Seniors

8 2015 Capital Projects Road Repaving Yorktowne Phase 6 Monmouth Heights Phase 4 Sections of Union Hill Sections of Pine Brook Road Sections of Woodward Road Symmes Drive Recreation Parking Lots Building and Grounds Projects & Equipment Purchases Sports Lighting Field Renovations Bathroom Upgrades Well Upgrade

9 ESTIMATED TAX RATE In cents per $100 of Assessed Valuation ESTIMATE 2016 ACTUAL 2015 REGIONAL ELEMENTARY*0.9310.932 REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL*0.4130.420 COUNTY*0.3040.312 MUNICIPAL0.3370.341 MUNICIPAL OPEN SPACE0.020 FIRE DISTRICTS (AVG.)0.0440.045 TOTAL2.0492.070

10 Making ‘Cents’ of Your Dollars Total School Share 66%

11 Revenue SourceAmount% of Revenue Amount to be Raised from Taxpayers$21,294,00264.95% State Aid$3,868,65311.80% Surplus Utilization$3,825,00011.67% Local Revenues$2,302,5007.02% Delinquent Taxes$675,0002.06% UCC Construction Fees$550,0001.68% Interlocal Services$100,3530.31% Special Item Uniform Fire Safety$100,0000.31% Grants$66,2520.20% Total$32,781,760100.0% 2016 SOURCES OF REVENUE FOR THE MUNICIPAL BUDGET

12 HOW MUCH DOES EACH DEPARTMENT COST? DEPARTMENT2016 S&W2016 O.E.2016 TOTAL% OF BUDGET PUBLIC SAFETY$7,292,425$314,972$7,607,39723.20% INSURANCE$125,000$4,518,861$4,643,86114.17% UTILITIES, SANITATION, LANDFILL & RECYCLING -$4,546,000 13.86% PUBLIC WORKS & PARKS MAINTENANCE $1,984,900$1,285,350$3,270,2509.98% STATUTORY EXPENSES-$3,177,278 9.69% DEBT SERVICE -$2,664,261 8.13% RESERVE FOR UNCOLLECTED TAXES -$2,375,080 7.25% GENERAL GOVERNMENT$1,147,845$618,620$1,766,4655.39% CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT/LAND USE$907,250$93,050$1,000,3003.05% INTERLOCAL / SHARED SERVICE AGREEMENTS$67,653$492,112$559,7651.71% PARKS & RECREATION$371,550$103,855$475,4051.45% HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES$334,347$45,100$379,4471.16% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND -$175,000 0.53% RESERVE FOR TAX APPEALS $75,000 0.23% STATE & FEDERAL GRANTS -$66,252 0.20% TOTAL$12,230,970$20,550,790$32,781,760100.00%

13 Where Does It Go? $1,376.66 Public Safety: $401.16 Insurance/Utilities/Statutory:$316.22 Public Works: $138.08 Sanitation/Recycling: $138.05 Capital Projects/Debt:$119.22 Uncollected Taxes:$99.81 General Government:$75.72 Construction/Land Use: $41.99 Recreation/Health Services: $40.61 Other: $5.77

14 Public Hearing 2016 Budget – May 11, 2016 Mayor Mary Ann Musich Deputy Mayor Susan Cohen Committeeman David C. Kane Committeeman Jordan Maskowitz Committeeman Jack McNaboe Manalapan Township

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