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Welcome to Lower Key Stage 2 Information Afternoon September 2015.

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1 Welcome to Lower Key Stage 2 Information Afternoon September 2015

2 Key Stage 2 Staff Year 4: Mrs Slater Year 3/4: Mrs Croghan (key stage leader) Year 3: Mrs Warham and Mrs Heron Teaching Assistants: Mr Neal and Mrs Furmston

3 Key Stage 2 Routines Setting Homework Changes to the National Curriculum Assessment Behaviour policy What to bring into school PE Key dates/contact details Information Evening – topics to be covered

4 Key Stage 2 Beginning & End of the Day What happens at the beginning & the end of the day? Juniors left at the school gate at the start of the day Collected at the school gate at the end of the day If the person who is supposed to be picking your child up is not there, they MUST come back to the school office. (the same applies after Clubs) What will I need to bring to school each day? Reading book and reading record P.E. kit (left in school for half term) Mental maths homework, reading record and English homework on a Monday Spelling and times tables homework on a Friday Water bottle

5 Key Stage 2 Morning & Lunch Breaks No free fruit in the juniors Buy a snack: toast 10p, maximum 4 slices. Spare trainers, joggers – mud Soft balls only at playtimes and no balls before school. Activity book and felt pens to be kept in tray for wet day playtimes.

6 Key Stage 2 Setting arrangements English Set 3 (Year 4 and year 5 objectives) Mrs Croghan Set 2 (year 4 objectives): Mrs Warham and Mrs Heron Set 1(year 3 objectives): Mrs Slater Maths Set 3 (year 4 and year 5 objectives): Mrs Slater Set 2 (year 4 objectives): Mrs Croghan Set 1 (year 3 objectives): Mrs Warham/Mrs Heron

7 Key Stage 2 Setting Arrangements When – 5 x a week. Every morning. Why – Children taught at appropriate pace and level to enable all to achieve full potential. How – Set according to teaching assessment levels. Movement between sets – at least half-termly reviews. Parents notified by email.

8 Key Stage 2 Spelling and handwriting Spelling lessons 4x a week. 1 st thing every morning. 4 ability based groups Spelling words on a Monday. Test on a Friday. Handwriting –Cursive script. 2x handwriting lessons per week.

9 Key Stage 2 Is The Work Hard? Builds on key stage 1 skills & knowledge English & Maths are hour long sessions, 5 times a week. Spelling 4 times a week

10 Key Stage 2 Changes to the National Curriculum – Maths Added to the Y3 curriculum: - See Year 3 Maths Checklist Adding tens or hundreds to 3-digit numbers Formal written methods for addition/subtraction 8 times tables – multiplication and division facts Counting in tenths Comparing, ordering, adding & subtracting fractions with common denominators Indentifying angles larger than/smaller than right angles Indentify horizontal, vertical, parallel and perpendicular lines Tell time to the nearest minute, including 24-hour clock and using Roman numerals  Know the number of seconds in a minute and the number of days in each month, year and leap year

11 Key Stage 2 Added to the Y4 Maths Curriculum: See year 4 Maths Checklist Solving problems with fractions and decimals to two decimal places Rounding decimals to whole numbers Roman numerals to 100 Recognising equivalent fractions Knowing equivalent decimals to common fractions Dividing by 10 and 100 (incl. with decimal answers) Using factor pairs Translation of shapes Finding perimeter/area of compound shapes Solve time conversion problems

12 Key Stage 2 2014 National Curriculum Changes to the year 3-4 English curriculum: Increasing requirements in grammar and spelling Greater emphasis on poetry – recognising different forms of poems and performing poetry Greater emphasis on evaluating, proof- reading and editing own writing. SEE YEAR 3 AND 4 ENGLISH ASSESSMENT CHECK LIST

13 Key Stage 2 Afternoons – a cross-curricula approach New National Curriculum strands covered include history, geography, science, design technology, art and music. Stand alone subjects – computer programming (not ICT), French, PE, RE English texts will also be linked to our topic area Values led curriculum – This term’s values - Peace, justice, friendship humility

14 Key Stage 2 How can we keep the peace? Our topic until February half-term. Covered in this topic: Study of a culture from a different part of the world (Mayans) Study of war craft, invasion and settlement – Romans and Greeks First world war – the Christmas Truce, science – circuits and materials Settlement of Britain by Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. SEE CURRICULUM MAP AND ENGLISH MEDIUM TERM PLAN

15 Key Stage 2 Assessment National Curriculum levels no longer exist. Your child’s achievement will be reported in terms of: Emerging Expected Exceeding Their year group’s national expected achievement. Children’s progress will continue to be closely monitored.

16 Key Stage 2 Split Classes – afternoon sessions Equal opportunity: foundation subjects Same curriculum: 2 year rolling programme The children are all in mixed ability Kagan teams in the afternoons. Work will be differentiated.

17 Key Stage 2 Homework Set on a Monday (Learning Platform) returned the following Monday (spelling and times tables tests on Fridays) Mental maths – Which book/how many questions dependent on your child’s group. Peer marked during Monday’s numeracy lesson. Approximately 3 questions gone through in class. Times tables Spelling Literacy homework task based on reading skills and comprehension Reading – reading record to complete

18 Key Stage 2 Behaviour policy review – key points: Continued emphasis on our High 5 School Rules (see next slide). Every week will be a focus on one of the High 5 Rules Golden time – all children to begin the week with full amount of golden time. Yellow card = a warning. Children attend 15 minutes lunchtime class. Red card = 5 minutes lost golden time. Each day is a new start. If they lose golden time they spend that time with their class teacher. You will be notified when your child loses golden time and why. Greater emphasis on house point rewards – linked to golden time. If you don’t lose any golden time you are awarded 15 house points. At the end of every half term the winning house will receive a prize. House points will also be counted towards class rewards.

19 Key Stage 2 High 5 School Rules Do our best Be a good ambassador Look after our belongings and the school environment Care for others Display good manners to all

20 Key Stage 2 PE PE curriculum Swimming –Spring and Summer Term PE kit to be in school at all times – PE on Wednesdays and Fridays

21 Key Stage 2 Music Can I learn to play a musical instrument? Flute, brass, clarinet, violin, piano, guitar, drums, recorders School orchestra (within the school day) School choir (Monday after school) Discuss at music evening or obtain contacts through Mrs Beresford

22 Key Stage 2 School Council Representatives from each class 1 boy and 1 girl Support and drive issues e.g behaviour policy, recycling, school charity Meet fortnightly Report at Governors’ meetings

23 Key Stage 2 Links with the church Weekly community worship on Wednesday, with Patrick Special services – Commissioning service, harvest, Christmas, leavers Celebration worship on Fridays Year 3 and 4 children to lead the Easter Service

24 Key Stage 2 Lost Property Please label all items of clothing Anything left at the end of term goes to charity.

25 Key Stage 2 Medicines Lip salves, cough sweets, sore throat lozenges, kept in teacher’s desk A form has to be completed if medicine is to be given to children Inhalers – 2 to be kept in school. One in the class room and one in the staff room

26 Key Stage 2 Key dates – autumn term Week beginning 14th September – clubs start Tuesday 15th September – commissioning service at St. Peters. Week beginning 28th September – Maxonia staff in school all week Tuesday 6th October – Harvest festival at St Peters Friday 23rd October – Year 3/4 class assembly (Mrs Croghan’s class) Friday 23rd October – break up for half term Friday 6th November – open afternoon Monday 9th November and Tuesday 10th November – parents’ evening Friday 13th November – year 3 class assembly (Mrs Warham/Mrs Heron) Friday 20th November –Greek workshops day (in school) Monday 23rd November – individual (and family) photographs Monday 30 th November – Trip to Manchester Museum of Science and Industry Tuesday 15th December – Christmas Service at St Peters 9.30 am and 6pm Wednesday 16th December - Year 3/4 Christmas Party Friday 18th December – break up

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