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Practical Rescue Management DT11 1 PRM 09 v1 Copyright © BSAC 2009 Rescue Management Part 2.

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1 Practical Rescue Management DT11 1 PRM 09 v1 Copyright © BSAC 2009 Rescue Management Part 2

2 Practical Rescue Management DT11 2 PRM 09 v1 Copyright © BSAC 2009 Outline Personnel issues Media Incident reporting Legal process when fatalities occur

3 Practical Rescue Management DT11 3 PRM 09 v1 Copyright © BSAC 2009 Personnel issues ‘Gut reaction’ responses of rescuers Crowd control Need firm but tactful handling Emotional reactions/shock of relatives, friends or rescuer Comfort/assistance to relatives Need tactful and sympathetic handling Don’t forget relatives of the rescuers Prevent needless worry

4 Practical Rescue Management DT11 4 PRM 09 v1 Copyright © BSAC 2009 Media etc. Keep media away from personnel involved in any rescue activities Safest course of action to make no comment ●Comments taken out of context ●Comments sensationalised ●Portrayed as criticism or blame On no account give personal details of any individuals!

5 Practical Rescue Management DT11 5 PRM 09 v1 Copyright © BSAC 2009 Incident Reporting BSAC Incident Report Form ●Available from BSAC HQ / website ●Complete while fresh in participants’ minds ●Confidential reporting Mechanism to learn from incidents ●Summary published annually ●Monitor for trends/common causes ●Effectiveness of techniques ●Revisions/additions to training procedures Successfully resolved incidents also need reporting Feedback from incidents helps maintain safety record of the sport

6 Practical Rescue Management DT11 6 PRM 09 v1 Copyright © BSAC 2009 Fatalities Safety record of the sport means fatalities are rare events Legal process to be fulfilled whenever a sudden death occurs from any cause. Processes vary throughout the world Will now consider: ●Roles and responsibilities ●Investigation of an incident ●Insight of legal process ●What can we do?

7 Practical Rescue Management DT11 7 PRM 09 v1 Copyright © BSAC 2009 UK Legal Systems These vary by locality HM Coroner (England & Wales) Procurator Fiscal (Scotland) Purpose of the Inquest/Inquiry ●Ascertain who has died, how, when and where ●Not to apportion blame

8 Practical Rescue Management DT11 8 PRM 09 v1 Copyright © BSAC 2009 The Legal Process Opening hearing ●Identification of deceased ●Results of post-mortem ●Interim death certificate Investigations ●Medical and past history ●Dive profile, dive history & experience ●Diving conditions ●Diving equipment The final hearing ●Evidence from the investigation and witnesses ●The verdict

9 Practical Rescue Management DT11 9 PRM 09 v1 Copyright © BSAC 2009 What can we do? Preservation of the scene Incident log ●What happened ●Times ●Actions taken and treatment given Retention of equipment ●Keep all casualty’s equipment together ●Protect from any interference Casualty's and Witness’ personal details Do not offer to be an ‘expert witness’ ●Requires both technical and legal expertise ●Insurance cover requires referral via BSAC HQ

10 Practical Rescue Management DT11 10 PRM 09 v1 Copyright © BSAC 2009 Putting it all in context …. Diving has a very good safety record Safety doesn’t happen by accident!!!

11 Practical Rescue Management DT11 11 PRM 09 v1 Copyright © BSAC 2009 Summary Personnel issues Media Incident reporting Legal process when fatalities occur ●Role and responsibilities ●Investigation of an incident ●Insight of legal process ●What can we do?

12 Practical Rescue Management DT11 12 PRM 09 v1 Copyright © BSAC 2009

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