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Video On Demand Video on Demand is damaging to those who would normally go into DVD rental shop. The average time spent browsing in a video shop used.

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Presentation on theme: "Video On Demand Video on Demand is damaging to those who would normally go into DVD rental shop. The average time spent browsing in a video shop used."— Presentation transcript:


2 Video On Demand Video on Demand is damaging to those who would normally go into DVD rental shop. The average time spent browsing in a video shop used to be 23 minutes. This time has been seriously diminished by video on demand.

3 The most radical change in Marketing? The most radical change is social media. Traditional methods of marketing are failing in some instances. Why would this be? Name 3 possible issues?

4 Theatre Release Why do you think that films are generally first released on a Friday?


6 Marketing is an organisational function and a set of processes designed to communicate and deliver value to customers and to manage customers relationships in ways that benefit the organisers and stakeholders

7 Film marketing starts at the new production development stage and continues throughout production and into distribution and exhibition.


9 Developing and positioning the new product in the appropriate market. Understanding the competition

10 7 types of research : 1.Concept testing- can included title testing 2.Positioning Studies- analyses the various marketing assets of the film. 3.Focus Group Tests- a group of people are asked questions, opinions, attitudes towards the film idea. 4.Test Screenings- a preview to gauge audience reactions using a cross section of the population. 5.Tracking Surveys 6.Advertising Testing – measures an ads effectiveness based on consumer responses feedback and behaviour. 7.Post Testing- track changes over time to determine the success of the advertising.

11 Most films are released through what is known as the window system. In this system, films are first given a theatrical release and after a certain period of time are made available on DVD or Blu-Ray. Each window is protected from possible cannibalisation by alternative release formats. Following with the contractually agreed period then free to view and pay per view TV.

12 Conventional film marketing techniques are: Posters Trailers Merchandise Electronic Press Kits and Stills

13 Websites that allow visitors to view scenes, interviews and in-the-making documentary style shorts, play games, chat in forums, etc. Movie makers attempt to get positive press in newspapers, magazines and on entertainment TV shows. ( A press junket – journalists and entertainment reporters, reviewers are flown out to a special location for a day or weekend of interviews with the stars and directors and the reporters ask their questions.

14 Publicity Blitz – when the marketers bombard the public with posters, promos and ads, bus billboards, road billboards, teaser trailers on TV, main actors show up on major talk shows etc. Internet blitz of bloopers, behind the scenes clips and other viral videos – YouTube. Corporate and product tie-ins – Before the release of the Grinch Who Stole Christmas the Grinch was on the packages of Oreo cookies.

15 Publicity Stunt – an orchestrated media event where someone does something incredibly silly, dangerous or spectacular to draw further attention to the opening of a film.

16 Although the American movie industry take in billions of dollars a year, very few Hollywood movies actually make a profit. It costs a tremendous amount to make a major studio movie. The average production budget of a major movie reached $70.8 million in 2007, but to sell that movie to the public, studios spent another $35.9 on marketing for a total budget of $106.6 million per picture. Hollywood relies on a few hits each season to make up for the majority of films that fail to break even. The uncertainty of the movie business makes the job of the movie marketer even more important. Whether a movie is Oscar worthy or downright lousy, the movie marketer has to figure out a way to fill those seats at the multiplex.

17 Sales AgentFilm Distributor Festival Organisers

18 Film Festivals are established venues usually organised around screenings & prizes dedicated to introducing films of certain styles to paying audiences. You must apply to film festivals and not every film is accepted. Also film distributors are at the festivals and filmmakers take the opportunity to invite distributors to screenings with hopes that they can sell their films. Entrants and winners in film festivals use their involvement in their marketing material. TASK: Make a list of the most common and illustrious international film festivals

19 Some filmmakers are finding creative ways to distribute their films, through the internet. Your Task is to find definitions for the following: Streaming: P2P or Peer to Peer On Demand: Download: Video hosting/Sharing Service:

20 Traditional Advertising failing. Now you come up with 3 other possible reasons.

21 Why do you think that movies are generally released on Fridays?

22 I will provide the first one: Increased focus on the packaging and marketing of films. Why do you think this is? Now list 3 other trends that have been necessitated because of technology or society.

23 Know your target audience Know who will support your marketing Know which countries/distributors will be helpful

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