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30 CFR Part 50. What is Part 50? Require operators & contractors to investigate mine accidents & injuries & report those meeting reporting criteria Require.

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Presentation on theme: "30 CFR Part 50. What is Part 50? Require operators & contractors to investigate mine accidents & injuries & report those meeting reporting criteria Require."— Presentation transcript:

1 30 CFR Part 50

2 What is Part 50? Require operators & contractors to investigate mine accidents & injuries & report those meeting reporting criteria Require operators & contractors to report employment data

3 Why Report? MSHA may evaluate & develop standards & programs Failure to report results in citations & fines

4 Form 7000-2 Quarterly Mine Employment & Production Report completed by each operator or contractor working on mine property & meeting reporting requirements under 30 CFR Part 45 guidelines Submitted within 15 days after end of quarter

5 Form 7000-1 Mine Accident, Injury, and Illness Report completed for accidents, injuries, or illnesses Completed & submitted within 10 working days Retained for 5 years

6 A. Identification Data 7- digit, numeric MSHA ID number 3 or 4 digit, alpha-numeric contractor ID number Report category (M/NM or coal) Mine name where accident occurred Company name & checkbox if pertains to contractor Contractor name shown in addition to the “company name”

7 B. Immediately Reportable 1.Death at mine 2.Injury with reasonable potential to cause death 3.Entrapment more than 30 minutes 4.Inundation by liquid or gas 5.Ignition/explosion of gas or dust

8 B. Immediately Reportable 6.Unplanned mine fire not extinguished in 30 minutes 7.Unplanned ignition or explosion of explosives 8.Roof fall above anchorage zone where roof bolts are used; or impairs ventilation or impedes passage

9 B. Immediately Reportable 9.Rock outburst causing miner withdrawal 10.Unstable impoundment, refuse pile, or bank requiring emergency action to prevent failure, causes evacuation or failure

10 B. Immediately Reportable 11.Damage to shaft hoist or slope that endangers or interferes with equipment use for more than 30 minutes 12.Event at mine causing death or injury to individual not on mine property

11 Ensure operator understands what is reportable, to determine if complying, & determine under- or over-reporting Part 50 Audits

12 Request Audit Mine on Program of Accident Reduction (PAR) requires a 3-year audit Determine Sentinels of Safety award winners When fatality occurs, mine audited for that year & two past years

13 Medical - First Aid Medically treated injuries ARE reportable First aid injuries NOT reportable if no lost workdays, restricted work activity, or transfer

14 What Is First Aid? One time treatment & observation of minor scratches, cuts, burns, splinters Can be done by physician or medical person Medical treatment can be done by someone other than physician

15 Medical Treatment Suturing (stitching) Treatment of fractures Cast, splint, or other means of immobilizing body part Treatment of infection Blood drainage of bruise

16 Medical Treatment Surgical debridement (removal of foreign material & dead or contaminated tissue) Abrasions of full skin depth Second & third degree burns

17 Abrasions First Aid Limited to cleaning, soaking, applying antiseptics, non- prescription medication & bandages on first visit Follow-up visits to change dressing or bandage

18 Abrasions Medical Examination for removal of imbedded foreign material, multiple soakings, whirlpool treatment, treatment of infection, or other professional treatments & any treatment involving more than minor, spot-type injury

19 Bruises First Aid Single soaking or cold compress Follow-up visits if only observation

20 Bruises Medical Multiple soakings, blood draining, or treatment beyond observation

21 Burns First Aid Cleaning or flushing surface, soaking, cold compress, antiseptics, and bandaging on the first visit Follow-up visits for observation, changing bandages, or cleaning Most 1 st degree burns

22 Burns Medical Series of treatments including soaks, whirlpool, skin grafts, & surgical debridement Most 2 nd & 3 rd degree burns

23 Cuts & Lacerations First Aid Limited to cleaning, soaking, applying antiseptics, non- prescription medication & bandages on first visit Follow-up visits to change dressing or bandage Application of butterfly closures for cosmetic purposes only

24 Cuts & Lacerations Medical Butterfly closures for noncosmetic purposes, sutures, surgical debridement, treatment of infection, or other physician- type treatments

25 Eye First Aid irrigation, removal of foreign material NOT imbedded Application of non-prescription medications Follow-up visits observation only

26 Eye Medical Removal of imbedded foreign objects Use of prescription medications Other physician-type treatment

27 Inhalation of Gases First Aid Fresh air or one-time administration of oxygen for several minutes

28 Inhalation of Gases Medical Any professional treatment beyond that mentioned under first aid, and Loss of consciousness

29 Foreign Objects First Aid Wound cleaning, removal by tweezers, application of antiseptics & non-prescription medications, and bandaging on first visit Follow-up visits for observation & changing bandages

30 Foreign Objects Medical Removal due to depth, size, shape, or location of wound Treatment for infection, tetanus booster reaction, or other professional treatment

31 Sprains & Strains First Aid Soaking, hot or cold compress, & use of elastic bandages on first visit Follow-up visits for observation & changing bandages

32 Sprains & Strains Medical Series of hot or cold soaks, whirlpools, diathermy treatment, or other professional treatments

33 Back Are strains, sprains & back injuries reportable? –Yes, if they meet conditions of occupational injuries & result in lost workdays or restricted activity

34 Stings & Bites Are they considered injuries or illnesses if occur on mine property? –Classified as occupational injuries because of the instantaneous event

35 Chiropractor Is chiropractor treatment considered medical treatment? –Yes, chiropractor can perform medical treatment. Look at severity & what is done instead of who provides it

36 Days Away What are they & how calculated? –Days employee would have worked, but could not because of injury or illness –Begin when employee does not meet next scheduled work day –Do not count days that employee was not scheduled to work

37 Restricted Work What are days of restricted work? –Days assigned to another job on temporary basis –Days worked on permanent job less than full time –Days worked at a permanent job but could not perform all duties

38 Drugs, Alcohol, Horseplay If injured under influence or engaged in horseplay, is it reportable? –Yes, if injured on mine property

39 Heart Attacks If employee suffers heart attack at work, is taken home, & then dies, is this reportable? –Yes. All fatal & nonfatal heart attacks on mine property must be reported –Final determination made by MSHA on case-by-case basis

40 Lightning If struck by lightning, is it reportable? –Yes, if on mine property

41 Illness Reportable if it MAY result from work or exposure at mine or Illness which compensation award was made

42 Reportable Injury if: 1.Require medical treatment 2.Death or loss of consciousness 3.Inability to perform all job duties 4.Temporarily assigned to other duties 5.Transferred to another job 6.Require him to be terminated

43 Off-Mine Property Are off-mine property injuries reportable? –No, MSHA has authority over only what occurs on mine property. Offsite injuries caused by mine event should be reported, but, not charged to the mining industry

44 Pain Prescriptions Use of prescription medication alone, other than for eye injury, is NOT reportable medical treatment

45 Parking Lot Injuries Are parking lot injuries reportable when employees are arriving leaving? –Yes, if lot is on mine property

46 Rights-of-Way, Railroads Are injuries happening on railroads & right-of-way on mine property reportable? –Injuries at these locations judged on case-by-case basis by MSHA

47 Teeth, Permanent or False Is an injury involving permanent or false teeth reportable? –Loss or damage to teeth causing dental repair is reportable –Broken false teeth or damage to artificial limbs not reportable

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