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1/26-27 6.8 ISRAEL/PALESTINE + TERRORISM WARM-UP: JerusalemWARM-UP: Jerusalem MINI-MAP:MINI-MAP: Israel & Palestinian Territories NOTES:NOTES: Israel &

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Presentation on theme: "1/26-27 6.8 ISRAEL/PALESTINE + TERRORISM WARM-UP: JerusalemWARM-UP: Jerusalem MINI-MAP:MINI-MAP: Israel & Palestinian Territories NOTES:NOTES: Israel &"— Presentation transcript:

1 1/26-27 6.8 ISRAEL/PALESTINE + TERRORISM WARM-UP: JerusalemWARM-UP: Jerusalem MINI-MAP:MINI-MAP: Israel & Palestinian Territories NOTES:NOTES: Israel & Palestine Conflict DISCUSS: Is Terrorism Effective in Achieving Political Goals? WRITE: Journal ReflectionWRITE: Journal Reflection

2 WARM-UP: Jerusalem Why is it crucial to know the importance of the city of Jerusalem if you want a better understanding of this region of the world?



5 God gives ABRAHAM the land of ISRAEL 2090 BC1100B.C. 1000 B.C. 586 B.C. 538 B.C. 70 A.D. 1934-1944 A.D. 1947 A.D. 1948 A.D

6 2090 BC2050 BC 1100B.C. 1000 B.C. 586 B.C. 538 B.C. 70 A.D. 1934-1944 A.D. 1947 A.D. 1948 A.D ABRAHAM is asked by God to sacrifice his son Son = ISAAC– becomes forefather of the JEWS Son = ISHMAEL – becomes forefather of the ARABS

7 ISRAELITES (Jews) go into exile in EGYPT to escape a FAMINE in Israel – they become SLAVES 2090 BC1877 BC 1100B.C. 1000 B.C. 586 B.C. 538 B.C. 70 A.D. 1934-1944 A.D. 1947 A.D. 1948 A.D

8 1100B.C. 1000 B.C. 586 B.C. 538 B.C. 70 A.D. 1934-1944 A.D.1947 A.D. 1948 A.D -MOSES leads Israelites out of EGYPT back to Israel

9 -Moses leads Israelites out of Egypt -Israelites settle between Mediterranean Sea and Dead Sea 1100B.C. 1000 B.C. 586 B.C. 538 B.C. 70 A.D. 1934-1944 A.D.1947 A.D. 1948 A.D

10 -Moses leads Israelites out of Egypt -Israelites settle between Mediterranean Sea and Dead Sea -Philistines from Greece settle nearby 1100B.C. 1000 B.C. 586 B.C. 538 B.C. 70 A.D. 1934-1944 A.D.1947 A.D. 1948 A.D Along the coast

11 -Moses leads Israelites out of Egypt -Israelites settle between Mediterranean Sea and Dead Sea -Philistines from Greece settle nearby -Israelites and Philistines eventually fight over the land; David vs. Goliath 1100B.C. 1000 B.C. 586 B.C. 538 B.C. 70 A.D. 1934-1944 A.D.1947 A.D. 1948 A.D

12 -Kingdom of ISRAEL created; established JERUSALEM as capitol 1100B.C. 1000 B.C. 586 B.C. 538 B.C. 70 A.D. 1934-1944 A.D.1947 A.D. 1948 A.D

13 -Kingdom of Israel created; est. Jerusalem as capitol -Kingdom covered present- day Israel and more -1 st Temple built; King Solomon’s

14 1100B.C. 1000 B.C. 586 B.C. 538 B.C. 70 A.D. 1934-1944 A.D.1947 A.D. 1948 A.D -Babylonians capture Jerusalem and destroy the temple -Israelites enslaved and taken to Babylon

15 1100B.C. 1000 B.C. 586 B.C. 538 B.C. 70 A.D. 1934-1944 A.D.1947 A.D. 1948 A.D -Israelites return and build 2 nd Temple

16 1100B.C. 1000 B.C. 586 B.C. 538 B.C. 70 A.D. 1934-1944 A.D.1947 A.D. 1948 A.D ROMANS destroys Jerusalem after a revolt by the Israelites

17 1100B.C. 1000 B.C. 586 B.C. 538 B.C. 70 A.D. 1934-1944 A.D.1947 A.D. 1948 A.D -ROMANS destroys Jerusalem after a revolt by the Israelites -Jews FLEE Israel (Diaspora)

18 1100B.C. 1000 B.C. 586 B.C. 538 B.C. 70 A.D. 1934-1944 A.D.1947 A.D. 1948 A.D -Rome wages war on Jews and destroys Jerusalem -Jews flee Israel (Diaspora) -Rome changes Israel’s name to Palestine

19 1100B.C. 1000 B.C. 586 B.C. 538 B.C. 70 A.D. 1934-1944 A.D.1947 A.D. 1948 A.D -Rome wages war on Jews and destroys Jerusalem -Jews flee Israel (Diaspora) -Rome changes Israel’s name to Palestine -PHILISTINES remain and later mix with ARABS, later they become PALESTINIANS.

20 1100B.C. 1000 B.C. 586 B.C. 538 B.C. 70 A.D.612 A.D. 1934-1944 A.D. 1947 A.D. 1948 A.D -The prophet MOHAMMED has a vision where he travels to JERUSALEM and is then taken into God’s presence.

21 1100B.C. 1000 B.C. 586 B.C. 538 B.C. 70 A.D.612 A.D. 1934-1944 A.D. 1947 A.D.948 A.D -The prophet Muhammad has a vision where he travels to Jerusalem and is then taken into God’s presence. -Arab traders from Saudi Arabia spread ISLAM into PALESTINE; the majority of Palestinians CONVERT to the new religion. Some Palestinians also become CHRISTIAN.

22 1100B.C. 1000 B.C. 586 B.C. 538 B.C. 70 A.D. 1934-1944 A.D.1947 A.D. 1948 A.D -Many European Jews escape NAZIS by moving to BRITISH- controlled Palestine (ZIONISM) -Palestinians FEAR Jewish takeover

23 1100B.C. 1000 B.C. 586 B.C. 538 B.C. 70 A.D. 1934-1944 A.D.1947 A.D. 1948 A.D -United Nations plans to divide Palestine into two countries; one for Palestinians and one for Jews -Plan also divides city of Jerusalem between them -Palestinians refuse

24 1100B.C. 1000 B.C. 586 B.C. 538 B.C. 70 A.D. 1934-1944 A.D.1947 A.D. 1948 A.D With US & British support, Israel DECLARES itself a country; Neighboring ARAB countries declare WAR on Israel to try to PROTECT Palestinians

25 1100B.C. 1000 B.C. 586 B.C. 538 B.C. 70 A.D. 1934-1944 A.D.1947 A.D. 1948 A.D -Israel declares itself a country; Neighboring Arab countries declare war on Israel. - Israel WINS war and ANNEXES (takes control of) more of Palestine -Palestinians flee to WEST BANK & GAZA STRIP

26 70 A.D. 1934-1944 A.D.1947 A.D. 1948 A.D. 1967 A.D SIX DAY War; Israel WINS and occupies West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights, all of Jerusalem, and part of Egypt

27 -Six Day War; Israel wins and occupies West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights, all of Jerusalem, and part of Egypt Israelis OCCUPY Palestinian areas, pushing Palestinians OUT 70 A.D. 1934-1944 A.D.1947 A.D. 1948 A.D. 1967 A.D

28 Today -Israel controls borders of Gaza Strip and West Bank -approx. 4 million Palestinian refugees -fighting between Israeli Jews and Palestinians continues still

29 Today Approx. 4 million Palestinians are permanent REFUGEES. UNEMPLOYMENT is extremely high throughout Palestinian Territories

30 Today Palestinian terrorist groups (HAMAS) vow to reclaim lost lands by any means, including acts of terrorism. Many of these terrorist groups blame the USA because we give MORE support and aid to Israel than any other country.

31 Today Israelis have tried to create a BUFFER ZONE of safety by expanding Israel’s borders through Jewish SETTLEMENTS in Palestinians areas. This has only ESCALATED tensions.

32 Today Israelis continue to keep Palestinian areas economically CUT OFF with curfews and by building a WALL to SEPARATE Israeli areas from Palestinian Areas

33 2000 Although many Politians have tried to create PEACE agreements, neither side is willing to give anything up of value to gain lasting peace.



36 They won’t even share Sesame Street!


38 Is Terrorism Ever Effective in Achieving Political Goals? What is Terrorism? –FBI defines Terrorism as the unlawful use of force and violence to intimidate or coerce a government and/or the civilian population to further their political objectives. Who Are Terrorists? –Foreign Terrorist Groups, like IRA, Shining Path, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, and Hezbollah –Domestic Groups, like the KKK and neo-Nazi groups –“Lone Wolf” terrorist are when 1-2 individuals plan an attack without direction or support from a well known group

39 Is Terrorism Ever Effective in Achieving Political Goals? What Do Terrorists Want? –They seek major changes to laws or governments, which would not be quickly achievable by normal means –One example is Hamas wants Israel to dissolve and for the Palestinian People to retake control of that land Why Don’t They Use Non-Violent Tactics? –Some groups have a non-violent wing of their group as well. For example, Hamas both builds health clinics and bombs –Other groups feel non-violence is too slow and their demands are too important to wait to change things that way

40 Is Terrorism Ever Effective in Achieving Political Goals? Why Do They Use Violence Against Innocent People? –They believe without extreme violence they will never get their message to a larger audience. –They believe violence against innocent people is justified in order to bring about a “greater good” So is Terrorism ever acceptable to use?????

41 WRITE- ON! ! ! CORE: Write 150+ word response to the question belowCORE: Write 150+ word response to the question below PreAP: 5 paragraph essay (intro, 3 body paragraphs, conclusion )PreAP: 5 paragraph essay (intro, 3 body paragraphs, conclusion ) -Is terrorism ever justified? -How can the Palestinian - Israelis be solved?


43 VIDEO: Straddling the Fence Thomas Friedman is a leading journalist who writes for the New York Times newspaper He’s an expert on the Middle East He is a Jewish-American

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