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Hello! Slide 1 of 18 Jackie Milne 0141 548 4939

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Presentation on theme: "Hello! Slide 1 of 18 Jackie Milne 0141 548 4939"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello! Slide 1 of 18 Jackie Milne 0141 548 4939


3 Meeting Your Legal Duties Slide 3 of 18 What are the duties? What steps can we take to meet them? Issues

4 Slide 4 of 18 Duty of Care: Take all reasonable steps to ensure ‘safety’ (behaviours AND systems). Statutory Duties: Statutory Duties: Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation. Promote equality. Safeguard welfare. (backed up by Inspectorate)

5 Inspection Framework Slide 5 of 18 Inspectors will evaluate the extent to which safeguarding arrangements are in place and regularly reviewed to keep all learners safe The provider’s arrangements for safeguarding learners meet statutory requirements and it manages any potential risks to learners appropriately. (outstanding) Handbook for the inspection of further education and skills from September 2012

6 Legal Issues Slide 6 of 18 Sexual Offences Obscene publications Cyberbullying Harassment Crime Defamation Inclusion Security & Privacy

7 Do the benefits outweigh the risks? Slide 7 of 18

8 Recent Headlines Slide 8 of 18 Think Before You Tweet or Risk Arrest FB to Identify Abusive Account Holders Teacher in FB Meltdown 10 Legal Risks of Using Twitter FB Comments Result in sacking FB Changes Privacy Settings

9 Issues Slide 9 of 18 Did you see what Julie wrote about her teacher on Twitter? Really nasty stuff about him being from India. Mrs Nelson posted a picture of herself on the beach in a bikini and without – her whole class saw it! Mr Hussain wants stuff for the college FB account, lets put up ‘Brave’. I can’t do the task as my screen reader doesn’t work with the software. How do you know his mum is dying in hospital? He wrote about it in the FB group. Anyone could see it. Did you read Mr McCail’s blog – he really hates the Principal!

10 What should we have in place? Slide 10 of 18 Appoint someone responsible (everyone?) Audit and identify areas for action Comprehensive Policies and Procedures (AUP, risk assessment, tutor checklist, incident response, take down, copyright etc.) Training, curriculum input Monitor, get feedback and provide support

11 Slide 11 of 18 JISC RSC e-Responsibility Online Resource UK Safer Internet Centre helpline Ofsted FAQs ACAS social media in the workplace

12 Slide 12 of 18 JISC Legal is hosted by the University of Strathclyde, a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC015263.

13 Cookies Slide 13 of 18

14 Cookies – the Law in One Slide Slide 14 of 18 … unless the cookie is required for the operation of the website it is necessary to have the consent of the user BEFORE a cookie is placed on their device … Deadline – 26 May 2012

15 Why Comply? Slide 15 of 18 Fair processing – DP obligations EU wide law MPN – ICO as enforcer

16 How to Comply … Slide 16 of 18 Check your cookies -audit Assess how privacy intrusive they are Decide how you are going to get consent Provide full information Do Something!


18 Slide 18 of 18 JISC Legal is hosted by the University of Strathclyde, a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC015263.

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