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Word of Mouth Marketing. Word of Mouth: Act of consumers providing information to other consumers.

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Presentation on theme: "Word of Mouth Marketing. Word of Mouth: Act of consumers providing information to other consumers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word of Mouth Marketing

2 Word of Mouth: Act of consumers providing information to other consumers.

3 Word of Mouth Marketing: Giving people a reason to talk about your product and service, and making it easier for that conversation to take place.

4 What is WOM Marketing? Harness, Amplify, and Improve it within a marketing objective

5 Basic WOM Elements Educating people about your products and services Identifying people most likely to share their opinions Providing tools that make it easier to share info. Studying how, where, and when opinions are shared Listening and responding to promoters, passives, and detractors

6 Why WOM in Catholic Schools? Enrollment and Resources Social Capital over Financial Capital

7 Why WOM in Catholic Schools? 70% +

8 Why WOM in Catholic Schools? Enrollment Easier leads to close Inexpensive leads to close A ‘sales force’ beyond you Works well with current marketing realities Works year round

9 Why WOM in Catholic Schools? Applies to ALL stakeholders Current parents Past parents Volunteer leaders Teachers and Staff Board/committee members Donors Parishioners Alumni Students

10 Who’s out there? Promoters Passives Detractors

11 Promoters Loyal in spite of our blemishes Evangelists Volunteers Philanthropic Reach out to other school families Willing to pay a price premium What they say…

12 Passives Will not tolerate blemishes Will consider your competition Consumer orientation Less involved WIIFM? Not talking Price sensitive What they say…

13 Detractors Actively pursuing other schools Complaining to you Complaining about you Trouble makers Price? Even FREE is too much What they say…

14 WOM Goals for Schools Goal 1 - Turn passives into promoters Goal 2 - Minimize detractors Goal 3 - Keep promoters happy and promoting

15 How do I determine promoters? Method #1 – Surface through surveys Method #2 - Ask them the Ultimate Question Method #3 - Brainstorm them

16 The Ultimate Question How likely is it that you would recommend our school to a friend or colleague? Net Promoter Score

17 Increasing the number of WOM leads Drive referrals by identifying promoters – Offer training – Offer rewards – Keep them 'Top of Mind' Drive referrals with current parents – Keep parents happy – Build a culture of referral – Ask for referrals


19 Help Promoters with Referrals Inform key admissions person about a referral Ask permission for calling them Get family ‘story’ to key admissions person

20 WOM with Staff Ask source of inquiry (WOM, website, ad, etc.) Not just WOM, but WOM - John Doe Intermittent referral ($$$) rewards

21 Enabling Referrals Materials to promoters Who to refer to is clear Regular open houses 'Email this page to a friend‘, ‘Forward to a friend’ Good news and other enhanced communication

22 Stay Top of Mind with Promoters Thank you notes 'Good news' phone calls 'How's it going' phone calls Drop by place of business E-mails Reminder at group events Pre-Catholic Schools Week letter asking for referrals

23 A Culture of Referrals Parents calling you for referrals Referrals' bulletin board E-mail needs list ‘Thank you’ for referrals Welcome packet Website that encourages referrals Creative, consistent communication

24 Ask for Referral Right after a family enrolls As part of yearly parental quality survey Whenever someone gives us a testimonial After a positive exit interview With our marketing committee During parent meeting for re-enrollment In publications and forms

25 WOM Marketing We can easily know who is referring, and who is not. Difference in satisfaction between referrers and "almost referrers" - not all that much. We can evaluate our progress over time We can determine what is and is not working In short, we can improve our WOM referrals in ways we never imagined.

26 The more we satisfy our parents... the more our value is enhanced... the larger our enrollment will become... the stronger our ministry becomes!

27 OCS Resource Portal Marketing and Enrollment Advancement Services Much More!

28 AMEN October 21: Value Propositions November 4: Marketing Bootcamp December 9: Communication Strategies February 11: Retention Strategies April 14: Lead Handling, Summer Strategies



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