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Faradic body treatments Electrical muscle stimulation.

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2 Faradic body treatments Electrical muscle stimulation

3 What is Faradic? The faradic current is an interrupted direct current Current flowing from the pads sends a signal to the motor point of the muscle causing it to contract (in the same way as it would if the signal came from the brain) In order to resemble natural exercise the current is surged and interrupted(current causes contraction, interrupt the current and the muscle relaxes)

4 Task In pairs use the resources available to you to investigate the following; What is a motor point? What is the origin and insertion of a muscle? How do muscles contract (clue; actin and myosin)? Why is it possible to produce contraction with an electrical machine?

5 What is Faradism? A popular treatment for toning slack muscles and improving figure shapes/contours Classed as a passive exercise (as the client does not have to do anything) It is also an isometric exercise as there is no joint movement It does not alter body weight unless combined with diet and exercise

6 Effects of the current Stimulates nerves The primary reaction is a mild prickling sensation underneath the pads due to sensory nerve stimulation. Sensory stimulation causes reflex vaso-dilation of superficial blood vessels. As soon as sufficient current in applied the motor nerves are stimulated to cause muscle contraction. To avoid muscle fatigue the current must be interrupted to allow the muscle to rest

7 Effects of the current Increases blood and lymph circulation As the muscles contract and relax they exert a pumping action on the veins and lymphatic vessels around them. Muscles are supplied with more oxygen & nutrients and waste removal is more efficient.

8 Effects of the current Produces erythema A mild erythema is produced under the pads due to the dilation of superficial blood vessels.

9 Effects of the current Contracts muscle When a muscle contracts as a result of electrical stimulation it shortens and then lengthens when the current is interrupted, just as it would with voluntary muscle contraction. In time this increases/improves muscle tone. This improves the shape and contours of the body. A good contraction is obtained with the least amount of current necessary so getting the pads directly over the motor points is important.

10 Uses of faradic General toning linked to a combined treatment course Strengthen weak muscles After childbirth – GP approval, usually after 6 week check up Improve posture Body maintenance After or during dieting Reshaping specific areas

11 Contra-indications In pairs or small groups try to think of at least 5 contra-indications to faradism and why they are so? Record your findings on the task sheet provided and compare them with the answers hidden on the next slide.

12 Contra-indications Muscular disorders Nervous system disorders Metal plates, pins, piercings in the area or an IUD coil Pregnancy Epilepsy Heart or circulatory conditions Loss of skin sensation Recent surgery/scar tissue Skin diseases Diabetes Bruising Highly nervous clients Not over varicose veins Thrombosis/phlebitis

13 Reasons for poor muscle contraction Skin has not be cleansed properly, oil or grease will act as a barrier Insufficient moisture on the pads Poor pad positioning Pads are strapped too tightly to the body Current intensity is not sufficient to produce a contraction Subcutaneous fat is acting as a barrier to current flow (more common in obese clients) Muscle fatigue

14 The controls Frequency – indicates impulses per second 60 – comfortable contractions on large un- toned muscles, areas of dense subcutaneous fat or areas of high resistance 120 – stimulates superficial fascia & muscle, may be used on areas of little or not fat, or well toned muscle

15 The controls Intensity – controls level of contraction Intensity is set for each set of pads so that they can be set to suit client comfort & tone of muscle. The intensity should be turned up slowly whilst the current is flowing to avoid shocking the client with a strong muscle contraction. The controls must be at zero before you begin treatment and at the end.

16 Padding layouts Split padding the pair of pads are split & placed on corresponding muscles either side of the body – normally used on small muscles Dual padding the pair of pads are placed on the same muscle/muscle group either side of the body each side of the body is dealt with separately & different intensities can be used. This will compensate for differences in muscle size, shape, bulk & natural strength in either left or right side pads can be placed longitudinally down the length of the muscle to take greatest advantage of muscle shortening during contraction

17 Treatment times & frequency to be effective the client will need between 2 & 3 treatments per week for the first 4-6 weeks Maintenance of 1-2 treatments a month Treatments last 15-20 minutes but no longer than 30 minutes It is better to have 3 short treatments per week than 1 long treatment

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