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Warm Up: Write the question below and answer them as we watch the video. YTLIY Do you think this strategy would be.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up: Write the question below and answer them as we watch the video. YTLIY Do you think this strategy would be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up: Write the question below and answer them as we watch the video. YTLIY Do you think this strategy would be effective during a nuclear war? Why or why not? YTLIY

2 Front of the Board TPO: we will analyze the impact of the nuclear testing at the Bikini Atoll on residents using a PPT, video clips and produce journal entries. EQ: How did nuclear testing affect the population of Bikini Atoll? Reflection: STAAR: Which of the following was used as a nuclear testing site?

3 Your Life… Your Life You are resident of the Bikini Atoll, located in the Marshall Islands. The year is 1945. You and generations of your family before you have lived on these islands. WWII has just ended and the U.S. now controls your islands.

4 As we continue through your life, you will keep a diary. At each journal prompt, add a new entry to your journal.

5 Today you received this on your front door. ALERT ALERT ALERT ALERT ALERT ALERT ALERT ATTN: BIKINI RESIDENTS FROM: U.S. ARMY DATE: MARCH 18, 1946 Effective immediately, all residents of Bikini Atoll will be relocated to Rongerik Atoll. You have a week to pack your things, after which you will be shipped to Rongerik. This relocation is indefinite (that is, do not expect to return). This is MANDATORY. ALERT ALERT ALERT ALERT ALERT ALERT ALERT Entry #1: Your family has resided at the Bikini Atoll for many generations. How does this make you feel? What questions do you have? What are your concerns?

6 Relocated…AGAIN You’ve been relocated to Rongerik Atoll with your family. Life is uncertain. The island has not been inhabited by people. After a number of months it becomes apparent that the soil is not good for growing food. Fisherman are not able to catch fish because there’s no marsh to attract fish. People begin to starve. To respond, your people beg the US to relocate your people back to Bikini, but instead they move you to the island Kili.

7 Nuclear Explosion Today you see a sight you have never seen before. It now becomes apparent why they wanted you to move in the first place.

8 1/12/1947 Entry #2: How do you feel about what you saw? What are your questions? What are your concerns? How do you feel about the Americans?

9 April 23, 1954: Horrible things start to happen…. Neighboring kids have been playing outside all day. When night falls, horrible things start to happen… Many of them start to lose their hair. They become very nauseous for unknown reasons, and develop lesions on their skin. Soon after, women begin having miscarriages and stillbirths, and the babies that survive childbirth often have terrible deformities. You find out this is due to radiation from a nuclear test of a bomb much more powerful than any tested before. ENTRY #3: What have you witnessed in recent days? How does this make you and your family feel? What is your opinion toward nuclear testing?

10 Fast forward to November 1972… November 3, 1972 To Whom It May Concern: We’re delighted to inform you that Bikini Atoll is once again safe for human residents. If you wish to return to your homeland, we offer to help transport you and yours back to Bikini. We will also donate more coconut trees and agriculture to help you get back on your feet. Consider it a token of our appreciation for your sacrifices all these years. Sincerely, U.S. Military ENTRY #4: Was this expected news? How do you feel about going back to Bikini Atoll after 16 years of being away? Is the US’s offer of coconut trees and agriculture enough to make you happy?

11 BIKINI TIMES MAY 3, 1978 VOL. 2 NO. 43 Bikini Atoll to be Evacuated Once More According to new scientific studies, the water on Bikini Atoll has shown higher levels of radiation than humans should be exposed to, says Dr. Joseph B. Riley of the U.S. Army. These results go against previous reports that Bikini was safe to inhabit once again. Due to these new findings, all residents are to be evacuated effective immediately. See EVACUATED, pg A3.

12 Entry #5: React to what you read on the front page of your local news. What does this mean to you and your family? How do you feel?

13 Your Opinion In 1983, the United States Government under the 177 Agreement, agreed to provide to the Marshall Islands the sum of $150 million as a financial settlement for the damages caused by the nuclear testing program. Do you believe that the United States should still be obligated to help the Bikinians? If so, what else would you recommend that the United States do to compensate the citizens of the Marshall Islands?

14 Closure… artist-nuclear-weapons As we watch the video of nuclear testing, note: – Around which years have a lot of testing? Where were the tests in those years? – What could account for all the testing during those different time periods? (Think: wars or conflicts, shows of power – be specific!) – BONUS: Make note of one unusual time period and place where there is a lot of nuclear testing. For a pass, use your resources and figure out the history of that nuclear testing – write it up (at least a paragraph) explaining how you found your information and turn it in by Friday.

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