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Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) February 5, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) February 5, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) February 5, 2003

2 “Working Better and Together” Presentation Agenda Introduction/Welcome Notes of Previous Meeting Progress Report Distribution of TM #2 (Final) Distribution of TM #3 (Final) Overview of TM #4 (Draft) Contents of TM #5/6 What’s Next Discussion of TM #4 (Draft)

3 “Working Better and Together” Transportation Operations Transportation Operations is about “making the elements of the surface transportation system work better and together.”

4 “Working Better and Together”

5 Previous Meeting Minutes available on project web- site: Comments on Previous Meeting Minutes?

6 “Working Better and Together” Project Schedule WORK PLAN

7 “Working Better and Together” Presentation Agenda Introduction/Welcome Notes of Previous Meeting Progress Report Distribution of TM #2 (Final) Distribution of TM #3 (Final) Overview of TM #4 (Draft) Contents of TM #5/6 What’s Next Discussion of TM #4 (Draft)

8 “Working Better and Together” TM#2: Best Practices Minor comments were received on draft TM#2 Comments incorporated Final TM#2 distributed today

9 “Working Better and Together” Presentation Agenda Introduction/Welcome Notes of Previous Meeting Progress Report Distribution of TM #2 (Final) Distribution of TM #3 (Final) Overview of TM #4 (Draft) Contents of TM #5/6 What’s Next Discussion of TM #4 (Draft)

10 “Working Better and Together” TM#3: Performance Measures Comments received on draft TM#3 Comments incorporated as outlined in the following slides Final TM#3 distributed today

11 “Working Better and Together” Comments - TM#3

12 “Working Better and Together” Comments - TM#3

13 “Working Better and Together” Comments - TM#3

14 “Working Better and Together” Presentation Agenda Introduction/Welcome Notes of Previous Meeting Progress Report Distribution of TM #2 (Final) Distribution of TM #3 (Final) Overview of TM #4 (Draft) Contents of TM #5/6 What’s Next Discussion of TM #4 (Draft)

15 “Working Better and Together” Life Cycle of Regional Concept of Transportation Operations Establish Operational Goals Operational Needs Identify Policies and Practices Establish Performance Measures List of Actions Measure Operations Against Measures Identify Needed Resources and Institutional Arrangements Implement Operational Concept Formulate Policies and Procedures

16 “Working Better and Together” Tech Memo #4 “Story-line” Operational Concepts  Regional Traffic Operations Center  Local Traffic Management Center  Local Emergency Services Center  Transit Control Center  Emergency Operations Center

17 “Working Better and Together” Tech Memo #4 Summary of policies needed to meet the Goals and Objectives:  Inventory Report  Best Practices  Performance Measures Recommended Practices and Policies Action Items

18 “Working Better and Together” Comments - TM#4 (Outline)

19 “Working Better and Together” Presentation Agenda Introduction/Welcome Notes of Previous Meeting Progress Report Distribution of TM #2 (Final) Distribution of TM #3 (Final) Overview of TM #4 (Draft) Contents of TM #5/6 What’s Next Discussion of TM #4 (Draft)

20 “Working Better and Together” TM#5 (Outline) Contents of  TM#5: Necessary Institutional Arrangements, and  TM#6: Identify Resources Required for Implementation will be combined because of interdependence of issues

21 “Working Better and Together” Contents of TM#5 and #6 Enhancements to current institutional arrangements that may be necessary for achieving operational goals Existing and potential agreements for joint operations, maintenance, and procurement

22 “Working Better and Together” Contents of TM#5 and #6 Identification of resources that will be required to successfully implement the concept of operations Identification of funding needed to support various levels of operations and maintenance

23 “Working Better and Together” Contents of TM#5 and #6 Identification of basic infrastructure required, such as a TMC with connectivity to adjacent jurisdictions Recommended minimum staffing levels that would be required for a small, medium and large city

24 “Working Better and Together” Contents of TM#5 and #6 Development of a typical budget that would be needed to sustain the required levels of operations and maintenance Identification of alternate resource solutions such as contracted services

25 “Working Better and Together” Comments for TM #4  Provide by February 19, 2003 Comments input for TM #5/6  Provide by February 12, 2003 Next Meeting  March 5, 2003 Workshop  March 11,18,19 or 20, 2003 What’s Next

26 “Working Better and Together” Presentation Agenda Introduction/Welcome Notes of Previous Meeting Progress Report Distribution of TM #2 (Final) Distribution of TM #3 (Final) Overview of TM #4 (Draft) Contents of TM #5/6 What’s Next Discussion of TM #4 (Draft)

27 “Working Better and Together” Tech Memo #4 - Needed Policies

28 “Working Better and Together” Tech Memo #4 - Needed Policies

29 “Working Better and Together” Tech Memo #4 - Needed Policies

30 “Working Better and Together” Tech Memo #4 - Needed Policies

31 “Working Better and Together” Tech Memo #4 - Needed Policies

32 “Working Better and Together” Tech Memo #4 - Needed Policies

33 “Working Better and Together” Tech Memo #4 - Needed Policies

34 “Working Better and Together” Tech Memo #4 - Needed Policies

35 “Working Better and Together” Tech Memo #4 - Needed Policies

36 “Working Better and Together” Tech Memo #4 - Needed Policies

37 “Working Better and Together” Tech Memo #4 - Needed Policies

38 “Working Better and Together” Tech Memo #4 - Needed Policies Action Items  Establish a regional traffic engineering assistance program  Develop a standard set of interagency response action plans for incidents  Develop a comprehensive personnel and logistics resource list  Integrate Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) and ADOT ALERT Operations.

39 “Working Better and Together” Tech Memo #4 - Needed Policies Action Items  Develop strategy for public education of quick clearance laws  Develop a pre-qualified list of towing and recovery vehicles  Establish a multi-agency working group for incident management  Establish Inter-agency Training Sessions

40 “Working Better and Together” Comments for TM #4  Provide by February 19, 2003 Comments input for TM #5/6  Provide by February 12, 2003 Next Meeting  March 5, 2003 Workshop  March 11,18,19 or 20, 2003 What’s Next

41 Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) February 5, 2003

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